Cops Kill Black Man, Caught On Tape

Cops get a lot of hate from liberty-minded folks. And deservedly so since they volunteer to detain, imprison, beat, torture, and murder individuals who violate - knowingly or otherwise - an ever-changing set of rules set by politicians.*

But politicians, both at the federal and local levels, deserve just as much hate. After all, they give the orders to their paid thugs and assassins. Sociopathic leaders in Germany didn't get away with that crap after World War 2. We should use the same rubric today.

But the chain of liability doesn't end there. It extends to voters.

Voters elect politicians. They do so knowing - even hoping - their elected "leaders" will at some point issue orders to their employees to detain, imprison, beat, torture, and murder individuals.

Voters authorize the use of violence against innocents. The clarity of that truth might be clouded by voters' intellectual bankruptcy and moral inconsistency. But they're still responsible. They're still liable.

* i.e. arbitrary law

Cops get a lot of hate from liberty-minded folks. And deservedly so since they volunteer to detain, imprison, beat, torture, and murder individuals who violate - knowingly or otherwise - an ever-changing set of rules set by politicians.*

But politicians, both at the federal and local levels, deserve just as much hate. After all, they give the orders to their paid thugs and assassins. Sociopathic leaders in Germany didn't get away with that crap after World War 2. We should use the same rubric today.

But the chain of liability doesn't end there. It extends to voters.

Voters elect politicians. They do so knowing - even hoping - their elected "leaders" will at some point issue orders to detain, imprison, beat, torture, and murder individuals.

Voters authorize the use of violence against innocents. The clarity of that truth might be clouded by voters' intellectual bankruptcy and moral inconsistency. But they're still responsible and liable.

* i.e. arbitrary law

And thats why I don't vote. Every year I get a letter through the post threatening me to register or else they will rob me of a substantial amount. They get volunteers to knock on my door to tell me its 'illegal' not to register to vote, and I take my time to educate them otherwise.
The man mountain resisted arrest with tragic consequences. He made his choices and I don't see the possibility of restraining him without either tazing him or choking him down.
The man mountain resisted arrest with tragic consequences. He made his choices and I don't see the possibility of restraining him without either tazing him or choking him down.

The video title is laughable. Its like something NBC would put together, trying to drum up outrage with what amounts to propaganda.
Garner's alleged crime? Selling "loosies" - black market, untaxed single cigarettes.

He died of an apparent heart attack in a botched arrest on Thursday, the apparent victim of a dangerous chokehold that has been banned by the NYPD.

The man mountain resisted arrest with tragic consequences. He made his choices and I don't see the possibility of restraining him without either tazing him or choking him down.

He resisted arrest with two Swiss Army knives (or some other folding pocket knives) while surrounded by half a dozen douchebags pointing shotguns and assault rifles at him. I find it hard to believe that a half a dozen cops couldn't come up with another solution to the problem. Rubber bullets? Bean bag rounds? Taser? Pepper spray? 6 on 1 gang tackle (just grab his damn arms)?

It's like the guy with the garden sheers a few weeks back, shot in the back of course. He was supposedly lunging at them (backwards?)...

[ame=]Cops fatally shoot man in Salinas, California - YouTube[/ame]

Then we have the cop that pushed the paraplegic out of his chair the other day because he bumped into his foot while the cop was straddling the sidewalk with his massive girth...

Got a demotion, but won't be fired.

I have to admit I've always been in the, "well, there's some bad apples, but they're mostly good" crowd. But lately it's mostly bad apples with the occasional good guy thrown in. Don't know if that's actually true, or if it's just a result of having more people filming and posting every bad experience they have with cops. I've got to say the Kelly Thomas verdict makes my blood boil.
He was arrested more than 30 times prior to this for illegal smoke sales and other stuff, I think all the cops got frustrated with dealing with him and used major aggression towards him but didn't realize he had a condition, but now all of sudden all the civil right lawyers are on the case.
Well, there is another side. If you think all those people going to police just to fix their complexes you are wrong. Part of them? Yes, for sure. But there is another part that just want to keep that shit we live in intact. Some of them surely are turning to the dark side, some... The question is why?

Well, if you have to live with the thought that anytime you can be killed and your family will stay on their own, or worse that when you will try to protect yourself some armed boy will put you in a wheelchair by using his older brother's gun... you may start to look at those things differently.

For many of those caps any confrontation with any guy that is resisting is a life threat. They don't take any chances at this point. Just look what's going on in some places and you should understand this. Another thing is, caps are crew, they are team. Just like the gangs members. Fuck with one of them and you have entire pack at your neck. That's it. It's survival thing, to caps and to gangs or stupid fucks that try to play Heman. On the street no one is giving a shit about politics.
He resisted arrest with two Swiss Army knives (or some other folding pocket knives) while surrounded by half a dozen douchebags pointing shotguns and assault rifles at him. I find it hard to believe that a half a dozen cops couldn't come up with another solution to the problem. Rubber bullets? Bean bag rounds? Taser? Pepper spray? 6 on 1 gang tackle (just grab his damn arms)?

Wow I didn't even realise he had knives, makes it even more his own doing.

The guy died of a heart attack, any of those other things could have well triggered the heart attack, especially the taser, and the same racist bullshit would have been called out.

If the guy was white and a man mountain and was resisting arrest would there be as much outrage? I don't think so. Now that is REAL racism.

It not as if the guy was just being harassed for being black, he was actually breaking the law and they were arresting him for it.
If the guy was white and a man mountain and was resisting arrest would there be as much outrage? I don't think so. Now that is REAL racism.

lol just watch the video someone posted above... Some assholes from Albuquerque police shot a homeless guy to death. There was huge outrage on that too. As a matter of fact this is the first time I'm seeing the killing of the black guy in OP's post, whereas the Alb thing was big news for quite some time a couple of months ago.
lol just watch the video someone posted above... Some assholes from Albuquerque police shot a homeless guy to death. There was huge outrage on that too. As a matter of fact this is the first time I'm seeing the killing of the black guy in OP's post, whereas the Alb thing was big news for quite some time a couple of months ago.

I mean in this actual situation, not any old white guy but a huge mountain of a white guy who was resisting arrest.

If they had actually wanted him dead they could have just shot him. They were just trying to restrain him and it went bad.
I don't know, it's hard to make what if assumptions in such situations. In any case, police killing some civilian is always big news in some circles. Never even news in others.
Wow I didn't even realise he had knives, makes it even more his own doing.

The guy died of a heart attack, any of those other things could have well triggered the heart attack, especially the taser, and the same racist bullshit would have been called out.

If the guy was white and a man mountain and was resisting arrest would there be as much outrage? I don't think so. Now that is REAL racism.

It not as if the guy was just being harassed for being black, he was actually breaking the law and they were arresting him for it.

Ah, I think we got "mountain man" and "man mountain" confused. The guy with the knives was the camper dude in Albuquerque. The big black dude was just standing his ground in the face of those two puny guys hassling him. I'm sure if they just talked to him instead of sneaking up on him and throwing a choke hold on him things could have turned out way differently. A simple, "look Eric, you're coming in with us whether you like it or not. You can do this the easy way or the hard way. You'll be there for the evening and then will be back out as per the usual operating procedure... you know the drill, let's go man." He was well known by the police. They should have had a rapport with him and didn't need to do what they did.
I have to admit I've always been in the, "well, there's some bad apples, but they're mostly good" crowd.

If there were any good cops, there wouldn't be any bad cops, but that's not the case. When it comes down to it, they are a gang like any other, and will go to whatever lengths they feel like in order protect their own interests and the interests of their fellow members.

He was arrested more than 30 times prior to this for engaging in free trade by selling a product to poor people who wanted to purchase it


Wow I didn't even realise he had knives, makes it even more his own doing

Seems like he might have been concerned for his saftey. I wonder why?

If they had actually wanted him dead they could have just shot him. Instead, their incompetence, fear, and lack of morals caused a father of six to die on a fucking sidewalk in the name of protecting the state's tobacco tax revenues

Wow I didn't even realise he had knives, makes it even more his own doing.

The guy died of a heart attack, any of those other things could have well triggered the heart attack, especially the taser, and the same racist bullshit would have been called out.

If the guy was white and a man mountain and was resisting arrest would there be as much outrage? I don't think so. Now that is REAL racism.

It not as if the guy was just being harassed for being black, he was actually breaking the law and they were arresting him for it.

You're pretty quick to defend the cops, so are you cool with the fact that THEY broke the law? The maneuver they used, the choke hold, is illegal. Some might even argue that choking someone is worse than selling cigarettes without paying the proper taxes.
He was arrested more than 30 times prior to this for illegal smoke sales and other stuff, I think all the cops got frustrated with dealing with him and used major aggression towards him but didn't realize he had a condition, but now all of sudden all the civil right lawyers are on the case.

I'm sure that's what happened, but I'm going to FTFY just in case anyone thinks that *any* police involvement was necessary with that dude...

Veritas (FIXED by dreamache) said:
He was strong-armed more than 30 times prior for smoke sales and not giving the mafia their cut, I think all the king pins got frustrated with dealing with him and used major aggression towards him but didn't realize he had a condition.

The only difference between the mafia vs. the state/cops scenario is that one operates under the umbrella of law (and consequently much more successful.)

I see people arguing about this on facebook. The people posting articles that defend the black dude aren't even getting it right. When one of their cop buddies comes in and defends the cops, the other says, "Well, it was excessive force!" No fuckfaces, any force against him would have been excessive. As long as he didn't steal those cigs, he should be able to sell them without giving the state mafia their fucking cut. Then I have to get involved and assert this, forcing the cops to say "We just enforce the laws, gripe to your politicians to change them.", and then I have to point out that the Nuremberg defense is not a justification for acting immorally, and then they get pissed off and threaten me. It's easy to rile up the little piggies.

[ame=""]Mad World - Gary Jules - YouTube[/ame]