God is so good. Please, someone find this biatch and kill her.

Then you're a fool. Look at any of her other 43 films... Or her many anti-atheist quotes running down the side of her member page.

She's pure evil. :angryfire:

I don't see how I am a fool. Sure, maybe she isn't a troll, but if she is, she would be wise to have all that anti-atheist stuff on her channel. That is kinda what makes it a troll.
"If you ever thought about killing someone because you just hate them so much, that's murder, the same thing as murder"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atJA0v-Cmis]YouTube - Everyone is going to hell.[/ame]
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I dunno what to say, it's even worse than the street preacher who said that the bible doesn't say babies automatically go to heaven if they die because otherwise everyone would be going around killing babies so they would go to heaven.

I don't believe the bible says there is free will. Christians claim you have the choice to believe or the choice not to, but romans says different and you can't choose to believe something. Not to mention that god actively tries to kill you apparently in the interim because cooking in a sulfar stew for eternity isn't enough.

Man ocean spray's sales must have sunk below sea level after all this.
I'm pretty sure this bitch is a monetizing troll. I saw on ad on her channel and on another one of her videos. You guys should watch it...apparently World of Warcraft is a pandemic that is affecting 500 million people.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0UUbANG2r8"]YouTube - Satanic Video Games[/ame]
HAHA - Someone already did it on YouTube!

Name: Pamela M Foreman

Address: 15828 Hampton Village Dr

Location: Tampa, FL 33618-1654

Phone: 813-908-2330

Hee hee!!!

lol... wow ! damn that was fast and agreed, what a jackass