Father Victim of Sandy Hook - Actor?


absolutely not, these threads are insulting to the victims of these tragedies and I will never not make you look like an idiot for making them.

absolutely not, these threads are insulting to the victims of these tragedies and I will never not make you look like an idiot for making them.

dchuk says some person is an idiot and hence that person is an idiot. Indeed, his word is gospel...chill pill still needs to be taken
There would be no reason for the government to put on a massive attack of this scale when they can just wait for the inevitable to happen and put forth their agenda when it does. Mass shootings happen on average of 2-3 per year and every few years there is a school mixed in. It's not like there aren't crazy people in the world - waiting for some crazy shit to happen is so much easier.

Just because you want to believe that our "leaders" are incapable (morally or practically) of orchestrating a heinous false flag attack like the one suggested in this thread and elsewhere does not change the fact that it could have happened.

Alternatively, just because you cling to conspiracy theories and take comfort in believing that there is some order (malicious or not) in an otherwise chaotic world does not mean that all your sociopathic "leaders" conspired to murder a bunch of children as part of some grand scheme to take your guns away.

What I'm saying is, reality doesn't give a shit about your personal biases. If all you do is research shit that confirms what you already believed for your own personal reasons, then all you're effectively doing is jerking off every like minded person around you and letting them jizz all over your face and then rubbing it in your eyes and then staggering into threads like this one looking all gross and shiny proclaiming that you know the truth.

Finally, in the words of Joseph Heller (popularized of course by Kurt Cobain):

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you."
The problem is the lack of thought that you clearly show.

Not really...to see that smiling and then a sudden 180 degree change in demeaner after the word 'start', seem fake is not unusual. So far reasons given to him for behaving this way is theory as much as you can say he being fake is a theory also. Everyone have their own free will to make up their own minds.
If all you do is research shit that confirms what you already believed for your own personal reasons, then all you're effectively doing is jerking off every like minded person around you and letting them jizz all over your face and then rubbing it in your eyes and then staggering into threads like this one looking all gross and shiny proclaiming that you know the truth.

Going in sig... that shit needs to be immortalized.
Not really...to see that smiling and then a sudden 180 degree change in demeaner after the word 'start', seem fake is not unusual. So far reasons given to him for behaving this way is theory as much as you can say he being fake is a theory also. Everyone have their own free will to make up their own minds.

How many other videos of grieving parent interviews 24 hours after a massacre have you watched to make this assertion? You're claiming this is out of the ordinary, but what exactly is ordinary in this situation?
How many other videos of grieving parent interviews 24 hours after a massacre have you watched to make this assertion? You're claiming this is out of the ordinary, but what exactly is ordinary in this situation?

I have already posted all you need to know in my previous post. Whatever you trying to explain is your interpretation and just that. Theory vs theory, what is the point. Have you seen me trying to convince anyone here? He looks fake to me, and I share the video for others to make up their own minds. Trying to convince each other is complete waste of time, nothing comes out of it. You have a high post count, have you not learnt this, with all your time on sts.
I have already posted all you need to know in my previous post. Whatever you trying to explain is your interpretation and just that. Theory vs theory, what is the point. Have you seen me trying to convince anyone here? He looks fake to me, and I share the video for others to make up their own minds. Trying to convince each other is complete waste of time, nothing comes out of it. You have a high post count, have you not learnt this, with all your time on sts.

...I don't have a theory. I saw a video of a grieving father. Whatever he does in that video is "reasonable" in the sense that everyone grieves differently during tragedies.

You have a theory. The burden of proof is on you. Posting the video and then stating your theory is no different than me posting that video and saying "clearly this man hates black people" without any substantiation other than he's acting odd compared to normal humans.
...I don't have a theory. I saw a video of a grieving father. Whatever he does in that video is "reasonable" in the sense that everyone grieves differently during tragedies.

You have a theory. The burden of proof is on you. Posting the video and then stating your theory is no different than me posting that video and saying "clearly this man hates black people" without any substantiation other than he's acting odd compared to normal humans.

No, you have an interpretation of it. It does not mean its the truth, hence it's as good as a theory. Like me I have an interpretation of it too, which obviously differs from yours. And no, I don't need to prove anything since I am not out to convince anyone with my interpretation of it, as much as I have not asked for your proof.

Also you try to compare my opening thread to something different. Reread the opening. I did not say this guy is clearly fake. I was asking does he seem fake.
No, you have an interpretation of it. It does not mean its the truth, hence it's as good as a theory. Like me I have an interpretation of it too, which obviously differs from yours. And no, I don't need to prove anything since I am not out to convince anyone with my interpretation of it, as much as I have not asked for your proof.

Also you try to compare my opening thread to something different. Reread the opening. I did not say this guy is clearly fake. I was asking does he seem fake.

What theory is it that you think I have? I have a feeling you don't actually understand what you're arguing. I am not interpreting the video or making any assertions of it, I'm taking it entirely at face value. It's a grieving father.
What theory is it that you think I have? I have a feeling you don't actually understand what you're arguing. I am not interpreting the video or making any assertions of it, I'm taking it entirely at face value. It's a grieving father.

You are interpreting his behaviour as the appropriate behaviour of a grieving father. Call it face value or not, does not change this fact, just like how you tried to compare your hypothetical 'clearly this man hates black' post to mine adds no value to your position. It is you that has no idea and arguing for arguing sake, no wonder your on 6k posts.
What theory is it that you think I have? I have a feeling you don't actually understand what you're arguing. I am not interpreting the video or making any assertions of it, I'm taking it entirely at face value. It's a grieving father.

Here's the irony, I have been telling you it's pointless arguing, trying to convince each other, it's a waste of time. So you respond by saying you feel I don't understand what I am arguing about. I do not want to convince you of anything and thus do not want to argue with you, get it?
Does Robbie Parker seem fake? Why on earth would a father smile like that on the day after his daughter been shot to death, right before an interview and completely change to another emotional extreme in a sudden?
Let it go, pal. And be thankful if you didn't lose someone dear today.