college education - your take?

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after 2 years of college and 1 year of law school I dropped out and became a fulltime alcoholic

Nice John Ill be a forever 6 year senior, oh too bad i make 40k a month FUCK COLLEGE heres the finger to history and economics 303

I'll have my Master degree soon... I wanna experience working in some companies before starting my own and my degree will help me with that..
As soon as you get that experience "and realize how much it fucking sucks to work for someone" you will wish you started your own company when you still had a ton of free time. But some people love their jobs and all that so I am just speaking for myself when I say that work SUCKS!!!
A diploma doesn't mean jack shit in terms of financial success. The only value I get out of mine is the satisfaction that I'm that much better than all the whiny slackers out there.
Diploma may not mean a difference in terms of financial success. But it does open alot more doors than not having one. Trust me, I use to think the same way. I've been an entrepreneur all my life. But as soon as I got my diploma it changed my life. Seriously. Before I had small businesses. I tried to get loans with business plans and all. Not a single fucking penny.

It's not about credit because my credit is good. I get a diploma. Create a business plan mentioning me a president with my college degree. I got backing.

Sold my company. Spent all the money (you only live once). Got bored tried to go back to work.

At the interview, I saw this dude I use to go to high school with applying for the same possition. He was really smart dude. He had lots of experience in the field but no diploma. I had shit for experience in the field but a diploma. Guess who got the job. I did. They didn't even call him back for a second interview. I hate working for others so after 2 months I quit.

Now working on my own. Dude, get that fucking diploma if it's the last thing you do. Alot of people will tell you that you don't need that shit. And that's it's a waste of time and money. And that you're making money now. You could lose everything, like I have a couple of times. But guess what, I still have my diploma. And if you and I go to do anything (get a job, go for a business loan with VC's, etc). Guess who, has more options an a better chance. Yeah, it's not fair. But life isn't fair either. It's a dog - eat - dog world. And any advantage you have use it.

Get the fucking diploma. That's my 2 cents.
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Diploma may not mean a difference in terms of financial success. But it does open alot more doors than not having one. Trust me, I use to think the same way. I've been an entrepreneur all my life. But as soon as I got my diploma it changed my life. Seriously. Before I had small businesses. I tried to get loans with business plans and all. Not a single fucking penny.

It's not about credit because my credit is good. I get a diploma. Create a business plan mentioning me a president with my college degree. I got backing.

Sold my company. Spent all the money (you only live once). Got bored tried to go back to work.

At the interview, I saw this dude I use to go to high school with applying for the same possition. He was really smart dude. He had lots of experience in the field but no diploma. I had shit for experience in the field but a diploma. Guess who got the job. I did. They didn't even call him back for a second interview. I hate working for others so after 2 months I quit.

Now working on my own. Dude, get that fucking diploma if it's the last thing you do. Alot of people will tell you that you don't need that shit. And that's it's a waste of time and money. And that you're making money now. You could lose everything, like I have a couple of times. But guess what, I still have my diploma. And if you and I go to do anything (get a job, go for a business loan with VC's, etc). Guess who, has more options an a better chance. Yeah, it's not fair. But life isn't fair either. It's a dog - eat - dog world. And any advantage you have use it.

Get the fucking diploma. That's my 2 cents.

He's right. If I wasn't working for myself I wouldn't be able to get a decent paying job, I know, I've tried.
A college education isn't what it used to be. Luckily, my college taught me more than basic education. I learned discipline, honesty, value of friendship, and much more. American universities are a good way to help facilitate you into "normal" society. However, look at the worlds richest men, they always did it THEIR WAY. If you really want to make a decision, go to, college seems like a fun place to me.
Luckily, my college taught me more than basic education. I learned discipline, honesty, value of friendship, and much more. American universities are a good way to help facilitate you into "normal" society.

That is the main benefit of going to college, it is different from high school because it teaches you to learn on your own, to think, and how to interact with people in the real world. The majority of people aren't smart enough to figure that stuff out on their own.

However, look at the worlds richest men, they always did it THEIR WAY.

They are generally the exception to the rule, if you look at all wealthy people and not just the upper percentile, most of them have some sort of post secondary education.
Speaking of college, one of the most basic things you learn is the difference between php and a PhD. I can't believe nobody else caught that!

Before I went in my mom gave me the best advice in the world(she has a php in education and two masters)

I kid, because I care.

I've been out of school for almost 15 years, and just last year decided to go back to college. Why? Namely because it bothers me that I don't have a degree in anything. I've got a lot of credits, but nothing to show for it.

Something I learned quick, it's a lot more motivating to get good grades when you're the one that has to pay for it. In high school my GPA was in the low 1.x's. Then in my first foray into college, it was a little better 2.x's. This time, I'm actually using the brain in my skull and am pulling off a straight 4.0 easy. I say easy because I never bothered to study or do homework when I was younger. Just by keeping up with the required reading, activities and scripts things are just sailing along. I should have my BS in Computer Science in about a year. Then I plan on getting my MIS. Why? Just to have it, as I plan to be self employed long before that.
so, the thing about school is you learn how to think. Not just think but if you actually give a damn about your grades you learn to think for yourself. You learn how to solve problems, does not matter really what you study in school and what you do after school it is about the process of learning that makes a degree important.
Success is about a process, take this business for example. I could give out my best paying Arbitrage page, my best paying affiliate marketing campaign(s) with all keywords everything and all I would do is ruin that one page or campaign. The number of people that would learn the process I used to create the 2 would be few and far between.
SEO-Mike gets it but he is the exception to the rule.
Learning how to create and see the process is what school is all about!
I agree

But I see lots of people with degrees who are broke.

In the end, degree or no degree, it comes down to how much you want something and what you're willing to do to get it.

so, the thing about school is you learn how to think. Not just think but if you actually give a damn about your grades you learn to think for yourself. You learn how to solve problems, does not matter really what you study in school and what you do after school it is about the process of learning that makes a degree important.
Success is about a process, take this business for example. I could give out my best paying Arbitrage page, my best paying affiliate marketing campaign(s) with all keywords everything and all I would do is ruin that one page or campaign. The number of people that would learn the process I used to create the 2 would be few and far between.
SEO-Mike gets it but he is the exception to the rule.
Learning how to create and see the process is what school is all about!
SEO-Mike gets it but he is the exception to the rule.

Holy shit, Mike. You should play the lottery for the new year. I've been on this forum for a while (even longer before signing up), and this is the first time I've seen Chrislingle give a complement.

Or Chrislingle, is this part of your new year's resolution.:D
You learn how to solve problems, does not matter really what you study in school and what you do after school it is about the process of learning that makes a degree important.

This tends to be different with software developers. I never learned how to solve problems when I was taking computer science in college. I learned how to do everything on my own. I would skip my classes to write software because I learned much faster and much better that way. This is what generally separates the people who are there for a piece of paper and those who actually enjoy what they do.

Taking the initiative to do something on your own rather than just following along and getting the grades makes the difference in just getting a degree or getting an education. And I think this is true for just about any field of study, not just computer science.

I didn't get what I needed out of college, so I dropped out. I would like to eventually go back to school, but it would be nice if I could skip all the Bachelor's Degree stuff and get right into a Master's or PhD program.
Holy shit, Mike. You should play the lottery for the new year. I've been on this forum for a while (even longer before signing up), and this is the first time I've seen Chrislingle give a complement.

Or Chrislingle, is this part of your new year's resolution.:D

LOL!! Don't worry, I'm sure I'll fuck something up and he'll be down my throat faster than a fly to shit!

Besides, why would you need the lottery when you've got WickedFire? You can make more money over your lifetime by applying what is taught here. Pay particular attention to our friend Chrislingle. He gives out a lot of great nuggets of info, but I think most people have a tendency to miss the good stuff and just focus on his rants. While Chris' rants are classic (one of my personal favorite things about WF), his knowledge and willingness to share is what truly sets him apart. Just need to read between the rants.

Thanks for the compliment Chris, I appreciate that.
Someone smarter than me (I forget who) said, "Formal education will make you a living. Self-education makes you a fortune."

I truly believe that, but I also don't think I would have had the balls to quit my job and do this full-time without having my CS Master's Degree to fall back on.
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