Father Victim of Sandy Hook - Actor?

If the victims were killed with a knife and Walmart are advertising slashing prices during an interview with a grieving? parent, I would have to agree with conspiracy theorists that Walmart were somehow involved. But until then...

I would be too emotional to talk to anyone let alone the press but not everybody thinks or reacts the same way. Some are just stone cold or grieve in their own way in their own time.

Well that's what I'm sayin. Like I would be so out of my mind I would be doing horrible things that no sane man would ever do.

Glad to hear it man. For a minute I thought I was going to have to block your posts from showing up.
I dont normally believe all of these conspiracies and cant stand alex jones but something about this whole deal just doesn't seem right.
News report confirming 4 handguns found and AR15 left in car. Which has since been pulled by YT and NBC

There were also reports that day "confirming" his brother was the shooter. Even when given plenty of time to research stories, the media gets details wrong, makes errors in regards to the differences between gun types, etc.

Finally have seen enough evidence to make a logical decision on this all..

It's one thing to be suspicious, but another to leap to conclusions. If a lawyer was tasked with prosecuting the government or whatever group with these killings, what would they think of your "evidence"? Do you think they would view it as even 5% of enough needed for conviction?

Also let's not forget, the fact the kid shot himself via a long range rifle, yet it was confirmed there where only 4 handguns in the school. And this is by the coroner.

Source? All mainstream stories I can find say he killed himself with a handgun, and I can't even find a conspiracy site that quotes the coroner as saying otherwise.
There were also reports that day "confirming" his brother was the shooter. Even when given plenty of time to research stories, the media gets details wrong, makes errors in regards to the differences between gun types, etc.

It's one thing to be suspicious, but another to leap to conclusions. If a lawyer was tasked with prosecuting the government or whatever group with these killings, what would they think of your "evidence"? Do you think they would view it as even 5% of enough needed for conviction?

Source? All mainstream stories I can find say he killed himself with a handgun, and I can't even find a conspiracy site that quotes the coroner as saying otherwise.

Source: = Coming RIGHT from the Coroner's mouth. As filmed/covered by major media TV.. It's within the first 5 min I believe.. He says, "Assault Rifle", and again in another video of him, he states long rifle.. Also seriously, watch the video man, you'll like it.

all aboard the conspiracy train, heres the full vid.

The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed - YouTube

Also not leaping to conclusions, I've done my due diligence and research.. There's solid evidence that connects past events with this one. 3 Solid events, not one or two, but three that are all connected. Plus the overwhelming evidence on the reports of the weapons, kid, his family, the location, the testimonials, eye witnesses, etc. Let me put it this way, if I presented it to a person who had no prior knowledge of the event, media influence, etc, they were undoubtedly agree it was staged. The problem is, the gov is so massive and scary, it would never win in court, the problem is fear and intimidation. There's too much power, to even compare apples to oranges here.. But if it was a person who had no ties, influence, or value to the US then they would vote it was staged.

People today don't want to accept what they don't like. They have the media whispering in the ears, they want to believe their favorite celebrities... I'm kinda going way off topic here, but there shouldn't even be a debate on this.. Unless new evidence arises, proving everyone wrong, it's confirmed being fake.
That's not even a small part of it... lol. There's way much more backing it all up.

The whole thing was a false flag operation, complete bullshit story.. Finally have seen enough evidence to make a logical decision on this all..

Also let's not forget, the fact the kid shot himself via a long range rifle, yet it was confirmed there where only 4 handguns in the school. And this is by the coroner. But, but there was a similar gun found in his car! Yes in his car, not in the school. And it was a shotgun, lol. Get real.

lol. Get fucked, anyone thinking this really happened. So turn back on the news, sit back on the couch, and continue being the "American" they want you to be.

Evidence please.

If you post a news story reporting something that conflicts with other reports, I hope you understand that this makes information in both reports less credible, not just the one you want to be false.
Evidence please.

If you post a news story reporting something that conflicts with other reports, I hope you understand that this makes information in both reports less credible, not just the one you want to be false.

Unlike all the other school shootings, the government refuses to release the video evidence for this one. Why is that? To protect the "children"? That never stopped them before. Why wouldn't they want to use those gory images to further their agenda? Must be to revolting for the people to handle.
Unlike all the other school shootings, the government refuses to release the video evidence for this one. Why is that? To protect the "children"? That never stopped them before. Why wouldn't they want to use those gory images to further their agenda? Must be to revolting for the people to handle.

What video evidence? Can you confirm that Sandy Hook had surveillance cameras? A lack of proof is not evidence. I asked for evidence. Telling me you have never seen a moon rock in your life doesn't prove that man has never been to the moon. Further, with the government supposedly carrying out such a delicate, complex scheme would it really be hard to fake a short video clip? I've heard all kinds of theories about Aurora too, but I have friends that were there. Where is the video evidence of the video evidence being video evidence?
Evidence please.

If you post a news story reporting something that conflicts with other reports, I hope you understand that this makes information in both reports less credible, not just the one you want to be false.

No hate man... But do your own research. Time = Money. I hate these debate threads (time suck), yet I'm always tempted to drop a post or two.. I'm not talking about reports, take a look at the hard evidence. It's out there, go find it if you really care, asking for it is the same as getting your information from the news on TV... Because at some point you have to research yourself. No offense, just making my last post in the thread..
No hate man... But do your own research. Time = Money. I hate these debate threads (time suck), yet I'm always tempted to drop a post or two.. I'm not talking about reports, take a look at the hard evidence. It's out there, go find it if you really care, asking for it is the same as getting your information from the news on TV... Because at some point you have to research yourself. No offense, just making my last post in the thread..

cop out of the year right here.
What video evidence? Can you confirm that Sandy Hook had surveillance cameras? A lack of proof is not evidence. I asked for evidence. Telling me you have never seen a moon rock in your life doesn't prove that man has never been to the moon. Further, with the government supposedly carrying out such a delicate, complex scheme would it really be hard to fake a short video clip? I've heard all kinds of theories about Aurora too, but I have friends that were there. Where is the video evidence of the video evidence being video evidence?

I never said it didn't happen, or that the gov did this. All I am suggesting is there are a lot of holes in the official story. You are free to believe whatever you want, as am I. The truth is out there somewhere.
No hate man... But do your own research. Time = Money. I hate these debate threads (time suck), yet I'm always tempted to drop a post or two.. I'm not talking about reports, take a look at the hard evidence. It's out there, go find it if you really care, asking for it is the same as getting your information from the news on TV... Because at some point you have to research yourself. No offense, just making my last post in the thread..

Makes massive overreaching conspiracy assertion, ducks out when any actual evidence is demanded.

Case fucking closed gents, this Internet forum user has done his due diligence, clearly the professional investigators should take some notes from this genius.
No hate man... But do your own research. Time = Money. I hate these debate threads (time suck), yet I'm always tempted to drop a post or two.. I'm not talking about reports, take a look at the hard evidence. It's out there, go find it if you really care, asking for it is the same as getting your information from the news on TV... Because at some point you have to research yourself. No offense, just making my last post in the thread..

What a classic sidestep. If you're not talking about reports, where did you get the information that there were 4 handguns used rather than 2 and a rifle? Unless you were there or have video you got that from a report. What makes that report more credible than the many others that a bushmaster was used? Where did you get the information about the coroner's claims? These are pretty simple questions to answer. Not asking for proof is like getting your information from the news on TV. I want to see the best evidence for such claims so I can be as informed as possible.
The whole thing stinks.

There is a pic somewhere of the lawyer for the Batman shooter as also being a parent in the S.B. school.
I seriously hate how the news treats events like this.

Why the fuck doesn't the news focus more on positive shit? The media is turning our nation into a bunch of pussies and cowards.
If you want to believe that some all-powerful entity is controlling the events most people take for granted, just start believing in god, and get off of this conspiracy business.

You'll be happier, you'll instantly gain millions of friends, and your theories for explaining what you don't understand will be backed by thousands of years of dogma, instead of hundreds of hours of staring at YT videos looking for clues.
Source: = Coming RIGHT from the Coroner's mouth. As filmed/covered by major media TV.. It's within the first 5 min I believe.. He says, "Assault Rifle", and again in another video of him, he states long rifle..

Watch the whole video below and it is clear he is referring to a rifle being used on the victims. After 8 minutes in he is asked "Did the gunman kill himself with the rifle?" He replies, "No. I don't know yet, I'll examine him tomorrow morning."

His first response was an immediate and sure sounding "no", probably because that is what he strongly believed from having viewed the body, but then he changes it to "I don't know", maybe because he realizes that it would be unprofessional to give a definitive answer before having done the autopsy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE0OT5od9DA]Medical Examiner FULL Press Conference - Sandy Hook School Mass Shooting - YouTube[/ame]

There's solid evidence that connects past events with this one.

Parents are connected to children and parents are always considered as suspects in typical child homicide cases, but connections on their own don't prove anything.

The problem is, the gov is so massive and scary, it would never win in court,

The US legal system isn't based on the Salem witch trials. You would have to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, and again, in this case I don't see how you would even be 5% of the way there.

there shouldn't even be a debate on this.. Unless new evidence arises, proving everyone wrong, it's confirmed being fake.

You're acting like there is clear smoking gun proof. I can speculate that the guy down the street is having an affair, and I may be correct, but if I say that it is not debatable, that would imply that I have clear video of him caught in the act or something like that.
This thread is almost as bad as when idiots here criticize military tactical decisions because they've logged a few hundred hours in call of duty. Maybe he was smiling to try and maintain his composure and then he lost it? Dude smiles and you think HE'S A FUCKING ACTOR????
