Facebook Ads Scraper

I have coded a simple FB ads scraper in C#.NET. You need to put up few accounts so it rotates them and scrapes. PM me those who want so see demo privately. I wont post it here or show it in public, since I dont want to get sued by FB ofc.

I don't understand why would anyone sell technology like this and earn $10k max in sales + risking getting sued if you can make a lot more by intelligently using it long term for yourself.
We can release our in-house scraper for places we're not advertising anymore --

[Sorry, pulled it down as it's not worth maintaining.]

Hit me up if you have at least 20 posts here, or if I know you somehow.
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Two Things:
1) Don't post publicly about Facebook Ad Creator or Scraper. Facebook does read this forum, and you're just making yourself a target and giving them a heads up.
2) If you require a Ad Creator or Scraper, then you should be making enough money to hire someone to build the both for you. At the end of the day, it's the best option.

^ this, you will soon find out that the api changes very rapidly, expect needing updates about twice a month.
Anyone who doesn't like peasants jacking their ads can just report this to FB, and they'll shut it down pretty quick.

Good luck bro. Fucking keep this shit to yourself next time, and stop fucking up the industry by creating a bunch of copycat fags.

If you are smart, hire a coder and make an adscraper yourself.
I just did some coding work for a guy who is releasing a social network spy service. Not entirely sure where he is up to with releasing it but the actual product is ready.

PM me if you want his contact details.