Facebook Social Ads

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People, if you have no fucking clue what is going to work, set you CPC to what you are willing to pay, then set your daily budget to $10
You can always go back and change the $10 to $50 also raise the CPC.

If I know I convert 13-16% on a dating offer, paying $5/lead - I dont want a max cpc more than $0.65 - Ever

100*.13 = 13 13*$5=$65 $65/100=$0.65

That is to break even at my lowest estimated conversion ratio
Obviously if I see clicks coming it at exactly $0.65 I know this is not going to be PROFITABLE - At least it wont be a LOSS

I had a vistaprint offer up... spent $50... had 1,454 clicks.... 0 leads :( No bueno.
Targeted 18-65. Any ideas? because that one really rocked... got into the millions on the impressions in one day. crazy.
I had a vistaprint offer up... spent $50... had 1,454 clicks.... 0 leads :( No bueno.
Targeted 18-65. Any ideas? because that one really rocked... got into the millions on the impressions in one day. crazy.

wow your doin something wrong or your tracking is fucked

I like the new interface...the cloaked links I was using before with flyers are getting disabled now tho ...so i just threw up a LP and things are looking good, CTR is similar and i'm getting lower CPC than with flyers....for now anyways, time will tell
Brayden, who was the offer through? Which network?
I had an issue with about 2000 clicks to a dating offer and not one lead
I was told by a source at copeac that the IT guys tested the link and it "appears" to be a tracking issue.
That being said, i would at least bring it up to your AM
I don't trust copeac's tracking anymore. Azoogle has been good to me, I've never seen tracking issues. It's also a good idea to test free/cheap offers yourself for tracking before starting a huge campaign.

Ad delivery seems horribly slow today, btw...
shoot, my ad is active but no impression today..yesterday has 100000 impression with 11 clicks..today none, but still active..WTF..any idea?
shoot, my ad is active but no impression today..yesterday has 100000 impression with 11 clicks..today none, but still active..WTF..any idea?

Your CTR is really low so they slow down your impressions, you'll have to raise your bid to speed it back up. At least I think thats how it's working as they don't tell us at all.:repuke:
I had a vistaprint offer up... spent $50... had 1,454 clicks.... 0 leads :( No bueno.

Wow yeah...that doesn't make sense. But you're getting fantastic clicks.

I put a $20/day limit, put 0.25 cents per click (anyone doing per impression?)

on a day I get 2000 impressions and not a single click (it's facebook this doesn't sound wrong. I think the impressions sound too low though no?)

And this is after a couple of days of ZERO impressions?

Any advice? :bigear:
I haven't gotten many impressions since this morning, even with a budget & cost raise on my part. On the other hand, all I've seen all day on my personal account have been media buys. I sorta find it funny that I'm seeing media buy ads for Zwinkys and Free Coach Bags, when both of these (Zwinkys for the software/smiley stuff - It's owned by IAC, as is SmileyCentral, and Free Coach Bags for being an email submit) go against FB's ad guidelines. I guess when you pay them enough for untargeted traffic they'll give you leeway...

I wonder if this new press brought them more high-rolling ad buyers on their normal interface? I actually saw Kaplan Test prep advertising on the "new flyers" yesterday, so it seems like large corporations are finally taking notice of their better targeting options.
Update: I've actually seen a few old Flyer Pro flyers today, but nothing new. I'm banking on a system wide issue of some sort.
those ad guidlines are for guys like us not for the big media buys...they don't want us pushing zip submits ect cuz they convert like crazy and it will take away from the big players bottom line

I haven't gotten many impressions since this morning, even with a budget & cost raise on my part. On the other hand, all I've seen all day on my personal account have been media buys. I sorta find it funny that I'm seeing media buy ads for Zwinkys and Free Coach Bags, when both of these (Zwinkys for the software/smiley stuff - It's owned by IAC, as is SmileyCentral, and Free Coach Bags for being an email submit) go against FB's ad guidelines. I guess when you pay them enough for untargeted traffic they'll give you leeway...

I wonder if this new press brought them more high-rolling ad buyers on their normal interface? I actually saw Kaplan Test prep advertising on the "new flyers" yesterday, so it seems like large corporations are finally taking notice of their better targeting options.
Update: I've actually seen a few old Flyer Pro flyers today, but nothing new. I'm banking on a system wide issue of some sort.

They are still running all the ones that were running when they switched over. I had one running and could still look at it as well.
If everyone could please keep quiet in this thread for at least a week, maybe FB won't react so quickly to change things & piss off advertisers.

Don't give out your tricks, don't tell us how to get around things, just wait a little bit... okay?

Your a douche
Your a douche
And you're about a day late with that realization about tvmatt... Now, back to the topic at hand, again?

Traffic picked up for a brief spike for me, but I'm still pretty much dead for the day - I still have less than 10% of the traffic that I did yesterday. Guess we'll have to wait this one out.
I get almost no volume on ads served through Facebook. So what if you get a 90% ROI if it's only on $2 a day? Who here has made a real profit, without having to resort to creating a zillion accounts?
I get almost no volume on ads served through Facebook. So what if you get a 90% ROI if it's only on $2 a day? Who here has made a real profit, without having to resort to creating a zillion accounts?

Lol you're definitely doing it wrong then
I get almost no volume on ads served through Facebook. So what if you get a 90% ROI if it's only on $2 a day? Who here has made a real profit, without having to resort to creating a zillion accounts?
I'm back up, and probably going to try some more offers. I'm pulling in way more than $2/day... You need legitimate offers that Facebook won't screw with, and you need something that will appeal to a large enough audience, while converting easily.

Leads, sales, just target properly and you can make some money. If FB keeps declining your ads or doesn't like to show them, tough - They may have limited or flagged your account for some reason.
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