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Man I know how stressed I get when one little thing goes wrong. I'd probably want to shoot myself about now if ads4dough was down the whole day.
It kind of reminds me of when millnic media got ddosed... although at least millnic sent out some notices about the downtime. I'm glad I'm not running any offers at cx dig*ital right now.
Run lighttpd or nginx instead of apache and say goodbye to DDOS.
It's a lot more complicated that just running a different set of server software on your front-end server. Not being hosted with a competent host that can deal with DDOSes, and not having a backup solution in place somewhere is one of the stupidest decisions that a business that relies on 100% uptime can make. I've never run a network before, but from previously being in the hosting business, I've seen so many companies screw that up, and I've seen quite a few companies take the proper steps to have fully redundant systems.
It's a lot more complicated that just running a different set of server software on your front-end server. Not being hosted with a competent host that can deal with DDOSes, and not having a backup solution in place somewhere is one of the stupidest decisions that a business that relies on 100% uptime can make. I've never run a network before, but from previously being in the hosting business, I've seen so many companies screw that up, and I've seen quite a few companies take the proper steps to have fully redundant systems.

well put, it's really unbelievable. when you're dealing with so much money on a daily or even hourly basis, a backup solution and a solid way to deal with attacks like this is fundamental.

On behalf of CX Digital I want to update all of our important affiliates and partners informed of the outage that we experienced on our network yesterday morning at approximately 7:30 am.

Most of you have been in direct contact with your dedicate affiliate managers but for those that have not, we wanted to take this opportunity to address this matter with you.

As a result of an attack from an unknown source, the volume of traffic directed to our network spiked to levels almost 100 times more than our normal load resulting in debilitating performance.

This attack, although directed at the CX Digital Network, is in fact a direct attack against all networks and something that we as an industry have to take very seriously. We have consulted with a variety of technology and legal professionals to determine the appropriate course of action we will take against those who initiated this breach, however, more importantly, is that we intend to share the knowledge gained including what steps were taken in order to get to the final resolution. Although we do work in a competitive industry, we also believe that working together will enable the industry as a whole to move forward and provide better rewards for everyone - networks and affiliates.

Over the past 12 months, CX has invested a significant amount of time, money and resources into building a technology platform to lead our organization and be seen as a best of breed solution for our industry - and we believe this is in place - however, this attack did provide a set back. Even with our robust and redundant infrastructure and our technology being hosted and monitored at one of the continents leading hosting facilities, this enormous spike in volume impacted the performance of our network and disabled some of our hardware making transactions impossible to process. Although some of our servers were back up and performing shortly after the initial outage, a decision was made by our internal performance team to resolve the issue to our satisfaction and to ensure that no affiliate data would be compromised and that no advertiser campaigns would be jeopardized.

I am pleased to report that with the network back up and running, both affiliates and advertisers can be assured that all of their information and campaigns are back to peak performance. I also want to thank all of the people who pitched in to help us get back up and running - both our internal team as well as the numerous affiliate and partners that provided their support - and ensure everyone that we take our business and YOUR business very seriously and that these types of issues will be fully analyzed to ensure they do not happen again.

Thanks again for your support and for those affiliates that have been impacted by this situation please don't hesitate to contact your affiliate manager.

Rafael Alter
CX Digital
what a waste of an email campaign I blitzed out as my first introduction to CX facking 20k niche specific and one fucking conversion because of their busted ass hardware.
""""YOUR business very seriously and that these types of issues will be fully analyzed to ensure they do not happen again""""

Its down again!

update...i can't get to links from fl but apparently they work in nyc and toronto.
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