Guy with crowbar shot by cops.

Really wish I could give a shit but I can't.


They try to tase him and it doesn't do anything, so they blow him away.

Video: Overkill? Cop's Shoot Suspect Armed With A Crowbar 10 Times!

(It's not really graphic from the camera's angle so even if you're squeamish at stuff like this, it's okay to watch).

I don't know. I've watched this a few times now and it just looks like complete abuse of force. Something doesn't add up. I really don't know the backstory but it just doesn't look right to me.

The guys filming the video are obviously immune to feeling who can't stop laughing at tragedy, but besides that, what do you think?

I'll be interested to see the news story on this, if one exists.

Yeah I guess you missed the part where the guy started to lunge at the cop with an axe. Derp.
a few shots to the leg, or even just one shot would have been enough.
And you know this for sure how?

Just because the guy had a crowbar and swung it doesn't mean he had intent to kill.
Really? What else would he be intending to be doing? Either way you still have the right to defend yourself with deadly force when someone is trying to do bodily harm to you that has the potential to kill you. I would say swinging a crowbar at you is trying to do bodily harm and could kill you... I know I wouldn't say "wait, he might hit me where it won't kill me."

It's pretty easy to judge someone that's in harms way when you have the luxury of watching video replays on the internet.
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The tone of the responses on this board is much different than the comments on WSHH...why is that?
I don't know... I can't even read half the shit people type on that site.

WTF is this???

use batons for what they did what they needed to do if he was dumb enough to do sum shit like that in brod day light then he needed to go anyways he would have done some more dumb shit later and i be damn if this shit were to be goin dwn and they did use some batons and aressted him then he went to jail and did his lil 3 or 4 yrs then got out and killed someone you knw or some shit how wld you feel if sum shit like that happeded to u he needed..
And you know this for sure how?

Really? What else would he be intending to be doing? Either way you still have the right to defend yourself with deadly force when someone is trying to do bodily harm to you that has the potential to kill you. I would say swinging a crowbar at you is trying to do bodily harm and could kill you... I know I wouldn't say "wait, he might hit me where it won't kill me."

It's pretty easy to judge someone that's in harms way when you have the luxury of watching video replays on the internet.

you obviously didnt read the response. They could set the dog on him, shot his legs to disable. i shot into his legs would have pretty much floored him. The cop shot him 3 times whilst standing and then carried on shooting til his emptied his cartridge while he was on the floor.
you obviously didnt read the response. They could set the dog on him, shot his legs to disable. i shot into his legs would have pretty much floored him. The cop shot him 3 times whilst standing and then carried on shooting til his emptied his cartridge while he was on the floor.

You have both a reading comprehension problem and an observation problem. Consider for a moment that a tazer in the face didn't even slow him down.

The reason for not shooting him in the leg when he's lunging at someone with an axe should therefore be painfully obvious.

Cops don't shoot to wing someone. A person can still function for a considerable amount of time even when filled with holes.

The cop shot him 5 times center mass and he was still standing and still capable of turning to swing again. He only went down from the second volley of 5 rounds. The cop did not empty his "magazine" (which is what you're trying to say).

Read what you want to read and see what you want to see, but a little logical thinking would do you some good.
Here's an interesting question...

Let's say this guy with an axe was threatening some people in public, only this time there are no cops. Then a civilian pulls a gun on him and tells him to gtfo. The axeman raises his weapon, ready to attack...and the civilian fires 11 rounds. Does the civilian go to jail or is that self defense?

In sane places, this would always be self-defense.
You have both a reading comprehension problem and an observation problem. Consider for a moment that a tazer in the face didn't even slow him down.

What does it mean? he is SUPERMAN? He is immune from eloctrocution? No dipshit, taser misfired, maybe battery failed, whatever.

The reason for not shooting him in the leg when he's lunging at someone with an axe should therefore be painfully obvious.

The cop was pretty far away, no way in striking range, a shot on the leg would stop him on his tracks, a dog woud stop him in his tracks, an attack with a heavy object like that requires a full swing, you can't jab with that it's too heavy.

Cops don't shoot to wing someone. A person can still function for a considerable amount of time even when filled with holes.

If they have a gun that's understandable, but when they have a slow and heavy weapon like a crowbar or axe.. a shot on the leg would ground them, they would not be able to run at you or dash towards you, if they do, then shoot them ahain.

The cop shot him 5 times center mass and he was still standing and still capable of turning to swing again. He only went down from the second volley of 5 rounds. The cop did not empty his "magazine" (which is what you're trying to say).
I see you're blind as well as dumb.. It;'s not like the cop shot once and waited to see if he's disabled/disarmed, he first a burst of 3 rounds at first, then he fell to the ground, and then fired 4 more to finish him off.

Read what you want to read and see what you want to see, but a little logical thinking would do you some good.

Yeah a little logic would be REEEEAL useful.
I support the Police Officers decisions. Fuck these kind of people that think they can go around swinging axes and shit. And fuck everyone else who is defending the guy.

You all weren't there, you don't know the circumstances. Maybe the guy was high on PCP, maybe that is why the taser didn't work as effectively as it should have. A Police Officers job is to protect the citizens and themselves. The dog to them is an officer, a colleague. They aren't going to put the dog on someone who has a deadly object.

I love everyone who says "Fuck the Police." I bet you won't be saying that shit when some mother fucker breaks into your house and you call 911 because your scared like a little bitch.
What does it mean? he is SUPERMAN? He is immune from eloctrocution? No dipshit, taser misfired, maybe battery failed, whatever.

Whatever? Well what was it genius? Dead battery you say? You've obviously never seen someone take a taser before without it having any effect. But let's just say it was a dead battery, the cop had about one second to decide to shoot or face his partner being hit with the axe.

The cop was pretty far away, no way in striking range, a shot on the leg would stop him on his tracks, a dog woud stop him in his tracks, an attack with a heavy object like that requires a full swing, you can't jab with that it's too heavy.

The cop was about two feet away from him trying to back pedal away with the guy advancing while he started his swing. As has been pointed out several times, a shot to the leg won't necessarily stop an attacker in his tracks, nor will a dog. A human can cover a relatively large distance in a very short amount of time. If that is indeed the kind of axe that it appears to be, then it weighs almost nothing and it has a 3 foot handle. You can swing an axe like that in a second.

If they have a gun that's understandable, but when they have a slow and heavy weapon like a crowbar or axe.. a shot on the leg would ground them, they would not be able to run at you or dash towards you, if they do, then shoot them ahain.

All these points have been covered already. A shot to the leg is an ineffective method of stopping a threat.

I see you're blind as well as dumb.. It;'s not like the cop shot once and waited to see if he's disabled/disarmed, he first a burst of 3 rounds at first, then he fell to the ground, and then fired 4 more to finish him off.

I'm blind? Watch the video again retard. You obviously can't count (or read the news article that clearly says 10 shots were fired). It was 5 shots, followed by another 5 shots. After the first 5 he did not fall to the ground, he was still standing. Cops don't shoot once and then wait to see if it has any effect. They shoot until there is no longer a threat. He was still standing and was still holding the axe. Therefore he was still a threat.

Yeah a little logic would be REEEEAL useful.

No shit. Common sense has failed you.
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my brother is a cop and he was chasing some criminal that was high on drugs, the chase went up to the 4th floor of an apt building and the guy jumped, landed and kept running.

drugs = superman is true.
The guy gets ready to swing his tool, whatever it may be, at the other cop. If that other cop is you, you have all the right in the world to shoot his brains out. Nobody is going to deny that. The problem is that cops shouldnt have those same "laissez-faire" rights, simply because they can abuse the shit out of it. Taser to the face is just sadistic? Its unnecessary AND ineffective, as youve seen in the video. The face contains a lot of bone. Those taser needles get into the bone and they cant conduct their electricity effectively anymore. Thats why it "misfired". It didnt misfire. Douchecop was out there to hurt someone. Failed because hes retarded. Then had to kill him.

Thats not some conspiracy. The way cops carry power in america puts them in a similar situation as the "jail employees" in the stanford experiment. Or the milgram experiment. Or any of a dozen other experiments that revolved around that topic. Give people such kind of power and they turn into monsters more often than not. Its not even their fault. Loving mothers torture the shit out of test subjects if told to. The individual cop is not the problem. The system is.