Father Victim of Sandy Hook - Actor?

I wish anti-government people would stop with the conspiracy theories. It just makes you look like a dumbass. I believe all governments are capable of doing something like this shooting and far worse, but when you have video footage like this where their evil is blatant:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbIX1CP9qr4]Madeleine Albright - 60 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

Why do you need to make shit up? You just give people a reason to dismiss everything you have to say. The government literally does and says things on a daily basis that you could use to show people how evil government really is, but some of you focus on things you can't prove. Being anti-government is good. Trying to convert others with crazy-sounding conspiracy theories isn't.
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I wish anti-government people would stop with the conspiracy theories. It just makes you look like a dumbass. I believe all governments are capable of doing something like this shooting and far worse, but when you have video footage like this where their evil is blatant:

Madeleine Albright - 60 Minutes - YouTube

Why do you need to make shit up? You just give people a reason to dismiss everything you have to say. The government literally does and says things on a daily basis that you could use to show people how evil government really is, but some of you focus on things you can't prove. Being anti-government is good. Trying to convert others with crazy-sounding conspiracy theories isn't.

Wish I could triple Like this post. People that float bullshit conspiracy theories like this do so much harm to the goal of getting the truth out there.
You said "He looks fake to me" and referred to people making up their minds.

If a smoker gets diagnosed with lung cancer and someone says "It looks to me like the smoking had nothing to do with the cancer." - this type of statement will naturally prompt more questioning than with the people who assume that the smoking contributed to causing it. It's already understood why people in society think that smoking can cause cancer. Nobody can technically 100% prove over a message board that smoking increases lung cancer risk, and most people have never done direct research in a lab in regards to that.

Unless we are talking about things like straight mathematics, people can always play games where they point out that nothing is proven. We can allege that 90% of wickedfire users are government agents and there would then be no way for them to prove that they are not. So after that all that is left is a discussion of why it would be likely that they are or are not, but again in that case the position advocating why it is likely that they are not is already going to be understood.

I asked you where I made a claim that I have the burden of proof. Again with comparisons to other hypothetical situations. Lets deal with it directly, where did I make the claim? Ok, lets make this clear, so you are saying that when I said 'he looks fake to me'...that is a claim? So the claim is 'he looks fake to me'?
By asking others if you think there's something fishy about the guys demeanor, you're implying that you think he is a fake. At that point, it's on you to provide supporting evidence to back up your theory. Everyone criticizing your theory is taking the video at face value and does not need to provide supporting evidence as they are not making any assertions that contradict the stated purpose of the video.

Lol you don't know what you're talking about. If your principle is to take things at face value, then stop it with the 'you implying this...' And take what I said at face value.

Also I never asked anyone for evidence so what's the point. I did say this back and forth is pointless, but you have to continue. Again what is my claim that i have the burden of proof, you don't even know it, apart your assumptions resulting in pointless arguments. By the way, you can ignore the last question and not post anymore if you wish. This back and forth have gone on longer than I wanted.
I asked you where I made a claim that I have the burden of proof. Again with comparisons to other hypothetical situations. Lets deal with it directly, where did I make the claim? Ok, lets make this clear, so you are saying that when I said 'he looks fake to me'...that is a claim? So the claim is 'he looks fake to me'?

If we want to get technical, that comment could be interpreted as a claim that when a supposed grieving person acts like in the video, that it gives a greater than 50% chance of them being fake.

Scientists can have theories where they might only assign a 10% chance of them being correct, and the IPCC says there is a 92% or whatever chance that humans cause a lot of the global warming, but despite not claiming 100% certainty, they are still expected to have evidence for why they think things point in that direction to that level of certainty.

I was using comparisons to try to make my points more clear. Here's another :

"We can't hire Bob, it seems to me that he is a child molester."

"Why do you say that?"

"He has a mustache and seemed nervous."

"A lot of people have mustaches and are also nervous, especially in job interviews."

Nobody can prove whether or not Bob is a molester, but it would appear that one person has made the claim that mustaches and nervousness makes a person likely to be one - and that is something that people could try to discuss in a technical burden of proof type of way if they wanted.
If we want to get technical, that comment could be interpreted as a claim that when a supposed grieving person acts like in the video, that it gives a greater than 50% chance of them being fake.

There you have it, I did not make a claim until you assumed a claim for me.

Here is what a claim is:

Claim | Define Claim at Dictionary.com

to assert or maintain as a fact: She claimed that he was telling the truth.
So saying 'he looks fake to me', i did not assert that 'he is fake'. See

saying 'he looks fake to me' != saying 'he is fake'

So you assumed a claim for me from 'he look fake to me' and worse still, dchuk assumed a claim for me right from the question I asked at the beginning of the thread, responding in a hysterical way.

As I said before I have no issues with questions. So if he had asked me 'why does he look fake to you', I would have answered. What he wanted was evidence that he is fake and that the burden of proof is on me. Why should it be. Why should I go from saying he 'looks fake to me' to proving he is fake as a fact. If I do attempt to answer, its just accepting that I made an assertion of that fact. I don't need to do that, and I won't do that.

Scientists can have theories where they might only assign a 10% chance of them being correct, and the IPCC says there is a 92% or whatever chance that humans cause a lot of the global warming, but despite not claiming 100% certainty, they are still expected to have evidence for why they think things point in that direction to that level of certainty.

I was using comparisons to try to make my points more clear. Here's another :

"We can't hire Bob, it seems to me that he is a child molester."

"Why do you say that?"

"He has a mustache and seemed nervous."

"A lot of people have mustaches and are also nervous, especially in job interviews."

Nobody can prove whether or not Bob is a molester, but it would appear that one person has made the claim that mustaches and nervousness makes a person likely to be one - and that is something that people could try to discuss in a technical burden of proof type of way if they wanted.

What I said is simple enough to not resort to comparisons, which rather than simplify things, risk the change of semantics. What I explain above is as simple as it gets. An example of how you changed the semantics is comparing my 'he looks fakes to me' to 'we can't hire Bob, it seems to me he is a child molester'. In your comparison, that guy has control of Bob's fate, and will use it negatively (not hire him). I don't have have such control, neither do I want to. Anyway your example is moot, as I have no problem with people asking me 'why do you say that?', I welcome it.

Also with making these kind of comparisons, we could always create hypothetical situations that are conducive to our argument. I could start making comparisons too but I won't as I know we'll just go down an endless unnecessary road.