FBI Seizes Deep Web Black Market Silk Road, Arrest Owner

For everybody wondering why it took so long to catch him. The Feds are known for taking their time and building their case. I've read it's not uncommon for them to wait until the statute of limitations are about to run out until making an arrest.

It's nice how this guy and the Silkroad is now connected to Austrian Economics and Libertarianism. Very convinient.

IMHO, the fact that it was based on Austrian Economics is why it was so effective. It was an example of a real free market in action.

I don't think it's any part of any conspiracy to crap all over Austrian Economics or libertarianism. Most people are blissfully ignorant of such concepts. If anything, such a campaign would only raise awareness and end up educating more people about these concepts.
the FBI is claiming that they gained access (or maybe discovered, or were made aware of) the silk road "servers" but we do not know this.


more will be revealed once we get a court date and are able to see a discovery from the FBI of what happened.


More and more, court cases are being sealed and conducted behind closed doors. That's simply another giant red flag that things are continuing to go downhill.
It's nice how this guy and the Silkroad is now connected to Austrian Economics and Libertarianism. Very convinient.

Ancaps, austrians, and libertarians are the new terrorists.

Pretty much, you best not speak against fiat money, the welfare state, the warfare state, or the prison state, lest you may pay for it someday.

You can bet the NSA is scoring people, or plan to. They simply aren't collecting all that data for nothing.

And if they are, they're acting irresponsibly... much like google always has.
For everybody wondering why it took so long to catch him. The Feds are known for taking their time and building their case. I've read it's not uncommon for them to wait until the statute of limitations are about to run out until making an arrest.

The Fed's aren't as dumb as some people like to think. They sat on this fucker to build an airtight case and to get more dirt on more people.

You can bet the NSA is scoring people, or plan to. They simply aren't collecting all that data for nothing.

I wish more people understood this. I get tired of having to explain it to the "if you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about" crowd.
Some of the users of Blockchain.info, a website that provides a graphical user interface for managing Bitcoin’s entire public ledger, have already dubbed this wallet “Silkroad Seized Coins,” adding a name to a field in the upper left of its webpage that ordinarily says “Bitcoin Address.”

As of this writing, the account holds 27,365.87749559 BTC.

Kelly Langmesser, an FBI spokesperson, told Ars on Thursday that the agency had seized "more than 26,000, estimated between $3.8 to $4 million," as part of the Silk Road case. She also noted that this was the first-ever seizure of bitcoins by the FBI.

Several people have even donated additional tiny amounts of money to the account, seemingly as a way to convey a message to federal authorities in the “public field” of the transaction.


Public Note: hey computer geek, who control this address. "Ross Ulbricht" is not the bad guy, you are a bad guy. Please open your eyes, dont be brainwashed, and think your self!!!

However, Langmesser wrote to Ars on Friday saying that she was “not able to confirm” that this particular account that had drew so much attention on Blockchain.info was a federally controlled Bitcoin wallet.

"We are not confirming one account over another," she added.

Roger Ver, a spokesperson for Blockchain.info, told Ars that there was “strong correlation but no proof of causality.”

“The reported amount the FBI stole from [Silk Road] matches the approximate time and amount held in that address," he added.

Internet lobs insults at FBI’s Silk Road Bitcoin wallet | Ars Technica
I wonder how much cash this guy pocketed in the few years he operated? Anyone have a guess?
I wonder how much cash this guy pocketed in the few years he operated? Anyone have a guess?

I wonder how much cash this guy pocketed in the few years he operated? Anyone have a guess?

This was in the TechCrunch article linked in the first post...

TechCrunch said:
Although obscured, Silk Road netted big money. The total revenue generated from launch until July 23, 2013, resulted in approximately 9,519,664 Bitcoins and 614,305 Bitcoins of commission for Silk Road itself, court documents reveal. That converts to roughly $1.2 billion in revenue and $79.8 million in commissions, at current Bitcoin prices.
Does anyone find it strange that Atlantis (silk roads main competitor) shut down last week? When they shut down they gave a 1 week notice to their user's to get their funds out.

The timing is no coincidence.

Admins of Atlantis have stated they are coming back as SR2. It's all a very weird . Meanwhile BMR and Sheepsmarket(?) are already operating. I'm sure there are a dozen others...
I'd check out BMR if I were going to want to use another version of silkroad.. I'd be a little worried that SR 2.0 was just a honeypot set up by the feds. Atleast BMR has been around for a while and has users/vendors and a decent reputation.

Also, the system is well done on BMR so really all it needs is to double or triple its userbase and a clone of SR has re-opened, just with a different name. It'll be a lot easier to have all the users from SR flock to a site that already has a large userbase/selection of verified vendors than a brand new site from scratch where nobody knows if the owners are legit/not the feds.
Ulbricht owes the government $183,961,921

Remember kids, the only people who can deal drugs (legal or illegal) is the government, try and take their business and they will fuck you up.

How's old Ollie North doing these days?
As long as he's still holding on to $183 million (likely a lot less now) in bitcoin, then he still has leverage to get his sentence reduced.
If he gets life in prison, I hope his cellies are the two guys mentioned here:

Criminal Charges Against Agents Reveal Staggering Corruption in the Silk Road Investigation - Forbes

Wow, those guys were fucking idiots ... they make Martin Grunin look like a mastermind.

Guy 1: Didn't understand simple money laundering. Ironically worked for the Secret Service.
Guy 2: Worked for the DEA. Kept a paper trail of emails (with his real name), asking how he could sell his stolen bitcoins.

You'd think these guys weren't so fucking stupid, but guess not ...
Jesus Christ this case is a clusterfuck.
