Lalit does awesome work; I've used him many a time. Not gonna turn down free links, so I'll take a free 40 sb package.
A job well done.. - and cheap, too.
iTrader coming your way.
Save that order and place after 22nd December.
We would love to see you under our paid list client.
Hi Lalit!
I didn´t receive PM or report on my email.
And please give me the last freebie. Thanks
if there's a free one i will take it, if not i will just pay for it..either way pm me
can i get a free review of five star package.
I request my freebie for today. Thanks!
if there's a free one i will take it, if not i will just pay for it..either way pm me
Me too.
Awesome service, i have to congratulate you for offering this up for free in the festive period!.
I received my first report back within a couple of days, all social bookmarks were there and came in an excel file, very handy, fast and efficient.
I've just filled out the form for a freebie i requested on the 20th, we'll see how that goes but im sure it'll be just as good as the first.
While i'm here, can i request my last freebie since this is the 22nd?
Once this is over i'll definately be paying for your services in the future, what a great way to build a customer base!
can i have a freebie 40SB package pretty please? let me know and i'll PM you the info, thanks in advance!
I too would like a free 40SB package, please.
Waiting to send info over.
placed an order for 100 SB, sent PM