DirecTrack is Down! Pause Campaigns!

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Trying to get a statement from DT now.. but apparently they are busy trying to fix something..

They really should. We are currently restructuring with Sugar CRM to use as well for contingency plans. We've got an IRC, Blog, AIMS, Skype and Telephone numbers but even then we cant reach out to everyone in a critically timely fashion.
Last time they were down like this, on this type of level at least it was due to a massive DDoS attack, which was out of their hands, but at the same time lasted for a few hours off and on.

Not gonna jump to conclusions yet though. But thats what this is starting to look like with the hiccups of up and down again. We'll wait for their official statement though.
seems like a bad idea to keep all of that bunched together. Where is their backup plan?

A network administrator at a non-web based company would be fired over something like this, and this is an entirely web based company. Can't they come up with a better plan than this? They can't notify anyone because everything is centrally located. That shouldn't be acceptable.
Contact the DT owners I would think. If you arent going to do that, at least tell us to fuck off when we ask instead of sitting there like a fuckin zombie with a thumb in the ass.

{Gets ready for his DT network to get kicked}
I saw their booth at Affiliate Summit West and wanted to shoot foam darts from Copeac at them. I thought it was a good idea till my friend responded with... "Screw darts.. Lets just go kick them all in the dicks". Had to laugh....
Hate to say it, but before everyone goes on a giant lynch mob attack towards DT none of us know the reason behind the issue, could be something out of their hands, although unlikely. Just saying.
I'm aware issues "out of their hands" can happen, but that's what fully redundant systems are for. In this case, all traffic seems to be dropping off somewhere in the Prolexic datacenter in Miami (a company that SPECIALIZES in DDOS mitigation). Why there's no redundant backup anywhere else in the country, I don't know - No matter how much trust DT puts in their provider, they need a backup solution to switch to (at another DDOS mitigation host) if something goes wrong with the first. What would happen if something like the "ThePlanet datacenter electrical closet explosion" incident happens?

If it's a DDOS issue, then the datacenter that was chosen is incompetent in their "specialty" - I don't care whether the issue actually lies on the network or sever end of a DDOS, hosts specializing in mitigating DDOS issues need to have both ends covered for their clients.
All you need to create after this emergency is over is an email backup database, a sql table with 2 columns email address and name. When an affiliate signs up you enter their contact details in the database. When you have an emergency you run your oh_noes_shit_hit_the_fan.php script that emails all your publishers with your message. Yes, it's a little redundant, but I imagine you already have some redundant data in regards to accounting payments anyway.
ok shit hits the fan.... I have all this FB traffic and no where to send it so I hit up Fraser (the best in the biz) at CX and he hooks me up with offers for all my traffic and bumps payouts, etc. Bottom line, I am still up and running and 2 are converting better than the other place. Always pays to split test! Wish I would have tested that out sooner.

Thanks Fraser you rock!
Thank God someone said something. I just talked to my affiliate manager at clickbooth and she had no clue...
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