Flatmate stealing food - Solutions ?


agent provocateur
Apr 28, 2010
In the shadows
So I'm sharing a flat with 2 french people, a girl and a guy. They're both studying arts, she's doing fashion, I have no idea what the fuck he's studying, he had to draw a tree for his exam.
I have noticed from the beginning that he was using my spices, onions, garlic, but now he went so far I literally want to kill him. He saw where I keep the sugar one day, 3/4 out of a fucking huge sugar container was gone by the next week.
It's gotten to a point in which I had just bought a bottle of milk, had a sip, went to bed, and then the next morning when I was making my breakfast I noticed the milk bottle was half gone. WTF ?
Not to mention, he's also gay and has no money. He's basically the best flat-mate you could wish for. He's not even renting his own place in France, he's staying at some friend's house with that guy's parents and probably doing the same thing.
I swear I feel ashamed to tell him about it because it's such a low level discussion that I preferred to avoid.

Solutions, bros ?

Make more money, and get your own place?

Failing that, move to Thailand and live with a bunch of Thais for a couple years. That nice guy attitude will be gone no problem, and you will no longer have any issues taking control, and telling someone off for eating your sugar.
It's obviously not a low level of discussion if it's bothering you that much.

Usually when something irritates someone to the point of hating another person it's smart to discuss it I don't know
I stayed with a Jew couple. The female stole my eggs in the fridge everytime. True story.
Stop being a coward. Confront him when he's obviously doing it.

If not then just accept that you are a pussy and move along.

(oh, and if you really want to mess with him just leave a note on the fridge saying one of your food items have laxative in it (or cocaine or whatever), you won't say which one, feel free to eat my food but live with the consequences)
Meh I wouldn't mind spices and sht

Using my onions or milk? I hate it when people use my milk. Fuck that. Crossing the line
Stop being a coward. Confront him when he's obviously doing it.

If not then just accept that you are a pussy and move along.

(oh, and if you really want to mess with him just leave a note on the fridge saying one of your food items have laxative in it (or cocaine or whatever), you won't say which one, feel free to eat my food but live with the consequences)

I haven't confronted him because he's so flower power and I would feel bad about it afterwards. If you think that's cowardice you are badly mistaken.
I can't believe we live in a world where a man can't even leave his sugar unattended without it being stolen.

Listen op, there's nothing you can do about it. I suggest you buy apple juice, empty it out then piss in it. When he steals your apple juice at least you have something to laugh about. When he or you move out, you tell him he's been drinking your piss for however long.

I know this isn't the solution you wanted to hear, but it's for the best really.
I'll just have to deal with it for 2 more weeks, while pissing, jizzing and adding laxatives to my milk. And making more money, of course.
I haven't confronted him because he's so flower power and I would feel bad about it afterwards. If you think that's cowardice you are badly mistaken.

Sorry, but he's not a child, he's an adult, you should treat him as one. Ultimately, you're the only person that can stop him doing it, if you chose not to, then are you seriously going to go through the rest of your life letting people take things from you without saying anything? What sort of existence is that?

Yes it's only sugar, even more reason to confront him about it.
@AdamC, I respectfully disagree with what you said, and I believe you used a non sequitur argument.
I don't think there's just one morally correct answer to this, that's why the answers varied so much.
It reminds me of this:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBdfcR-8hEY&feature=player_embedded"]Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 01 "THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER" - YouTube[/ame]
Someone used to do that a friend of mine.

He told them to stop. They still did it.

He told them to stop again. They still did it.

One day, they got a really nasty case of Campylobacter poisoning. They were shitting blood for about a week.

Moral: don't steal food from Microbiology students.

The choices here are simple. You mess with someone's food, expect pain. I don't see that you need to get into a debate about it.