CPALead - Mass Account Termination.

You guys aren't even better, you are a shell of our company. A watered down version of CPAlead and operating within our shadow. You copied our main ideas (every detail you could), and have none of your own. Think twice before you make such dubious claims. Quit acting like you are our direct competition it's misleading and hurtful to affiliates. You guys don't even have an office, a quarter of our traffic, or a real employee base; we're not in the same league.
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Bigger is not better - better is better.
Just because you have more traffic does not mean that you have the best EPCs or the best anything else. You had a long head-start on most of your competition so naturally you have a bigger base. That doesn't mean much though.

You guys aren't even better, you are a shell of our company. A watered down version of CPAlead and operating within our shadow. You copied our main ideas (every detail you could), and have none of your own. Think twice before you make such dubious claims. Quit acting like you are our direct competition it's misleading and hurtful to affiliates. You guys don't even have an office, a quarter of our traffic, or a real employee base; we're not in the same league.

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I didn't know that having an office made you better... How many globally-leading sites were created and operated for years from a college dorm?

I don't claim to be better, our publishers decide that for themselves. Maybe two or three of our publishers that moved over from you guys have gone back or even split their traffic. Half of the IMs I get each day are either "CPALead sucks and I want to move all of my traffic to you" or "Wow my earnings are so much higher now that I've left CPALead".

90% of your traffic is illegal tv/movie sites and that's going to come back to bite you eventually (moreso than it has already). When you allow and encourage that it's not very hard to grow like crazy. There aren't many monetization options out there for people who are using illegal content so it's not much of a feat.
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I didn't know that having an office made you better... How many globally-leading sites were created and operated for years from a college dorm?

I don't claim to be better, our publishers decide that for themselves. Maybe two or three of our publishers that moved over from you guys have gone back or even split their traffic. Half of the IMs I get each day are either "CPALead sucks and I want to move all of my traffic to you" or "Wow my earnings are so much higher now that I've left CPALead".

90% of your traffic is illegal tv/movie sites and that's going to come back to bite you eventually (moreso than it has already). When you allow and encourage that it's not very hard to grow like crazy. There aren't many monetization options out there for people who are using illegal content so it's not much of a feat.

The claim you just made that 90% of our publishers are infringers is libelous. The only publishers that would claim that their earnings are not good with us are the infringers that cannot get access to all of our offers, and obviously you're taking them on - and proud of it. That should help grow your "company" a little, but all the legit affiliates with real content are with us. This is why you are posting in this thread, you're trying to recruit publishers we terminated. You can have them.

Enjoy running your operation out of your college dorm.
You'd think people would learn to shut it before throwing around libelous statements. Would love to see some lawsuit action on wf. Get me some motherfucking popcorn.
cpaleadtroy said:
You guys don't even have an office ... or a real employee base

I'm not taking sides but neither of those are necessary because this is the internet. We've done just fine without either.
Everyone here seems to already understand that we're banning publishers who have broken our TOS (spam, bots, fake content)

Fake content is whatever you decide it is.

An ebook that says you can make a billion jillion dollars per year posting links on google is just as fake as an obama sextape.

You've profited off of fake content for years.
You guys aren't even better, you are a shell of our company. A watered down version of CPAlead and operating within our shadow. You copied our main ideas (every detail you could), and have none of your own. Think twice before you make such dubious claims. Quit acting like you are our direct competition it's misleading and hurtful to affiliates. You guys don't even have an office, a quarter of our traffic, or a real employee base; we're not in the same league.

You realize you both sound like a couple of little kids and regardless of who has whatever kind of office - having a little e-fight makes you both seem extremely unprofessional. Making a lot of money doesn't always mean you practice good business or are professional - the internet is just young and open to scammers and idiots alike who then think they're mature, intelligent good business men. This argument proves neither of you would have done very well without hitting gold with your companies - so knock it off - be better than this. (and please don't fight with me, I don't care and I have nothing personal to throw at anyone nor do I want to argue - just be pros and move on)

Now moving on. Bigger does NOT mean better LMAO. That's one of the most misleading things you can say. So does that mean the highest selling recording artist in the world is the best?

This thread echoes another at digi forums where I spend more time browsing and reading.

CPA Lead - shot down a lot of accounts then kept money saying it was for 'damages' after ok'ing it. It's documented everywhere and not worth fighting over so I could care less how you want to defend it. You robbed people and took all they had in their accounts.

If it was for damages that would imply CPA took damages and there would be a set amount rather than 'whatever is in your account'. ROFL @ trying to defend that though. That's like suing someone for losses and saying I lost whatever you have in your bank account - ya I lost that much.

In fairness the jury is out on Adscend Media but yes, being smaller has been a good thing for them since I've gotten far more attention and care. Again, to be fair CPA is bigger and its harder - they also might be going through a period of turnover or hiring to ensure that the care and attention is there in the future - fair is fair - but from what I've experienced the little guy does it better here.

There is another thread about earnings and yes I've seen better earnings with Adscend as well - significantly.

So for now, the little guy is kicking some ass and delivering better earnings for pubs and more care.

However, I don't really give a damn whose name is cutting the cheque or sending the wire. So here's what I suggest to both.

CPA Lead - instead of going on about how great you are and how Adscend isn't competition. Realize they are doing better for their pubs right now and rather than wasting time blabbing get in gear and kick ass BY DOING MORE FOR US!! YOUR PUBLISHERS!!! Trust me and everyone here - MONEY TALKS - the reviews and accounts will follow - just handle business rather than attacking the competition or dreaming up ways to screw them - just do a better job.

Adscend - If you're the little guy then isn't this a HUGE waste of time to be fighting on forums? Do the grown up thing and let results speak for themselves. Your company is doing well. It worries me that someone high ranking would come here and waste their time. If you're smaller then that means every wasted minute on your end is even more impactful and thus makes even less sense and is less mature than I'd like. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep doing right by the pubs.


Have a nice evening
Yesterday I also received an email from them saying....
"In order to ensure the quality of your traffic, we are closing your account due to inactivity. If you have a balance remaining on your account, you will be paid in full for it on your next scheduled pay date. Even if your payment is below our minimum threshold.


I agree this is great advice, but thats exactly what we're doing. Keeping the quality of our network up is in the best interest of all of our publishers. These other guys are the ones who are being destructive and trolling on posts designed to address issues related to CPAlead, not them.
I agree this is great advice, but thats exactly what we're doing. Keeping the quality of our network up is in the best interest of all of our publishers. These other guys are the ones who are being destructive and trolling on posts designed to address issues related to CPAlead, not them.

Thanks dude, glad you agree but please don't disguise agreeing with me as a way to get your foot in the door and take another shot at the competition. It's almost insulting to my intelligence.

Here's what you should focus on - They (Adscend) ARE doing better for the pubs now in terms of earnings and customer care (what else is there).

I will say this though, while I don't like the whole trying to sneak in another shot. I do like the 'we're going to focus and do better' attitude!! That's what I'm talking about. Don't just like it. LOVE IT and I do appreciate passion since that DOES drive future success so you may be down a bit now but I'm definitely not closing the door. I keep up to date and monitor things like any good business person and will continue to monitor CPA Lead to see if they can once again perhaps serve my best interests (generate money and be secure and all that good stuff) and maybe do a bit of a double check on the ethics. I mean if I can't trust my account won't get wiped out or I won't get screwed around one day then who cares how much I generate. But again, I'll keep my eyes on it.

That's what we want at the end of the day right? Strong earnings and knowing we won't get jerked. Who cares about all the rest. It's fluff.

As for the people here complaining - if they're not working for either company - rock on. Freedom of speech and its not like some communist regime where speaking the truth should be held against you. It happens.

But the bright side is it stimulates better business for all of us down the line.

Good thread, for me it's done with - no reason to go on but I think the thread starter had a very valid concern that is widespread and a concern with how CPA conducts business. That's his gripe to go on about though - not mine. I will say that I think two networks now have some things to take away going forward.

Also, CPA & Adscend Media glad you're both listening - not so much on the childish bickering.