Father Victim of Sandy Hook - Actor?


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Watch the following video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKWgCRBR5qE]Robbie Parker Fake Actor Sandy Hook Shooting - YouTube[/ame]

Does Robbie Parker seem fake? Why on earth would a father smile like that on the day after his daughter been shot to death, right before an interview and completely change to another emotional extreme in a sudden?

That was seriously weird to me as well.
Not sure what to make of it. Maybe the guy was just in shock so who knows how he was supposed to behave.
Not everyone reacts the same predictable way to traumatic events. Trauma affects everyone differently.
just go and look at the interviews with the rest of the parents. They all look the same
I've seen some crazy emotional shit happen from shock like that, and when I totaled a car at age 17 I was in some shock like that myself. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face, asked a witness if my crash looked like the general lee in dukes of hazard, laughingly...

There were tons of fishy things about these shootings, but unless someone proves that the guy interviewed hasn't lost a kid there, then this kind of video is pointlessly barking up the wrong tree. (Even if it's the right tree.)
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I've seen some crazy emotional shit happen from shock like that, and when I totaled a car at age 17 I was in some shock like that myself. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face, asked a witness if my crash looked like the general lee in dukes of hazard, laughingly...

There were tons of fishy things about these shootings, but unless someone proves that the guy interviewed wasn't living there or hasn't lost a kid there, then this kind of video is pointlessly barking up the wrong tree.


You're better off asking yourself why the media is pushing the assault weapons, when other than the police one wasnt even used.

News report confirming 4 handguns found and AR15 left in car. Which has since been pulled by YT and NBC
I've seen some crazy emotional shit happen from shock like that, and when I totaled a car at age 17 I was in some shock like that myself. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face, asked a witness if my crash looked like the general lee in dukes of hazard, laughingly...

There were tons of fishy things about these shootings, but unless someone proves that the guy interviewed hasn't lost a kid there, then this kind of video is pointlessly barking up the wrong tree. (Even if it's the right tree.)

For once, I agree every word you said. It couldn't have been better stated. :thumbsup:
all aboard the conspiracy train, heres the full vid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx9GxXYKx_8]The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed - YouTube[/ame]
I don't have any kids but I would imagine if I did, the day after the shooting I would be naked in the woods eating squirrels or something. Not talking to the media. I guess you don't know how you would react until you're in that situation.
We all know how the real victim's family should behave. All of us have seen it in American movies and whoever behaves differently influenced with shock and tragedy is a fucking liar.
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Watch the following video:

Robbie Parker Fake Actor Sandy Hook Shooting - YouTube

Does Robbie Parker seem fake? Why on earth would a father smile like that on the day after his daughter been shot to death, right before an interview and completely change to another emotional extreme in a sudden?

This thread is almost as bad as when idiots here criticize military tactical decisions because they've logged a few hundred hours in call of duty. Maybe he was smiling to try and maintain his composure and then he lost it? Dude smiles and you think HE'S A FUCKING ACTOR????
I don't have any kids but I would imagine if I did, the day after the shooting I would be naked in the woods eating squirrels or something.

What the fuck did a squirrel ever do to you? I'm tired of seeing dickheads running around picking on all of those cuddly motherfuckers.

Have you seen a squirrel store walnuts for the winter? HAVE YOU!?!?!
That's not even a small part of it... lol. There's way much more backing it all up.

The whole thing was a false flag operation, complete bullshit story.. Finally have seen enough evidence to make a logical decision on this all..

Also let's not forget, the fact the kid shot himself via a long range rifle, yet it was confirmed there where only 4 handguns in the school. And this is by the coroner. But, but there was a similar gun found in his car! Yes in his car, not in the school. And it was a shotgun, lol. Get real.

lol. Get fucked, anyone thinking this really happened. So turn back on the news, sit back on the couch, and continue being the "American" they want you to be.
What the fuck did a squirrel ever do to you? I'm tired of seeing dickheads running around picking on all of those cuddly motherfuckers.

Have you seen a squirrel store walnuts for the winter? HAVE YOU!?!?!

Well that's what I'm sayin. Like I would be so out of my mind I would be doing horrible things that no sane man would ever do.