For the WF Ladies: Lover Caused Multiple Orgasm Which Lead to Near Death Experience

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I'm not showing this article to my girlfriend. No way do I want her to be craving union with some divine, infinitely loving, unconditionally supportive God-being.

I try to be like that, but who the hell can compete with God?

God can suck my ass.

Let me guess, you were an alter boy and the priest asked for special favors :uhoh2:

Total Fucking Unmitigated Re-Fucking-Tardation, how did that fucking post get in here.

Send that mojo trash back to hubpages where it belongs.

23 years without an orgasm...WTF now that's impressive , I need not read any further

Ok but in all seriousness...

I wish more guys would realize how sexually responsive women are. Shit like this CAN actually happen to them. This is an extreme case (and slightly retarded) but worth thinking about. The sexual capacity of women is far greater than men. Most guys just don't know or care how to get them there. Sadly, the majority of dudes are exactly like this crazy bitch's ex-husband.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be Peter.

It's really not that difficult. If you (talking to all guys in general here, not you Chris) can't get her there the traditional way, be comfortable in a threeway with a back massager. She has multiple orgasms, you have sex multiple times, everyone wins.
It's really not that difficult. If you (talking to all guys in general here, not you Chris) can't get her there the traditional way, be comfortable in a threeway with a back massager. She has multiple orgasms, you have sex multiple times, everyone wins.

welp... i know what im gettin you for christmas :smilie_weihnfenster:xmas-smiley-022:
this whole emotionfest that the OP called a useful post reminded me of an observation i made awhile back.

Ya know those Worlds Craziest Videos type tv shows. Every time they have a girl narrating what happened she never actually says what happened she just lists all the emotions she went through as the event took place. I was shocked and then i was like omg i'm going to die and i was really scared then i wondered if i'd ever see my family again and that made me sad then i saw help and was so relieved. But when the guys describe what happened they're all like...I jumped in the icy water and the polar bear grabbed my leg and started biting on it so i started hurt.

Once you start noticing it, it'll really start to annoy the crap outta ya. I think that's why so many rapes go unsolved because girls are fuckin retarded when they try to explain anything.

Nothing is easier to manipulate than an emotion. It's a gift to marketers and goes way beyond selling sex and berries.

That's not news to anyone here, of course.
"Oh Peter, I'm passing through time and space with my crown chakra and the energy being is telling me that my spirit is a beautiful person of love"


"Yeah that's great, bitch. Open your mouth."

Thread save

I try to be like that, but who the hell can compete with God?

Yea, He'd be a tough ex to compete with. That would give even Vishnu a complex.
this whole emotionfest that the OP called a useful post reminded me of an observation i made awhile back.

Ya know those Worlds Craziest Videos type tv shows. Every time they have a girl narrating what happened she never actually says what happened she just lists all the emotions she went through as the event took place. I was shocked and then i was like omg i'm going to die and i was really scared then i wondered if i'd ever see my family again and that made me sad then i saw help and was so relieved. But when the guys describe what happened they're all like...I jumped in the icy water and the polar bear grabbed my leg and started biting on it so i started hurt.

Once you start noticing it, it'll really start to annoy the crap outta ya. I think that's why so many rapes go unsolved because girls are fuckin retarded when they try to explain anything.

It's actually related to brain stuff. The female's communication center is more developed than the male's. Women tend to process emotion through communication. The male communication center is much closer to the "CPU" of the brain. It's not close to any emotional center. This makes it hard for men to describe or discuss emotions and it also makes men want to "fight or flight" when it comes to feelings rather than talk about them.

The distance between communication and emotional centers is part of what makes it hard for boys to write about emotions. Female teachers, of course, like "pretty and thoughtful" papers, so there can be a huge disconnect in the classroom. Just some of that teacher stuff I have bouncing around up in the old noggin. :)

P.S. I like the balls, but what's up with those facial expressions? They look like total tools.
P.S. I like the balls, but what's up with those facial expressions? They look like total tools.

It looks like they each have proctologists standing behind them, except the second guy from the left seems to be used to it.
I saw the thread title, and immediately wondered which ex-girlfriend had decided to write about me. o_O

...Heh, I keed. But seriously, going without an orgasm for 23 years? Even prisoners don't go without for that long. I'm strangely happy for her - though I could've done without the flowery language.
I read the whole thing.

Summary: Basically a 46 years old woman got her vagina penstrated by a sloppy penis, she got out of body experience. He must be hittin' the g-spot.
this whole emotionfest that the OP called a useful post reminded me of an observation i made awhile back.

Ya know those Worlds Craziest Videos type tv shows. Every time they have a girl narrating what happened she never actually says what happened she just lists all the emotions she went through as the event took place. I was shocked and then i was like omg i'm going to die and i was really scared then i wondered if i'd ever see my family again and that made me sad then i saw help and was so relieved. But when the guys describe what happened they're all like...I jumped in the icy water and the polar bear grabbed my leg and started biting on it so i started hurt.

Once you start noticing it, it'll really start to annoy the crap outta ya. I think that's why so many rapes go unsolved because girls are fuckin retarded when they try to explain anything.

hahahahha so true
I read the whole thing.

Summary: Basically a 46 years old woman got her vagina penstrated by a sloppy penis, she got out of body experience. He must be hittin' the g-spot.

Um, I don't want to get to "technical" but what the hell, it's the internet so you are allowed to throw away your inhibitions right?

Yes, among other things, the whole gist of the story was actually about multiple orgasms which are consistently attainable via a WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF THE FEMALE PROSTRATE, aka the G Spot.


Science has now confirmed that there is a female prostrate.

Now I am going to do something that will probably seem a bit risque but what the hell. Also, since their so many guys here, with the few girls here, perhaps we can chat with you like "one of the guys" such that you have some insight into women's minds and needs as well...

Firstly, a bit of disclaimer:

One of my ultimate goals in life is to see what I call 'SECULAR ABSTINENCE TRAINING' instituted in schools, in place of or in addition to traditional "sex ed". Sexual education in it's current form in the US is woefully inept and you either have the people on the right saying "dont' have sex it's bad" or the people on the left saying "kids are going to screw like rugrats anyway, just show them how to use birth control and the job is done". Needless to say both approaches are utterly ineffectual....

With the kind of education I envision for schools, students would learn about the mental AND physical aspects of the sexual act. My preference is to add the spiritual aspect as well. To meet the needs of both atheists and believers, religious contexts would be stripped away. However, I am sure even non religious types could agree that things like love, intimacy, etc - i.e. spiritual meaning nonphysical - can be an important aspect of sex that can actually ENHANCE the physical pleasure of sex.

But anyway, let's take the course....

This will be a course that men and women can take which teaches, among other things:
1) the benefits of monogamy
2) The benefits of postponing the intimacy until each person is mentally ready
3) Awareness about the female and male body, especially pleasure points - including ways to explore the body BEFORE intimacy (i.e. self-pleasuring).

Imagine a world where young men and women were free from inhibitions about exploring their bodies and didn't look upon self-pleasuring/masturbation as something "nasty" or for the religious minded something that would "send you to hell". Students would be encouraged to get to know their bodies so that

1)not only would they have a more-informed, better understanding of what pleases them physically and what their needs were mentally (ex. they would learn to distinguish between the need for intimacy and the need for the physical act of sex)


2) because they knew their body's better and, HAD AN AWARENESS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX'S BODY THAT DIDN'T COME FROM PORN OR IMMATURE QUICKIES AS A PRE-TEEN, they would, ultimately be BETTER LOVERs.

It's a crying shame that alot of young men and women have to turn to shitty porn to learn about the female body - women too.

A prime example is THE FEMALE G SPOT.

Due to sexist, way to outdated medical information, there are still thousands of male doctors out there telling people that it "doesn't exist".

WTF? Something like this SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS!!

Or, what about the difference between the Clitoral Orgasm and the G spot orgasm.

Please guys before you come in with the jokes (I know they will be coming - no pun intended), this is important!

Yes, I know in a free world, people are allowed to be intimate with whomever they choose to. However, with the right education in place, I can imagine that there are plenty of marriages out there that could be saved, plenty of boyfriends and girlfriends out there who might stay together and plenty of teens who might avoid pregnancy because they've learned how their bodies work and they know what they like and don't like so will be less prone to jump into bed "just for the hell of it" because they get all hot and bothered.

There's another discussion that one could have about marriage vs. living together, religion or whatever, but the fact of the matter is that when copies stay together and are happier, societies stay together.

As for men, imagine your lady going to work each day with a smile on her face because you gave her 10 orgasms last night!!

With more knowledge in place, the sexual act not only can be more physically fulfilling; it can reflect a truly beautiful spiritual and emotional gift to one another than makes your relationship stronger, happier and more exciting.

So with that, I'm going to post something I read from a while ago by the "expert" on the G spot. This is a guy who unfortunately lost his wife a while ago but has used his grief to try to help couples have more successful love lives and thus be happier.

Perhaps someone here can learn something and save their relationship with this vital information. I'm serious when I say things like this should be taught in school....

see the next post:


Try this. I know some of you have already but for those who haven't it'll just blow your minds. The discovery of the GSpot can literally transform a couples' love life. The reason I suggest THIS position is that once a woman is comfortable with her G-Gasms she is probably going to enjoy lots of them or many over an extended period of time. They are NOT the little "O that was nice dear." kind. They are massive, bone crunchers and will leave her utterly sapped. Women are VERY happy when they are in this state.

This information is obviously sorely lacking in the general sex education so this is just sharing an idea that many will fall in love with and a few will hate it. Typical. This is a variation. A suggestion.


Quick Back-grounder

The G&A Spot(s) are a bunch of nerve clusters which trigger endorphins (natural painkillers) during child birth. These nerve concentrations are below the surface and protected. The clit is not protected and the nerves are right on the surface. Any guy who tries to handle a clit roughly usually gets a heel up the side of his head. The GSpot is different. Once it has been triggered you can NOT treat it like a clit. Beat it up! Guys have been taught to be gentle with "that " area. Yes for the clit. NO for the G&A's.

Basic Technique ideas:

#1: Make sure she goes for a tinkle (urinates) just prior to this. The best way to “experiment ” is for the woman to relax over a bunch of pillows, face down, bum up in the air and legs comfortably wide apart. In that position with her guy either at the side, straddling one leg or sort of in the middle, the best way is with his thumb - inserted and pointing down towards the bed. If you press the thumb into the vagina until the heel of the thumb is pressing into her lips the GSpot will be right under the fat part at the end of your thumb. It’s no harder to find than that. It is a small bump roughly the same size as that fat part at the end of your thumb too so it feels a little like there’s another thumb pressing back. (ALL women have this - all women may not react the same way) Start to rub it. You can rub like you’re trying to get a spot out - back and forth or sideways or in a circular motion - it doesn’t matter. DO NOT do it too hard at first but once it puffs up and gets a little hard, that's when you can get rough with it. She'll feel like she has to go for a pee about then. Ignore her. Hold her down. Tell her to go ahead. Ladies you aren't going to pee. It just comes from some kind of build-up and "about to release" feeling. Just hang on and tell him harder or faster to increase that feeling.

#2 is: when you've triggered an orgasm, wait about 30 seconds, maybe a minute (no more)and then start again. Just as hard. Right away. It'll happen over and over as many times as you repeat it. DO NOT BE GENTLE !! Depending on what kind of shape she’s in, a slightly longer wait between orgasms is wise(ie. let her start to breathe again). My friends described those orgasms as like being hit by a train. It seems to involve the entire body. If they’ve never had a GSpot orgasm they are going to be amazed. When you do it to them again and again they will be astounded.

At that point an option that they all seem to enjoy is once she knows “that feel” she can climb on and ride you and position herself so that the end of your erection is hitting the same spot your thumb was hitting. She can then have a huge orgasm every few downstrokes and keep that up until she melts or passes out. Then it’s time to cuddle.

The first time or two it takes a few minutes. Once you've done it a few times you can usually get to the first orgasm in under two minutes - no matter what - then repeats every 30 seconds to a minute for as long as she can stand it. An average night means between 8 and 15 giant "O's". A marathon brings between 35 and 50 or more !!! She WILL have trouble walking the next day but ManOMan is it worth the shakes the next day.

One word of warning, guys, NEVER have her squat over your face, suck her clit and poke her GSPOT with your fingers. She will cum so hard and her pelvic thrusts will be so out of control that she will BREAK YOUR NOSE. Trust me on this. To combine the two (oral on the clit AND Gspot - mind-blowing if you can COMBINE both types of O's at the SAME TIME most women will claim that it just can't get any better than that) she should be on her back and your face should be sideways to her. You do not want your widow explaining how she shattered your nose bone and rammed it into your brain as she was having the best orgasm of her life.

[ame=""]YouTube - Female G Spot Stimulation Techniques | Tutorial Video[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Guys, perhaps some of you can watch this video and print out the instructions, lol.

Here's to better marriages and relationships, less std's, better satisfied women and monogamy that actually really, really rocks!
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Ok but in all seriousness...

I wish more guys would realize how sexually responsive women are. Shit like this CAN actually happen to them. This is an extreme case (and slightly retarded) but worth thinking about. The sexual capacity of women is far greater than men. Most guys just don't know or care how to get them there. Sadly, the majority of dudes are exactly like this crazy bitch's ex-husband.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be Peter.

Oh, meant to comment on this one- nice post :D . I GUAR-AN-FUCKING-TEE-You Peter didn't have to worry about breakfast in bed, having someone to willingly call up retard CPA networks for him to send him his money or a cheating girlfriend with his kind of skills, lol....
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