God is so good. Please, someone find this biatch and kill her.

God shook the country of Japan and said "hey look im here"??? ROFL I believe in god but I almost rolled the hell out of my chair when I heard that...

I'm guessing shes a member of that west burro baptist church?
sad thing is she probably started off being serious and then got accepted into the Youtube Partners program and now just doing it to say crazy stuff to troll and get her more money.

shes smart, i'll give her that and I admire her hustle for $ but ugh I hate crazy religious people.
1,304 likes, 62,351 dislikes + 154k views, 52k hate comments <-- lol

Troll successful I guess, at the cost of becoming the face of batshit evangelical hate-shrews everywhere. I couldn't imagine putting my face up on youtube like that even if it's satire. Could you imagine the phone calls she must get daily from relatives?
I don't see how I am a fool. Sure, maybe she isn't a troll, but if she is, she would be wise to have all that anti-atheist stuff on her channel. That is kinda what makes it a troll.
Well, if she is trolling it's one impressively stupid trollfest, like writing and publishing a 1,000 page manual on how to kill the president as a joke...

4Chan's got ahold of her now, unless she has drastic plastic surgury, She's going DOWN.

-I just hope the media covers her murder and links it to this.

-And tells Westboro Baptist church where they can pick up her remains.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51gMdlBu53k]YouTube - coming clean[/ame]


You don't spend a year making videos about that and when one goes over the top say "Oops I was just trollin', Nevermind."

Her mom just probably beat the holy living shit out of her when someone they knew contacted her about this film... And now mommy says "Go say it was all a lie..." and that's why we saw this film.


She's still going to die.
Fucking ugly biatch.

I'm praying to see so she catches a fucking horrible diarrhea :D
She's like gone, it looks she's been snorting something
what did that 35 second video say, that she was doing it for the lulz or some stupid shit? she seemed legit to me
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcikNCsilHk]YouTube - Girl prays to CAUSE Japanese earthquake[/ame]
cosign - she basically admits she meant to type that into the Google toolbar

nah she's free from responsibility, the evil internet did it to her. But she has had her wake up call and will repent and even more reverently declare her faith in the lord our god.
I kinda wanna see her "I'm a complete fraud and a big fan of fucking myself and other chics in the ass with ass to ass dildos" video. Should be pretty funny. Anyone have it?