Facebook Ads Scraper

cygnus you should keep this for yourself...

or make it very private and charge 1 - 2k a month

or you will just run the risk of it being shut down

This. Didn't the other guy do the same thing, but just not charge that much?

I'm interested but it would be best to use it for your advantage only.
Two Things:
1) Don't post publicly about Facebook Ad Creator or Scraper. Facebook does read this forum, and you're just making yourself a target and giving them a heads up.
2) If you require a Ad Creator or Scraper, then you should be making enough money to hire someone to build the both for you. At the end of the day, it's the best option.
Is anyone actively using a facebook ads scraper (privately)?

I can't see how maintaining 10+ accounts would be feasible. Guessing that FB has simple javascript callbacks that fire on regular accounts accessed by standard browsers. These callbacks would not fire via curl or something else that's programmatic.
Mine works fine. It's keeping the accounts current that's the issue, but it's only about 20 minutes of work and some phone number trickery.
I probably won't finish and open mine anytime soon (if I ever do that), but you can still post 'interested' here. Could be interesting for another person that wants to build one.

If that happens, I'm interested as well :D