Guy with crowbar shot by cops.

That cop should be charged with murder, no reason at all to shoot the guy an additional 5 times when he is already on the ground.

Sure there was.

1.) To ensure the guy can't do that to the policeman & their colleagues again.

2.) To show everyone else, don't raise pick axes to cops when they have their weapons drawn.

why not be a bit proactive and spray his ass before it escalated

Because they tazed him instead? Unless you expect them to do both at the same time that wasn't an option because it escalated as soon as they started being proactive...
The one thing I took away from this video was the 'excitement' when they killed him.

How callous we have become as a society...
In after "should have shot him in the leg" comment...
I knew it was coming...

The guy had a fucking axe and was walking around swinging it at people...

Yea shoot him in the leg so he can still chop your head off when you get near him...

The cop should be charged with murder? Why? Because he wanted to keep his own life and wanted to make sure non of the other ones were murdered?

How about putting the blame where it belongs... on the dumb ass the put the axe in his own hand maybe?

Yes, let's coddle and baby criminals that threaten people's lives. That guy should have been sweet talked into dropping the axe, given hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies, put in a jail cell with cable TV and internet, and allowed to update his Facebook status and Twitter.

Fuck this bleeding heart bullshit...

You just said everything I wanted to say.
The one thing I took away from this video was the 'excitement' when they killed him.

How callous we have become as a society...

Same. Couldn't believe the people recording were laughing. That shit is fuckin sickening. I'm not defending the guys actions (the guy with the crowbar), but he was someones son, someones grandson, etc..

How the fuck could they laugh as he got shot and killed? RIP to the dude.
First 5 shots were justified, the other five were just wrong. The guys was on the ground and looks like he was shot in the back or side at best...
Oh no... someone laughed at a fool wielding an axe/bar/crowbar at innocent people...

But the "dude" was somoene's son or grandson! Not like the innocent people minding their own business when a Jason Voorhees wannabe came at them had any family.

Let's get those kids and string them up or give them the electric chair...

RIP Jason Voorhees, you will be truly missed dude!
Waiting on Al and Jesse to have press conferences denouncing the obvious abuse of power by these racist cops.

Oh wait...

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Oh no... someone laughed at a fool wielding an axe/bar/crowbar at innocent people...

But the "dude" was somoene's son or grandson! Not like the innocent people minding their own business when a Jason Voorhees wannabe came at them had any family.

Let's get those kids and string them up or give them the electric chair...

RIP Jason Voorhees, you will be truly missed dude!

You mad faggot? Lock him away. No need to shoot him 10 times.. Your dad must be a cop.

Next time quote me instead of shooting an indirect comment at me you twat.
You mad faggot? Lock him away. No need to shoot him 10 times.. Your dad must be a cop.

Next time quote me instead of shooting an indirect comment at me you twat.

Oh no... please don't call me names and try to insult my family on an internet message board while hiding behind a computer... it really hurts my feelings... lol
Oh no... please don't call me names and try to insult my family on an internet message board while hiding behind a computer... it really hurts my feelings... lol

We've got a funny guy here. Anyways, you're not even worth arguing with. If you think this guy getting shot like that is funny, you obviously have problems.
You're the one that's making it personal on here... Your response is to call names like a 5th grader... I don't think it's funny but I don't give a single fuck about that guy. Why should I? I didn't know him.. he didn't owe money.

But what is funny is all you bleeding hearts that want to feel sorry for the wack job that put a weapon in his own hands while getting mad about kids laughing and cops defending themselves and the public...

Don't want to get killed or laughed at then don't put yourself in that situation.

Boo fucking hoo!
Should've shot his ass as soon he failed to comply with their commands. If someone is armed with a deadly weapon like a crowbar - shoot the fucker with a gun (not taser/pepper spray bullshit) at the first sign of non-compliance. And if the rules don't allow that - change those stupid rules. So my take: too late. Serves him, one less rabid animal in the world! Hi5 police! Give them a promotion.

O and if you're fucking blind he actually tried to go directly after one of the cops, that's when he got BLOWN AWAY!
Here's an interesting question...

Let's say this guy with an axe was threatening some people in public, only this time there are no cops. Then a civilian pulls a gun on him and tells him to gtfo. The axeman raises his weapon, ready to attack...and the civilian fires 11 rounds. Does the civilian go to jail or is that self defense?
Self defense... the axeman made the first move...
Someone raises an axe at you it isn't because he wants to be your friend...
He wants to KILL YOU!

Of course there will be some people crying "gun control" and would say the shooter shouldn't have had a gun to begin with and should have let himself get chopped to pieces.
looked like the cop was hell bent on killing the guy, a few shots to the leg, or even just one shot would have been enough.

Just because the guy had a crowbar and swung it doesn't mean he had intent to kill. It looked like the cop and the guy had enough distance, for the cop to back off, besides when you tase someone you're meant to have distance, if you tase someone and they leap onto you and make contact, you're both fucked.

the guy was down and the cop still shot 3 or 4 bullets into him. That was fucked.

I would understand if the guy had a gun on him, sure the guy has a real chance of killing you, kill him first before he kills you, but it's total bullshit saying that the guy had a lethal weapon.