Guy with crowbar shot by cops.


Face Rocker
Jan 28, 2007
They try to tase him and it doesn't do anything, so they blow him away.

Video: Overkill? Cop's Shoot Suspect Armed With A Crowbar 10 Times!

(It's not really graphic from the camera's angle so even if you're squeamish at stuff like this, it's okay to watch).

I don't know. I've watched this a few times now and it just looks like complete abuse of force. Something doesn't add up. I really don't know the backstory but it just doesn't look right to me.

The guys filming the video are obviously immune to feeling who can't stop laughing at tragedy, but besides that, what do you think?

I'll be interested to see the news story on this, if one exists.

Can't get the video to load because my connection is all wonky right now, but that sounds like the correct [legal] escalation of force. I dislike cops a great amount, but if you're threatening cops with a deadly weapon, then you're going to get got.
They try to tase him and it doesn't do anything, then he starts to swing the weapon towards the cop with the taser in retalliation, so they blow him away.


In situations like this the officer's duty is to protect his colleagues first, the guy was obviously not going to stop, drop the weapon or give up and then moving towards the taser cop in a way that looked like he would attack? Bad idea.

The gun cop had about 0.5 seconds to make a choice.

Put another way, if I was the guy with the bar doing what he did having shown the taser to be ineffective, I'd expect to be stopped by a stronger force when I showed aggression.
don't know what is more shocking, the cop shooting or the reaction of those watching (generally laughing and amused)
the guy looked like he was to attack, real bad call when you got other cops pointing guns at you
The officers involved should have set themselves up differently. Their proximity to the front door increased the likelihood that deadly force would be used. That being said, they did warn him, and tase him, and he did not appear to respond.

If someone was about to hit your friend in the face with a crowbar, would you shoot them?

I would...and once I started pulling the trigger I would not stop until they were on the ground, and posed no further threat.

I don't like the police, and I think we have far too many police officers in America, and they do more harm than good, but I can't fault someone for defending themselves.
..... And the world had one less drain on society.

People tend to over value 'human life'.

Fuck that... some people are a waste of decent oxygen.
..... And the world had one less drain on society.

People tend to over value 'human life'.

Fuck that... some people are a waste of decent oxygen.

I can't help but agree, people who are stupid enough to do this sort of thing are almost always just wastes of resources. He was just going to end up in and out of prison for the rest of his life anyways for the same shit over and over again, fuck him. You bring a crowbar to a gun fight and you are going to lose unless you are Gordon Freeman, thank you natural selection.

That said, cops are usually just a bunch of bullies who think that their job is above the constitution. They consider themselves heroes for locking people up for victim-less crimes and generally aren't bright enough to understand their role in society. 'Just taking orders' at it's worst.
Damn there are a lot of assholes up in this forum. The cop couldn't shoot him in the leg or maybe stop after the first 5 shots?

That cop should be charged with murder, no reason at all to shoot the guy an additional 5 times when he is already on the ground.

No, but if srs I kind of agree with makethatgreen, shooting in a leg would suffice..
suicide by cop

according to a few commenters its an axe

i wouldnt have released my dog on an axe wielding subject either

the only other option would have been to shoot him

Yup, looks like a ice climbing axe. Not something you want to be on the receiving end of. Why waste perfectly good and expensive dog when you can just waste the scumbag instead. I don't see what the problem is. Looks like a perfectly legit shooting to me.
God damn there are some serous idiots on World Star:

"first off, fuck the crackers filmin this shit...that shit is not funny @all. They shot him n the face with the taser...he never swung shit. they could of use rubber bullets or shot him n the leg or released the dog on him...but to shoot him was wrong. FUCK THE PIGS...i laugh everytime they get murked cuz they derserve that shit "

I actually thought it was quite hilarious. Every time I see a video of some hoodlum like that I just wonder how they managed to make it past age 15.