Facebook Social Ads

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FB may eventually disable your active one - It could've just slipped by their filters (which are human, from what I can tell). FB told me that they're really not keen on any pages that require a user to enter personal information before getting what's promised in the ad - This includes dating offers, zip submits, email submits, etc. Now, if there was a dating offer that allowed a user to check out the other users on the site before giving any info over, apparently this is ok by them, but we all know that an offer like that would never convert profitably.

Just tread lightly with them - If many ads are disabled, and you're making a bunch of money from the active one, don't email their support, as you pretty much have an equal chance of them unpausing the disabled ads, as disabling the running ad. As long as you have one ad up in the new system, that's all you need. No reason for multiple accounts anymore, either.

All of the rules from the previous system apparently still apply, as well, so I wouldn't bank on anything working long term that was disabled in the old system. Just my 2 cents.

Give me a break tvmatt, I'm sure you want the tips... FB's not concerned about us here anymore - Nobody is going to post on how to scam the system or create a million accounts, when they've removed all of the roadblocks. If they feel like banning zip submits again because of people like wsmith810 posting here high (that seems normal tho, am I right? :rasta:), so be it. Won't affect me, staying legit and all...

Johu- Thanks for posting the information.
It is quite normal for me to post high, too, as some may know...
The post about gettin zips by is bullshit obviously.
I have seen them gettin by though...
All Image - No "Facebook Flyer", no body text - This was before the merge to social today.

I wonder how long the new ad format will really last - If I were FB, I'd be split testing everyone's ad from the old system (box with white space on the sides) to the new one (box connected with the left edge) to see what got better CTRs, but they might have already done that.
How do you lower your CPC do you just try to get a high CtR and then start lowering it?
How do you lower your CPC do you just try to get a high CtR and then start lowering it?
Since you set your CPC, just go in and edit the cost you're willing to pay. You can't really game the CTR like you can with Google, as there aren't too many different things you can do with these ads.
Most of my profit came off targeting absolutely nothing... just leaving it open to everyone in the US
-I know this does not work with every campaign obviously...
But, for general public offers, something everyone is interested in...
Are you finding it better to target with the kws... since they are only matched on "interests"... or are you still leaving it wide open? The reason I ask is because I see their method of determining CPC / AVG CPC not only by what you are offering to pay, but what others are offering to pay targeting the same people.

I don't mean to be a douchebag, I'd just rather not see people post loopholes & things like that. Post all the legit shit you want, but the moment you mention how to scam the system, you'll fuck over a lot of people who've already found the loopholes.

The new system is bullshit, by the way - it resizes images (is there any specification for images in the new system?), and doesn't always keep the same proportions. Also, no line breaks? My CTR is 1/3 of what it was with the old flyers, and I'm paying less on top of that!
My CTR is 1/3 of what it was with the old flyers, and I'm paying less on top of that!
Well, if you're still making off well (and I'm making about as much as I used to, with the same problem as you), then it's Facebook's problem. They're using the "best user experience" excuse too finely - A few line breaks or a slightly larger image really won't degrade the user experience, and it'll net Facebook a hell of a lot more cash... They really need some WF people to run their ad system.
What are you worried about? From what I can tell no one has found any loopholes anyway. They just throw a bunch of shit on the wall and see what sticks. I personally have tried to run 15 different ads that all seem to comply with their vague TOS and still can't get anything by them. I am sure I will get banned soon....oh well. If I can't make any money from them their useless anyway.
What are you worried about? From what I can tell no one has found any loopholes anyway. They just throw a bunch of shit on the wall and see what sticks. I personally have tried to run 15 different ads that all seem to comply with their vague TOS and still can't get anything by them. I am sure I will get banned soon....oh well. If I can't make any money from them their useless anyway.
Fill out a complaint at Facebook | Customer Support and ask them to tell you why you were disabled. They'll either give you a BS reason, or reactivate your ads.
I like throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it sticks...

Cause once you throw the RIGHT shit at the wall, and It does STICK, not smear down to the floor, then!!!! Listen closely... Because this is the only fucking time I'm going to tell you.... THEN- You throw that same kind of shit at the wall 500 more times...

Now what do you have?

A shit covered wall

I like throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it sticks...

Cause once you throw the RIGHT shit at the wall, and It does STICK, not smear down to the floor, then!!!! Listen closely... Because this is the only fucking time I'm going to tell you.... THEN- You throw that same kind of shit at the wall 500 more times...

Now what do you have?

A shit covered wall
Seriously though, how are some people still managing to slip damn direct linking flyers, I just saw a few dating ones that I saw the other day before too. Good for them but wtf??
You can do direct links. You need to read their guidelines and follow them pretty carefully.
Wow you sure can blow through a lot of money real fast with this thing if you're not careful
How can you blow through money real quick? I finally got a few ads through but they are even rally showing them. What are you bidding on each click?
Wow you sure can blow through a lot of money real fast with this thing if you're not careful
That's why it would be smart to use that budget feature wisely. So what if you have to create a new ad or wait another day for the budget to update, at least you covered your ass,,,
That's why it would be smart to use that budget feature wisely. So what if you have to create a new ad or wait another day for the budget to update, at least you covered your ass,,,

Yeah you're definitely right I blew through 20 bucks in about 10 mins
I spent 50 bucks in 10 mintues before, and only made 6 dollars.

IF you're still testing around to see what works. I would suggest starting out with a low budget 5 or 10 bucks but high bids 1-2 dollars. That way you have a much higher impression rate but you still have more money to spend with the testing.
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