Finally live on Kickstarter! All and any help is appreciated.. :)

Is there a way to add the GoPro mount to an already existing order? And when are cases going to be available?

So far, our Shopify cart isn't set up for customers to go back in and customize orders. But if you order it separately and send me a pm with your order info, I will take care of it for you.

The cases might get shipped separately, as these also did not work out with the first supplier we talked to about them. I'm hoping to make another update soon too regarding the extras, attachments, etc.

Here is an update I posted yesterday regarding the current status of delivery:
October Delivery Update - Part 1 of 2 – StayblCam

Thanks for cutting me slack :)
Actually, we are manufacturing in the USA but there are certain suppliers we still had to wait on from overseas.

Packaging is 100% Chinese.


Looks like you're assembling in the U.S. - which is smart to get around the import taxes on finished goods - but let's call a spade a spade.
Packaging is 100% Chinese.

Looks like you're assembling in the U.S. - which is smart to get around the import taxes on finished goods - but let's call a spade a spade.

I've never tried to hide the fact that a couple of components are indeed from overseas. Those components will be made here once we get up to volume.

However, 90% of the components in the product are completely manufactured, molded, and sourced on US mainland soil - so yes, I am calling a spade a spade ;)

Oh and, packaging, printing, retail box inserts, etc. too is also 100% made here in the US.

UPDATE - We are finally shipping! :)
The last few months were plagued by some obstacles and delays in manufacturing, but of course that is just part of the fun :)

But after a visit to the manufacturing facility here a few days ago, confirming all the problems have been resolved, I could finally post this update:


More pics here:
imgur: the simple image sharer

And a video tour:
StayblCam Factory Tour, California January 2015 - YouTube

Getting here wasn't exactly easy - but I would still highly recommend it. Creating your own product is an awesome experience, and with today's access to crowdfunding, and endless resources online for learning and researching - there are no excuses. Anyone can do this if they put their mind to it.

If any of you have questions about inventing, prototyping, or product development in general - I'm happy to try and answer them! :)
Hey congrats Eskil! I've been following your progress on the Fastlane forums, freakin awesome man. Next step, Shark Tank..... ;)
UPDATE - We are finally shipping! :)
The last few months were plagued by some obstacles and delays in manufacturing, but of course that is just part of the fun :)

But after a visit to the manufacturing facility here a few days ago, confirming all the problems have been resolved, I could finally post this update:

More pics here:
imgur: the simple image sharer

And a video tour:
StayblCam Factory Tour, California January 2015 - YouTube

Getting here wasn't exactly easy - but I would still highly recommend it. Creating your own product is an awesome experience, and with today's access to crowdfunding, and endless resources online for learning and researching - there are no excuses. Anyone can do this if they put their mind to it.

If any of you have questions about inventing, prototyping, or product development in general - I'm happy to try and answer them! :)

Congratulations!!! I would imagine you're feeling a tremendous sense of relief at this point?

So now that you're about to ship, do you you consider this campaign to be successful? Would you do anything differently?
Happy for you man! Hope everything continues to go well for you.
Congratulations!!! I would imagine you're feeling a tremendous sense of relief at this point?

So now that you're about to ship, do you you consider this campaign to be successful? Would you do anything differently?

Yes the relief to be done with the big manufacturing hurdle is GREAT. :)

And yeah I would definitely consider this successful and would do it again in a heartbeat. Definitely learned tons though. As for what I would change - probably begin building my email list before my Kickstarter even earlier than I did (2 months), and build up even more buzz ahead of time. Also - things ALWAYS take longer than suppliers or manufacturers estimate. Multiply every time estimate by at least 1.5x - 2x. Shit WILL happen, and you might as well prepare for a long haul. The #1 thing I would have changed inside my campaign would be to state a delivery date much later, not just a couple of months following campaign end. That was waay optimistic, lol. live and learn :)

Can I straight out buy one and get it shipped within days now?

Or are you just finishing fulfilling?

Since we are still working hard now to ship out all the backorders, orders placed today will be placed in the queue and not shipped immediately as they normally will when we are caught up. I'd say probably another 2 week wait roughly speaking for orders placed at this point.
Wow, what a cool story. I skip checking WickedFire for a months and miss out on this thread.

The nice part is I noticed it when the product was finally shipping :)

That looks like an expensive building to lease! Things must be going well.

Keep up the updates. Let us know what sort of retail deals you work out.
That looks like an expensive building to lease! Things must be going well.

Keep up the updates. Let us know what sort of retail deals you work out.
We're not leasing that entire building (I wish, lol) but our manufacturing uses parts of their facility, operators, machines, etc.

Yeah I will try to post updates here about how it goes in the next few months, if people are interested. Right now we have 20 resellers (from around 20 countries) waiting for us, along with some more magazine and tv mentions in the works. Pre-orders have come in from over 60 countries, and inside the packaging is a note encouraging every customer to join our affiliate program. Not sure if I can post about our affiliate program in this thread (mods?), but it might be of interest to some of you.

StabylCam, your gf will LOVE it.
Very cool OP good luck.
Thanks man, and yes... girlfriends everywhere will probably love this product, lol... :evil_laughter: