DirecTrack is Down! Pause Campaigns!

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It'll be interesting to find out how much damage revenue wise entirely this will cause during the downtime.

ok shit hits the fan.... I have all this FB traffic and no where to send it so I hit up Fraser (the best in the biz) at CX and he hooks me up with offers for all my traffic and bumps payouts, etc. Bottom line, I am still up and running and 2 are converting better than the other place. Always pays to split test! Wish I would have tested that out sooner.

Thanks Fraser you rock!

This is one of the biggest downsides for networks using DT ... when it goes down we are forced to switch to a non-DT network and find replacement offers. Many times, the replacement may perform better and thus the original network loses revenue not only for the DT downtime, but going forward.

I understand it's probably expensive as fuck, but I don't get why most of these big networks don't just build an in-house system with a dedicated IT team attending to it... I think Tatto just built a new one. Basic, but works. Took like 2 or 3 guys to build.
I'm aware issues "out of their hands" can happen, but that's what fully redundant systems are for. In this case, all traffic seems to be dropping off somewhere in the Prolexic datacenter in Miami (a company that SPECIALIZES in DDOS mitigation). Why there's no redundant backup anywhere else in the country, I don't know - No matter how much trust DT puts in their provider, they need a backup solution to switch to (at another DDOS mitigation host) if something goes wrong with the first. What would happen if something like the "ThePlanet datacenter electrical closet explosion" incident happens?

If it's a DDOS issue, then the datacenter that was chosen is incompetent in their "specialty" - I don't care whether the issue actually lies on the network or sever end of a DDOS, hosts specializing in mitigating DDOS issues need to have both ends covered for their clients.

Exactly. There is no excuse for downtime when you are operating something this critical.
Just spoke to DirecTrack and they've confirmed it is in fact a very large DDoS attack on one of their newer international networks. They are currently trying to remedy the issue obviously. They said they'd call me when the problem is fixed completely. Until then, I'd keep all your campaigns paused because it can be awhile.
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