Godaddy's Down

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I don't used Godaddy hosting. It's the clients that come onboard with Godaddy hosting already. Switching is a bitch and a half, and then their emails.... oh lawd. I always use LiquidWeb or Hostgator, nothing else. Everyone else sucks.

Same here with LW and HG. We rent a few servers from LW and love them. As for clients coming with Godaddy accounts attached - yeah we deal with that shit too.
Yeah DNS was affected as well; pain in the ass. This is why we follow the "not all eggs in the same basket" principle. Up until today Godaddy's dns was pretty solid -- moreso than Moniker's at least.
lol @ HostGator taking advantage of the situation on their FB fan page:

I've been transitioning all my domains to namecheap the past week. All my domains are hosted on aseohosting (except) one (my main site) which is on godaddy. My whole business is on hold until this shits done with. Gonna switch servers if it continues throughout the night.
This shows the kind of hosting they provide, theyre gonna lose a looot of clients !!
They can afford to run commercials during the SuperBowl, but can't prevent some guy in Brazil taking their entire operation down?
How is it that anyone here still has anything to do with GoDaddy after their SOPA stance?

I'm trying to come up with some analogy of how fucking stupid that is, but I won't bother because anyone I'd want to get the point across to wouldn't understand.
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