Guy with crowbar shot by cops.

Damn there are a lot of assholes up in this forum. The cop couldn't shoot him in the leg or maybe stop after the first 5 shots?

That cop should be charged with murder, no reason at all to shoot the guy an additional 5 times when he is already on the ground.
I agree that the second volley of fire was unnecessary force, he was already on the ground.

As for you who think they should just aim for the leg, that's a nice thought but impractical. Aiming for anything other than center mass increases the likelihood of a miss and a bystander being hit. It's pretty much Use of Deadly Force 101.
I agree that the second volley of fire was unnecessary force, he was already on the ground.

As for you who think they should just aim for the leg, that's a nice thought but impractical. Aiming for anything other than center mass increases the likelihood of a miss and a bystander being hit. It's pretty much Use of Deadly Force 101.

If you watch the video again closely, he was still standing after the first volley. Also another reason why you don't shoot someone in the leg because just like the tazer, it's not necessarily going to stop him especially if they're all hopped up on PCP or something.
In after "should have shot him in the leg" comment...
I knew it was coming...

The guy had a fucking axe and was walking around swinging it at people...

Yea shoot him in the leg so he can still chop your head off when you get near him...

The cop should be charged with murder? Why? Because he wanted to keep his own life and wanted to make sure non of the other ones were murdered?

How about putting the blame where it belongs... on the dumb ass the put the axe in his own hand maybe?

Yes, let's coddle and baby criminals that threaten people's lives. That guy should have been sweet talked into dropping the axe, given hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies, put in a jail cell with cable TV and internet, and allowed to update his Facebook status and Twitter.

Fuck this bleeding heart bullshit...
This guy was either asking to get killed, on drugs, or thinking deadly force could not be used against him. Either way he was a total moron and I probably would have done the same thing if I was the cop.

But like others have said, the most disturbing part of that video is the reaction of the kids in the car. Wtf kind of upbringing did they have to laugh at a person getting shot right in front of them? Maybe L.A. is more fucked up than I thought...
Yes, let's coddle and baby criminals that threaten people's lives. That guy should have been sweet talked into dropping the axe, given hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies, put in a jail cell with cable TV and internet, and allowed to update his Facebook status and Twitter.

Fuck this bleeding heart bullshit...

That ^^^^
how about some fucking pepper spray? i fail to see how the second round of shots after the brief pause can be anywhere near justified.
If you watch the video again closely, he was still standing after the first volley.
I did, and you're right. He was still standing, hunched and with his back turned. Those last five were just a retaliation from the second cop who lost his cool. The first fired five and neutralized the threat. The second cop executed the the back. I don't feel sorry for him...just saying.

Cops in Cali only use pepper spray on college kids singing kumbaya and holding hands while sitting on PUBLIC university property exercising their right to free assembly.

Everyone else gets the glock.
don't know what is more shocking, the cop shooting or the reaction of those watching (generally laughing and amused)
the guy looked like he was to attack, real bad call when you got other cops pointing guns at you

My thoughts exactly. The actions by the officer are actually explicable.
That cop needs a better gun.. Took 5 rounds to drop him and 5 more to make sure he wasn't going to move ever again.
If I was the cop I would have done the same. It's not like they just saw this guy and blasted him, one cop tried to taze him while the other covered his partner with a gun. The gun was the last resort and not the first choice.

Look at what the guy is holding, one good hit to the head and it could easily kill someone. When he brought the weapon up and started moving towards the 2nd officer, the 1st officer did what he was suppose to do, he protected his partner. Think about it this way, if there was a man with a weapon standing 4feet from your wife and he started to rush towards her and raised up the weapon as if he was about to swing, would your gut reaction be to shoot or waste the split second you have getting your pepper spray so you don't hurt the poor man that's about to knock her head off?
The guy was dangerously high on some sort of upper.

He also had a fucking ax pick in his hand.

He also wasn't shot on the ground. He was shot in the back. Whatever.
Think about it this way, if there was a man with a weapon standing 4feet from your wife and he started to rush towards her and raised up the weapon as if he was about to swing, would your gut reaction be to shoot or waste the split second you have getting your pepper spray so you don't hurt the poor man that's about to knock her head off?
No, you should beg him pretty please with sugar on top to put the axe down. And when he does, because you know for sure that he will, offer your wife to him because you know, the poor guy is obviously stressed and having a bad day, so he needs a piece of ass...
Pepper spray Vs. Axe

Let me refine that, it was obvious this dude was there to start some shit, why not be a bit proactive and spray his ass before it escalated to him swinging the axe? Maybe when he was pacing along the wall, who knows /lol