Cops Kill Black Man, Caught On Tape

Nickster eh.

The cops should be prosecuted but they did nothing wrong.

If someone tries to steal my wallet all i need is my god given right to prosecute the sucker myself.

Here's a story from good old Germany. Cops appear in sets of two. Not in flocks of scared to the bone insecure from the very bottom of their heart dozens. They speak with authority. They don't start shit. If you treat them with some semblance of respect, they'll most likely lecture you for a minute or two and then you're free to leave. They're busy with helping people. If they pick you up drunk, they don't curb kick you, they bring you home. They don't have tasers and most of them have never pulled their gun. If they somehow arrest you, they'll call you a lawyer to talk to before any kind of interrogation because it would not hold as evidence anyway.

I would still stay away from them, because police being police, but right now we're not drowning in crime, so i may suggest that anyone who actually approves of anything your police ever does deserves a healthy dose of their medicine.

And revamp your silly excuse for a criminal justice system already, it's 300 fuckin years old.

I didn't compare the two, I gave an analogy. And they didn't jump on him for selling cigarettes, they jumped on him for resisting arrest.

Sorry to burst your bubble but an analogy is a comparison between two things - more specifically, a comparison of similar features.

Your analogy was very poor and makes little sense because a man selling loosies on a sidewalk and SOMEONE BREAKING INTO YOUR FUCKING HOUSE have very little in common.
Your point being "crime is rampant, so it shouldn't be enforced"?

No, my point is that places in Westchester are selling smuggled cigs, and it's not indicative of a downward trend in the town of Rye.

It is indicative of the state incentivizing "smuggling" through exorbitant taxation though...
Whether it's "loosies" from a corner store (aka "bodega"), a bar selling packs imported from out-of-state, or a fat loser selling them on the sidewalk - all three scenarios have a lot more to do with the breakdown of a neighborhood (ie, "broken windows theory") than they do with libertarian rights or the bottom line of the state's revenue. A lot more.

Such as?

And no, it's all about the state's revenue. That's the whole purpose of taxation. That's the very reason the cops were harassing him.

And if I'm a property or business owner in area where police take care of shit like that, I'm grateful.

It's unfortunate that most businesses are extorted on a regular basis, but the call shouldn't be for *everyone* to be extorted on a regular basis, but rather no one. People practicing agorism is a beautiful thing.

And this call to "level the playing field" sounds very familiar to my brother, who believes in an internet sales tax because it's "unfair" to brick and mortar businesses.
Sorry to burst your bubble but an analogy is a comparison between two things - more specifically, a comparison of similar features.

Your analogy was very poor and makes little sense because a man selling loosies on a sidewalk and SOMEONE BREAKING INTO YOUR FUCKING HOUSE have very little in common.

The only attempt at commonality he tried to make is that they are both crimes that the police are required to enforce, not that they were at all similar in severity.
No, my point is that places in Westchester are selling smuggled cigs, and it's not indicative of a downward trend in the town of Rye.

It is indicative of the state incentivizing "smuggling" through exorbitant taxation though...

True enough, but that's a legislative matter, not an enforcement matter.
The police need to be de-militarized. Take away their ability to spend the seized drug monies on weapons and gear, and much of the problem will go away. The police are getting more and more aggressive. Violent home raids are on the rise. There are between 50,000 and 100,000 swat style raids in 'murica each year. Why?

Why do the police need to break into peoples home during the middle of the night to arrest a supposed drug dealer/user? Why do they do this? Simple for the action. The police swat guys are action junkies. They need the adrenaline rush.

Lets say drugs are bad, and each and every one of those warrants deserved to be executed. Do we need Flashbangs disfiguring sleeping babies? Could they be executed in a different way? What if the police did good ole fashion police work, and stake a house out for a couple of days? Maybe pull the suspect over when he goes to get smokes. And then when he is already in cuffs, go and execute the warrant on the empty home.

I guess putting 2 cops in a unmarked car for a couple days is to much to ask. These homes do not need to be destroyed. These children dont need to be scared for life. And these non-violent drug offenders will easily surrender in most circumstances. Very few cops are killed (read somewhere it's less than 10 per year) due to the drug war. And yet millions of citizens are locked up and or killed and or injured from these over zealous cops.
It is an enforcement matter to kill someone over dollars. It is an enforcement matter that police"forces"consider it due process to yell freeze then immediately kill you because you had other plans. It is an enforcement matter to prance trying to start shit just because you can. It is an enforcement matter that the correct punishment for a police officer killing someone is making him sit at a desk til he bitches about it.

Be proud of your police. Nobody will shed a tear for your ass when they cripple you over some real crime like crossing on a red light.

The police need to be de-militarized. Take away their ability to spend the seized drug monies on weapons and gear, and much of the problem will go away. The police are getting more and more aggressive. Violent home raids are on the rise. There are between 50,000 and 100,000 swat style raids in 'murica each year. Why?

Why do the police need to break into peoples home during the middle of the night to arrest a supposed drug dealer/user? Why do they do this? Simple for the action. The police swat guys are action junkies. They need the adrenaline rush.

Lets say drugs are bad, and each and every one of those warrants deserved to be executed. Do we need Flashbangs disfiguring sleeping babies? Could they be executed in a different way? What if the police did good ole fashion police work, and stake a house out for a couple of days? Maybe pull the suspect over when he goes to get smokes. And then when he is already in cuffs, go and execute the warrant on the empty home.

I guess putting 2 cops in a unmarked car for a couple days is to much to ask. These homes do not need to be destroyed. These children dont need to be scared for life. And these non-violent drug offenders will easily surrender in most circumstances. Very few cops are killed (read somewhere it's less than 10 per year) due to the drug war. And yet millions of citizens are locked up and or killed and or injured from these over zealous cops.

Even Bill Maher gets it..

[ame=]Bill Maher Rails Against Militarized Police Culture in Outstanding Monologue - YouTube[/ame]
But I still stand by the fact that the guy caused his own death by the actions he took and this is not a race issue its a criminal resisting arrest issue (up until the point they put a choke hold on him).

The only thing dumber than your post is this.


Never mind, your post is dumber.
Why do the police need to break into peoples home during the middle of the night to arrest a supposed drug dealer/user? Why do they do this? Simple for the action.

It's called robbing the dope man. It can be very lucrative in the ghetto.

You don't want to them know you are coming because they will stash all their money and dope. If they really wanted to arrest this person they would get them in a public area then get a warrant. But, they want the bounty.
It's called robbing the dope man. It can be very lucrative in the ghetto.

You don't want to them know you are coming because they will stash all their money and dope. If they really wanted to arrest this person they would get them in a public area then get a warrant. But, they want the bounty.

That's my whole point. They can still get their bounty. Simply get the warrant, then stake out the house, and when dude goes out for smokes or more weed, arrest him and then execute the warrant on the house. They can still get their bounty. Everyone wins. The house remains reasonably intact, nobody gets hurt, the criminal is behind bars, the cops get their cash, and some party favors. The only ones who lose is the action junkies that make up the swat. They wont get to smash windows, hurt children, destroy the house, and hopefully (in their mind) get shot at, or get a runner.

Save the violent home raids for violent offenders (rapist,murders, child molesters). Just because someone is on, or has drugs does not make them violent.
Cute. Leave the drug users alone. Take it out on the child molesters. And you guys are wondering why your police is such a shit show.

Same with taxes. You don't really care for taxes. All you care about is them not happening to you.

Not your fault though. Is how government operates. Divide and conquer.
Cute. Leave the drug users alone. Take it out on the child molesters. And you guys are wondering why your police is such a shit show.

Same with taxes. You don't really care for taxes. All you care about is them not happening to you.

Not your fault though. Is how government operates. Divide and conquer.

the child molesters are just an example. I dont think the state has the right to use violence on anyone. But good luck selling that.
No, my point is that places in Westchester are selling smuggled cigs, and it's not indicative of a downward trend in the town of Rye.

It is indicative of the state incentivizing "smuggling" through exorbitant taxation though...
I'm glad you brought up Rye.

My guess is that, commercially, most (95+%? 100%?) of cigarettes sold in Rye paid NY state tax. (Unless a cigarette wholesaler/distributor supplying outlets in Rye has a gargantuan scheme of its own - but you understand my original point). Reputable restaurants in NY definitely do NOT sell untaxed cigarettes because the risk/reward ratio lopsided in enforcement's favor - the crime is not worth the time. I know two Long Island bar/restaurants that were done in for this very transgression without the owner knowing - bartenders hit tribal outlets to buy untaxed cigs and sell them over the counter while at work.

Now, I2E: How long will someone last "hustling" cigarettes on a Rye sidewalk - offering wares to strangers? Forget days or hours - that hustler will be accosted by police in 15 minutes. Hopefully the offender will realize the stupidity of his ways and not make it worse for himself by interfering with police work. And if he fails to clear that low bar of basic civic accountability - well, I won't weep at his funeral.

In towns/areas like Rye compliance of these laws represent the tip of the "broken windows" theory - a quality of life for residents and local institutions.

But I'm sure Al Sharpton must be touched a healthy swath of neckbeardom is backing his inane bullshit.