Colorado Affiliates: Take Action Against Advertising Tax!

If the bill passes I suggest heavily dick rolling each member who voted for it.

Although I do not live in Colorado I e-mailed a few of them stating why the bill is harmful to the economic stance of the state - not to us directly.

Most politicians don't give a shit about those of whom are successful - unless you are lining their pockets with cash - so you have to try and appeal to something at least you would hope they care about (e.g the state, the future of the state).

Good luck, guys!

The problem is that CO Governor Bill Ritter has explicitly told all the Democrats in the House and Senate to pass all Tax Increase bills in this package. The Dems have the majority, so we may be screwed. We'll see what happens in the Senate vote next.
Well, from my point of view he told them to lose the election.

What strange is, is the weak coverage in the media about the entire thing. 9News has an article every once in a while, but even the Denver Post is really quiet about this. This looks like somebody is pulling the strings in the background.

Ritter already said he will take the bullet for all of this since he is not running for re-election, but in this case I hope (even though I like Obama) the bad opinion about democrats will trickle down from DC and the CO democrats will pay the bill.

I will lose a good portion of my income if this bill goes thru and a lot of work is worth nothing. I got a plan B, but instead wasting time on rebuilding these streams of income it would be so much nicer to actually grow the business and to generate real income for the state of Colorado. I don't mind paying taxes (in a reasonable amount) and I have been fairly easy on what I deduct, but that will change as well and I will use every legal tax hole I can find to get back what they take away. I am mad.
update on the Colorado bill HB 1193

I just slapped up a blog post with some current information on Colorado Amazon tax bill HB 1193

These bills will be discussed in the Colorado Senate this afternoon (3 hours from now) and tomorrow morning.

I put together this list of contact e-mails for all the Colorado State Senator Democrats:
Bob Bacon -
Betty Boyd -
Carroll Morgan -
Joyce Foster -
Dan Gibbs -
Rollie Heath -
Mary Hodge -
Evie Hudak -
Michael Johnston -
Maryanne "Moe" Keller -
John Morse -
Linda Newell -
Chris Romer -
Paula Sandoval -
Gail Schwartz -
Brandon Shaffer -
Pat Steadman -
Abel Tapia -
Lois Tochtrop -
Bruce Whitehead -
Suzanne Williams -

Republicans are voting against this bill. In the house, 4 of the Democrats voted against it, so there is hope for swaying some of these Dems to vote it down. Please contact them and explain how it will hurt jobs in Colorado
Still email those republicans as well. They need to know that there are citizens affected by this and that it is worth fighting for it. You want them to be motivated, you want them to have something to vote for and not just vote against it because of party lines.
Anyone going to the hearing tomorrow morning? I'll be there. Hit me up - we do coffee and can chat a bit before or after.
Fantastic news! I had a great response from the reps I contacted personally. They seemed quite responsive to what I had to say. Hopefully it helped in some small way. Great work everyone that opposed the tax.
Not a resident, but would hope for the same grassroots response if this came to light. Victory, congrats!

DEMS :moon:
+rep to those giving emails to CO's house of representatives list. The reason these politicians seem to have no idea about business practices is because they are looking for easy money, and just assume ALL businesses are established, and taxing them a few more extra percent won't hurt. They forget the starting/upcoming businesses which should always be considered as the future of this country, they may be pennies away from claiming bankruptcy.

Don't forget, we need startups everyday, they drive innovation and this economy you fucking idiots.
I thought we had a victory on this, why is Amazon dropping Colorado pubs?

Dear Colorado-based Amazon Associate: We are writing from the Amazon Associates Program to inform you that the Colorado government recently enacted a law to impose sales tax regulations on online retailers. The regulations are burdensome and no other state has similar rules. The new regulations do not require online retailers to collect sales tax. Instead, they are clearly intended to increase the compliance burden to a point where online retailers will be induced to "voluntarily" collect Colorado sales tax -- a course we won't take.
We and many others strongly opposed this legislation, known as HB 10-1193, but it was enacted anyway. Regrettably, as a result of the new law, we have decided to stop advertising through Associates based in Colorado. We plan to continue to sell to Colorado residents, however, and will advertise through other channels, including through Associates based in other states.
There is a right way for Colorado to pursue its revenue goals, but this new law is a wrong way. As we repeatedly communicated to Colorado legislators, including those who sponsored and supported the new law, we are not opposed to collecting sales tax within a constitutionally-permissible system applied even-handedly. The US Supreme Court has defined what would be constitutional, and if Colorado would repeal the current law or follow the constitutional approach to collection, we would welcome the opportunity to reinstate Colorado-based Associates.
You may express your views of Colorado's new law to members of the General Assembly and to Governor Ritter, who signed the bill.
Your Associates account has been closed as of March 8, 2010, and we will no longer pay advertising fees for customers you refer to after that date. Please be assured that all qualifying advertising fees earned prior to March 8, 2010, will be processed and paid in accordance with our regular payment schedule. Based on your account closure date of March 8, any final payments will be paid by May 31, 2010.
We have enjoyed working with you and other Colorado-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program, and wish you all the best in your future.

Best Regards,
The Amazon Associates Team
Yep, I got the same fuckoff-o-gram. Did HB 10-1193 quietly get passed after all? Granted, I was making peanuts with amazon... but still enough to notice when it's gone.
I was told that they removed the online affiliate portion from the bill. It looks like they did something else shady to try and get Amazon to collect the Sales Tax without technically requiring them to do it, and Amazon to them to screw off. Awesome. Thanks Colorado Democrats.