Full Disclosure Arbi Campaign - Niche, keyword list, ads, everything

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There are some symbols you can put on the outside edges of your adgroup too. I use a "ø" on the outside and it may or may not be useful, but it definitely makes my ad pop out among all the others in the result pages.

A while back, I guess last spring I had been doing arbitrage. Had automatically generated template based pages with AdSense and I was cloaking them to make referrers from paid sources just see the ads and not the content. I was making great returns in a variety of niches (I was mining niche / keyword / price data in BULK, I mean BULK). Google wasn't happy about it. The only explanation I got was that MFA sites are not acceptable and my AdSense account was terminated. It would seem to me that any arbitrage site would count as "made for adsense" and get you terminated. The fact that people are saying it's acceptable just seems strange to me. If I can apply for another account, I may want to give this a whirl again. Ideally I'd like to get access to an Overture feed somehow, but I don't have the traffic to deal with them directly.
A while back, I guess last spring I had been doing arbitrage. Had automatically generated template based pages with AdSense and I was cloaking them to make referrers from paid sources just see the ads and not the content. I was making great returns in a variety of niches (I was mining niche / keyword / price data in BULK, I mean BULK). Google wasn't happy about it. The only explanation I got was that MFA sites are not acceptable and my AdSense account was terminated. It would seem to me that any arbitrage site would count as "made for adsense" and get you terminated. The fact that people are saying it's acceptable just seems strange to me. If I can apply for another account, I may want to give this a whirl again. Ideally I'd like to get access to an Overture feed somehow, but I don't have the traffic to deal with them directly.

Well, if you were cloaking then you were violating the TOS.
This is a shameless plea for help.

So, inspired by this thread, I decided to try my hand at arbitrage. I was so inspired by Deca that I stole his template for my first try. I hope I haven't stepped on your toes dude, I"ll change it if you want. It's at:

Credit Report and Credit Repair Basics for Everyone

I'm driving clicks from 7Search, Adwords and SearchFeed there, an dhave had around 125 impressions. And absolutely no clicks.

Do I have too much text there?

Also, of late I've been getting "strange ads" on the site, i.e. Handbag and apartment ads.

What am I doing wrong? And thanks Deca for inspiring a noob like myself!
Awesome post :) I've just recently caught on to arbi by accident through some trial and error and I'm eager to get further into it. This will definitely help.
There is another thing about the ShoeMoney Arrow Advert trick that doesn't work if you use the content network: The ads are reformatted in the content network to be wider and on less lines, so any attempt to line things up gets mashed. Just look at the difference when an ad appears in a Large-Rectangle or in a skyscraper or a leaderboard.
Thanks for pointing that out. I do my ads that way for my affiliate product search campaigns but didn't think it through for the content arbi stuff. I'll edit my original post.
Very helpful thread

Thanks Deka for the very helpful post. I have posted a link to it in another forum as I think it will help a lot of people who are trying to get into Adwords.

I just have one question, when you say you use the content network - do you disable the search network or do you just make your bids too low to be active on the search network?

Your feedback would be highly appreciated!

You should have separate campaigns for search and for content. I don't recommend to use the same kewords and adverts for both. You shouldn't use the same keywords because your search keywords should be tightly focussed, but your content keywords should be broader. You shouldn't use the same ads because of the KeyWord business, the way the ads get reformatted, and the fact that in search you are trying to filter out looky-loos, but in content you are dealing mostly with looky-loos. I think putting the same ad up for both networks is not the best way because they are two very different audiences.

Once I tried just setting my bid low to block the search network but allow the content. It backfired as one night the prices must have dropped and I ended up on the search network anyway, with no sales.
It backfired as one night the prices must have dropped and I ended up on the search network anyway, with no sales.

Just a clarification here, we are talking about Adsense arbitrage here. Not affiliate arbitrage. We just want the user to click on a link to get paid, we are not trying to make a "sale". You can have both the Search and Content on and be successful.

If you are doing a cost per lead or acquisition then it is advised to turn off the Content network.
If you want to run Adsense arbi on the search network. Definitely do it as a separate campaign so you can track performance between the two networks. Your ads will look different (it will have the bold) and pricing may be higher to get a decent position in search. Plus you get the benefit of individual keyword data (ctr etc) you don't get on the content network.
I'd like to point out that dynamic keyword insertion does work on the content network.

Ah, so in fact the {keyword:xyz} thing always displays "xyz" on the content network, none of the words are ever bold, and if you are only targetting the content network then {keyword:xyz} is a waste of time.

Glad we got that cleared up.
Dekalog6 -

I have downloaded the one day trial of Keyword Country and for each keyword I've tried, there is no Avg CPC - even for heavily searched keywords - i.e - Dog. Though I did note that certain keywords DID have avg CPC -like Forex. Do you know if that's being phased out because Overture is no longer around/reliable?
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Hey Megler,

Keyword Country does have missing avgCPC for certain keywords. I find the less popular the keyword the more chance there is no avgCPC number. I'm not 100% certain but I think Google used to give out those figures but no longer. I've been meaning to ask them about that.

Still, I wouldn't take avgCPC as gospel. It's just to give you an idea if a word is worth very little or if it's worth building a campaign around. You should also pay attention to the number of clicks for that keyword. Ideally, you want lots of clicks and a high avgCPC. Some niches and keywords have a much higher click rate than others.

Check out this page for more info on using KeywordCountry for Adsense.
Boost AdSense Income, increase Traffic - How Keyword Country helps

If you like KC you can buy a subscription through my affiliate link in my sig.

Good luck.
AdSense Arbitrage

Hello everyone -

My name is Michael Plante - I am the guy who wrote "AdSense Arbitrage and Leveraging" - which Dekalog6 mentioned in his first post when speaking about using the content network.

I just found your forum today actually while checking my web access logs, and wanted to find out more. After reading this thread - I have to say, you guys are really rocking on your experiments, and I highly encourage you to keep plugging at it! It's really exciting to me to see people getting jazzed about this even after 4-5 months because it proves to me that this is a long lasting situation that will continue to grow in popularity.

Dekalog6 - You are spot on with a lot of your assumptions and testing - and you need to keep working at it. You are doing a great job with your work.

If anyone here wants to communicate - that's why I joined up. I love exchanging ideas on this stuff - I have had a LOT of success with it, as well as others who have purchased my ebook. I have approx. 400 people who are members of my forum who have bought it, and are having really good success with it - not to mention the level of ideas and tactics that are being shared there. It is without a doubt one of the hottest forums on the net today in my personal opinion...:)

SInce this thread is so specific as to the subject matter, I wanted to offer everyone here an opportunity to find out more about AdSense Arbitrage, and how we are doing it. I have a free report that outlines the business model, and it will give you some insight as to how all this works.

You can download it if you wish - AdSense Arbitrage and Leveraging -Complimentary Report

I would not normally come into a forum and post up my stuff like this, but after thinking about it a moment, I decided to do it only because of the amount of people in this thread who are asking for more information, clarifiaction, etc....and I thought I could at least help in that respect. I really hope nobody takes it the wrong way and gets offended.

Like I said above, I would really like the opportunity to participate in this forum and work with all of you in this. Just let me know!

Thanks to all of you for your time today!

Michael Plante
You must have been watching those adsense decoded videos...:sleep:

Anyway - sorry if I have offended anyone in regards to my ebook - this was not my intention. Just trying to help actually. I wont make any more statements in regards to it.

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