Facebook Ads Scraper


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Hello friends,

Wondering if there is a tool available somewhere to scrape ads from facebook? Similar to what AdBeat does with Google Display advertising?

looking for the same..

that fb ad scraper guy on this forum decided cc everyone on his mailing list last week... ruined his credibility
Sorry to go off-topic, but what is Google Display Advertising?

It's using the internet at Google on the world wide web using the google adwords display platform through cyberspace in the content network using the internet advertising features.
Whoever it was they need a course in email101. They really done fucked up there and pissed off quite a few peeps.
I'm currently working on one. I'll pm the people that posted in this thread saying they're interested once it's finished.
cygnus you should keep this for yourself...

or make it very private and charge 1 - 2k a month

or you will just run the risk of it being shut down
Hello friends,

Wondering if there is a tool available somewhere to scrape ads from facebook? Similar to what AdBeat does with Google Display advertising?

Sweet. All we need is more bottom-feeders copying ads. Here's an idea, do you own testing.