Colorado Affiliates: Take Action Against Advertising Tax!


Insomnia = Income
Nov 6, 2008
Denver, CO
If you live in Colorado and work as an affiliate, at an affiliate network, or in the online ads industry in any capacity, or even if you are an Advertiser that works with affiliates based in Colorado, your income could be affected by the new Colorado Advertising Tax Bill (HB-1193) that is being introduced into Committee next week.

For more info on how you can help, join the PMA's Advocate List at Performance Marketing Association.

This is not BS, it is real and we need to stop it. All it takes is an email or two aimed at decision makers when the time comes. Sign up so you can stay informed. There is no cost to take action; there will be cost if we don't.

Also- if states are losing companies and incomes because these networks are pulling out of those states, why the hell do they keep trying to implement these new laws... fucked.
If you live in Colorado and work as an affiliate, at an affiliate network, or in the online ads industry in any capacity, or even if you are an Advertiser that works with affiliates based in Colorado, your income could be affected by the new Colorado Advertising Tax Bill (HB-1193) that is being introduced into Committee next week.

For more info on how you can help, join the PMA's Advocate List at Performance Marketing Association.

This is not BS, it is real and we need to stop it. All it takes is an email or two aimed at decision makers when the time comes. Sign up so you can stay informed. There is no cost to take action; there will be cost if we don't.

Thanks for pointing this out. I just emailed my CO State Senator and House Representative about this. I was already concerned when I heard that Gov Ritter wants to start charging sales tax for online businesses, but had not seen this in more detail.

Time to think about incorporating in Nevada or Delaware.
Thanks for pointing this out. I just emailed my CO State Senator and House Representative about this. I was already concerned when I heard that Gov Ritter wants to start charging sales tax for online businesses, but had not seen this in more detail.

Time to think about incorporating in Nevada or Delaware.

Or a state that doesn't have a bloated state budget that exceeds it's income.
Gov Ritter has no idea of what he is doing. No business sense whatsoever. It's like a bunch of chicken running around with their head cut off. "The sky is falling. The sky is falling."
Does anybody know of a site which has all the states that are trying to adopt these bullshit taxes?
I think the PMA is about as close as you are going to get. Their main role in the industry right now is as a watchdog organization for these tax laws that keep getting suggested. If you sign up for that Advocate List I linked to in the original post, they will keep you updated on whatever state you are located in, not just Colorado.

According to their website, the states that are in play right now are:

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In NY, NC and I guess other states Amazon cut off affiliates. Why didn't all advertisers do the same?

Does this tax law only effect amazon or do all the other advertisers just not care?
Thanks for the heads up Josh.

Some fucked up bills being drafted these days. This is a time when businesses should be lifted up and offered incentives, not screwed over.

Meanwhile, Rep Massey wants to ban all MMJ dispensaries with his 5 patient/caregiver bill, essentially losing tons of tax revenue in the process and axing more jobs.

Aren't representatives suppose to 'represent' the people?
I don't live in any of the states but no state is safe. The stupid morons in office have no clue what there doing which is why the states are in so much trouble.

If they kill a companies ability to make money by inacting these taxes, then that company loses their affiliate programs, what have they gained other than creating more unemployment and ruining lives which seems to be what there the best at.

The sad thing is people keep voting these stupid fucks into office.
get the fuck out.

I don't live in CO, but I signed up anyway.

With the financial crisis in the state of NY, it won't be long before some dimwit in Albany starts pushing this same proposal (again). These pea brained politicians don't seem to understand that it's not going to result in additional tax revenue for any state adopting it if the companies simply close the door on the affiliates in those states.
Well, my CO state house representative replied back to my email from yesterday. He shares the concerns and will vote against the bill :) = Right on..!!!!