Facebook Social Ads

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I'm wondering how long before an ad looks like a loser to the pros. I let it run for half an hour or less and watch the CTR before I pause it and split test. This happens when it shows a little bit of life, when I see .03 and higher. I respond by trying a different headline, graphic and text, but rarely see much improvement. What I find is the ad is of interest, or it's not. My best ad today is stuck at .06 CTR.

Only one conversion since Thursday, after about 50 ads. :(

I noticed that the best performing ads are targeted to kids, but read earlier that the FB demographics are shifting to grownups.

Thanks for the script, Aequitas, but I frankly don't understand it yet. I'm using the 301 redirect software and it seems to be working for the foreign urls.

</no coder>

You pause your ad, you don't do this unless you want to destroy your ad a large amount of times.

What I find happens if you lower your bid too much is FB kills it, you'll loose all impressions, and sometimes if you increase your bid after they still won't give you any impressions, the ad because dead and stale.
That's weird. I've tried both and I find that it's always the pausing of ads that kills the impressions. Never had a trouble with lowering bids to 0.01 ever since I started with facebook last year.
I'm wondering how long before an ad looks like a loser to the pros. I let it run for half an hour or less and watch the CTR before I pause it and split test. This happens when it shows a little bit of life, when I see .03 and higher. I respond by trying a different headline, graphic and text, but rarely see much improvement. What I find is the ad is of interest, or it's not. My best ad today is stuck at .06 CTR.

Only one conversion since Thursday, after about 50 ads. :(

I noticed that the best performing ads are targeted to kids, but read earlier that the FB demographics are shifting to grownups.

Thanks for the script, Aequitas, but I frankly don't understand it yet. I'm using the 301 redirect software and it seems to be working for the foreign urls.

</no coder>

I find its hard to get your CTR up if your not hitting it straight out of the gates, I play with tons of ads when I first start up a campaign just to see which one gets the best CTR, (Usually waist $50 - $100 doing this though) then once I see which one is doing good (Out of like 15 or 20) I'll delete that campaign then start up a new one with only a few of the highest CTR ads.

I know thats not nearly the best method of attack but I find it works for me and well when you find something that works for its hard to change, even if its not the best way.

That's weird. I've tried both and I find that it's always the pausing of ads that kills the impressions. Never had a trouble with lowering bids to 0.01 ever since I started with facebook last year.

That is strange because for me at least if I lower my bids it kills the ad but if I pause then un-pause it works just fine, however once I un-pause it usually takes about 15 minutes before it gets going again.
I find its hard to get your CTR up if your not hitting it straight out of the gates, I play with tons of ads when I first start up a campaign just to see which one gets the best CTR, (Usually waist $50 - $100 doing this though) then once I see which one is doing good (Out of like 15 or 20) I'll delete that campaign then start up a new one with only a few of the highest CTR ads.

So before you begin a campaign, you create different versions of the same ad and release them all at once to see which has the best response? If so, I've been doing it wrong by doing one for testing, then recreating the ad with different text/graphics, attempting to get an improved CTR.

So far, I have lost about $20 and the $50 FB credit I initially started with, and bracing myself to start losing real money now that I have a better understanding of what I'm doing. I'm seeing improvement in small ways: I learned to manipulate the FB interface and begin all campaigns now on Pause so I can go back after approval and rewrite headlines with the 10 extra characters, about 75% of my ads are approved now and I have a better idea of the market, e.g., marketing to moms was big flop.

It's been the most frustrating of all getting clicks but only one conversion. One campaign yielded 88 clicks I had to pay for, but no conversions. (sob)

This is a great thread that I started reading from the beginning. I'm currently on page 29.
haha I mean again, raided again. It happened a couple weeks ago too. Does that mean you got hit today as well?
Got hit hard last weekend. Nothing much left for them to kill off now haha. How is FB going to turn a profit at this rate?
I was reading about the banning of multiple accounts, and have 2 or three of them. I use only one for marketing; the other two are accounts I created for different groups of people I was hanging out with online. Are they going to ban me for this? Sorry if my question was answered earlier; I'm up to reading pg. 31 of this thread.
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