Cure For HIV and Cancer


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Mar 5, 2008
London UK
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Suppressed Medical Discovery: Dr. Robert C. Beck ( Cancer,AIDS, anything viral)

In 1990, an astounding discovery was reported at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC by Drs. Kaali and Wyman, resulting in Patent No. 5,188,738 being issued in 1993 entitled "Alternating Current Supplied Electrically Conductive Method and System for Treatment of Blood and/or Other Body Fluids and/or Synthetic Fluids with Electric Forces.". Their research work involved an in vitro & in vivo human Blood Electrification process, which electronically sterilizes the blood, resulting in all known pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungus, being completely eliminated! Their research had been anticipated 24 years earlier in 1973 with the research involved in Patent No. 3,753,886. Not surprisingly though, due to the stranglehold, that the Pharmaceutical Cartel has in the U.S., this revolutionary clinical data was almost totally suppressed. Other than a few News Articles such as the Science News: Mar. 30, `91 pg. 207, Longevity: Dec. `92/pg. 14, and Houston Post: Mar. 20, '91 /Sect. A-10, plus the Patent No. 5,188,738, there has been a complete BLACKOUT since then in the News Media about this powerful medical technology.

A guy I know cured his mother in law of cancer using this device. She was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs, and was due in for another screening the week after. He suggested her to try it out for 5 days, she used it for 3 days and when she went for the screening, the doctors were dumbfounded that the cancer is gone.

wow, did some quick reading, pretty interesting. Im surprised the CIA hasnt killed him yet.
Crazy shit, there was a guy on yahoo a few days ago claiming to be cured of hiv... with this fucking government nothing would surpise me!!!!!!
Do you have the site where it shows how to build this? I'll source it and create an affiliate program for you guys.
Sounds like absolute bullshit to me.

You got a better source than a fucking Google video?

I hate this kind of shit, a family friend we knew got diagnosed with cancer and fell for a scam just like this one. Spent her life savings on a special juicer and fucking imported fruit and still died in her early 30's from the cancer.

Must take some balls to come here telling us you can cure fucking cancer.
Sounds like absolute bullshit to me.

You got a better source than a fucking Google video?

I hate this kind of shit, a family friend we knew got diagnosed with cancer and fell for a scam just like this one. Spent her life savings on a special juicer and fucking imported fruit and still died in her early 30's from the cancer.

Must take some balls to come here telling us you can cure fucking cancer.

You don't need a juicer for this one.

Besides, who says chemotherapy would have cured her. Research more on chemotherapy.