For the WF Ladies: Lover Caused Multiple Orgasm Which Lead to Near Death Experience

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Down under was actually Up and Above it would seem!!

Midas: Up arrow means I'm talking to the person in the post above...
Person above me in the previous post is Ridderhurstgal.

In terms of fucking the missus though, that's her decision.
If you're ever down our way, you're welcome to attempt to lay on the moves.
Considering she's 6'1" and benches
only 10kg less than I do, it'd be very amusing if she didn't like you.

Hi Harvey, I've only been to Perth and Fremantle. I never made it to Melbourne and I have no clue as to when I might be back down that way. If I do make it back down there I'll be sure to PM you ahead of time. Maybe we'll blow off the froth on a couple of pints.

I have no need nor any desire to be crossing anyone's territory for new activities.

Your reply to Ridderhurstgal commented about "Random" acts of Lesbianism not being considered cheating. She had just commented with an insinuation that if she was not so faithful to her man she might consider an encounter with me. With this in mind and then your reply to that post, it could have been construed that you were saying that "I" was actually a woman so she could go ahead and her man would/should not mind.

I apologize if I was a little jumpy, but I have come to EXPECT the "hidden" verbal daggers on this site and enjoy the encounter as much as the next participant.

It's all GOOD and it's been a pleasure making your acquaintance.

Oh, if you have already shown or told your lady about my post, please let her know that I sincerely apologize for not being able to come down there and "Amuse" her/you.



P.S. I'm a Lover
, not a Fighter.

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