college education - your take?

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the difference between an entrepreneur and a 9 to 5 schmuck is very simple. The entrepreneur has balls!

If you have to spend your time figuring out why you went to college you are an assclown and should just put a gun in your mouth.

Nobody who ever did anything worth doing did it because of the odds. Either go to school or don't go to school - going to school just makes it easier to become a 9 to 5 schmuck!

What a stupid fucking statemtent...

The reason why so many people go to college and enter boring, but stable paying 9-5 jobs because entreprenurialism for the most part doesn't work. It is like communism. Sounds idalistic but fails in practice.

Hmm...Not true. Being an entrepreneur is difficult in many ways, and it takes people with thick skin and drive to make it. Going to work for someone else (an entrepreneur I might add) takes zero drive and doesn't require any balls at all.

People are fucking sheep. It's easy to lay down your balls and work for someone else. To let someone else take care of you. The top questions I used to here from applicants was "How much does it pay?" and "What are the benefits?".

As an entrepreneur you don't ask those questions, you make the answers. This year, I am going to make over $100,000. That's not a question. Right now, looking at my affiliate reports, etc. the numbers tell me that's not correct, but I KNOW I will make over $100K. Why? Because I've got the balls to work my ass off, and the thick skin to ignore any dumbass telling me that it can't be done. Benefits. I'm going to take at least one nice vacation this year. Will it be paid? Hell yeah! The nice thing about arbitrage and affiliate marketing is it makes you money in your sleep and on vacation. My health plan will be second to none, because I'll be able to afford it, and I'll have liquid cash to back up what isn't covered.

Entrepreneurship works if you make it work. If you don't believe in yourself, and are not willing to make the required sacrifices, then that's your problem. Continue to punch a time clock and bitch about your boss, and office politics, and forget about freedom. Or nut up and do something about it.
It all depends...
is it all about the money? or doing something that you love to do..

I got into AM because I need the money, and hell, I spent plenty of hours online already, I might as well spend them making me money.
I'm going to college because I want to be an Engineer, and open my own design firm someday.. Not for the money, but for the love of the job and to prove that I can. AM isn't my career, it's paying for it though.

This guy said it perfect. Took the words right out of my mouth!
Find what you like to do.....if you love doing it you will be come good at it. If you want to be the best at what you love to do then you will go to school if you need to or just get after it if you can.

Get in where you fit in and you'll be fine.
People are fucking sheep. It's easy to lay down your balls and work for someone else. To let someone else take care of you. The top questions I used to here from applicants was "How much does it pay?" and "What are the benefits?".

As an entrepreneur you don't ask those questions, you make the answers. This year, I am going to make over $100,000. That's not a question. Right now, looking at my affiliate reports, etc. the numbers tell me that's not correct, but I KNOW I will make over $100K. Why? Because I've got the balls to work my ass off, and the thick skin to ignore any dumbass telling me that it can't be done. Benefits. I'm going to take at least one nice vacation this year. Will it be paid? Hell yeah! The nice thing about arbitrage and affiliate marketing is it makes you money in your sleep and on vacation. My health plan will be second to none, because I'll be able to afford it, and I'll have liquid cash to back up what isn't covered.

Entrepreneurship works if you make it work. If you don't believe in yourself, and are not willing to make the required sacrifices, then that's your problem. Continue to punch a time clock and bitch about your boss, and office politics, and forget about freedom. Or nut up and do something about it.

Amen to that, Mike! This is exactly how I feel too. The majority of people are like a herd of sheep following the cookie-cutter lives of everyone else. Like drones feeding the mouths of fat corporations. The "no-risk" and "comfort" of a 9-5 job is enough for 99% of people to SETTLE.

Settle with what they have. Settle with an almost fixed (barely-increasing) salary for the rest of their lives. Settle with a fixed amount of vacation days every year. Settle with dealing with pissy co-workers and take orders from grouchy bosses up their ass 'till they kick the can.

I'm not knocking people who have jobs, love what they do, etc. But in response to prior comments about entreprenurship most often being a failure - I have to say; it is what you make it.

It will fail only because of your own actions. Sure, affiliate networks can kick you out and Google can ban you. But there are tons of options to choose from on the internet. Tons of sources of revenue. Diversify. Be smart. Take risks but take them wisely. Be persistent. Never give up on your dreams.

And about college? I don't look at it as a "fallback" option, but more at what it gave me and tought me. Logic, smart thinking, planning, working organized, etc.
Here's my take on college.. It's definitely not for everyone, and not required either. But it's only not required if you are really damn good at what you are doing, financially well off, or launching some type of product/service that is going to change the world or an industry in some type of way that no one else can match, but will still take you seriously even without that degree.

I went into school thinking that I would just follow the same path we are taught about in HS, that you find your calling there and continue on with your education, to eventually graduate and get a good job in the field. All it would take is 4-6 years of hard work, some partying, and some growing up and you'd find what you are looking for.

I gotta say, that is so far from the truth. I went into an ivy league college thinking that I was going to be with the best of the best, and learn from the best. Again, so far from the truth. Ivy and other schools are no different from another, except that ivy school professors all have a serious ego god-complex going, and they just give out a shitload more work on the same damn topics than other schools. Yeah, they are a lot more thorough and detail oriented, but who fucking cares about learning the details of every goddamn thing out there?!

Getting your bachelors is a joke. It's the Masters degree that counts for something, and even that isn't guaranteed to land you a good career or job that will make you happy.

Before going to college, or even during your college stay, you have to figure out and come to terms with what makes you happy, and what you can see yourself doing for the next 15-25 years (if you want to plan that far ahead). It also helps that it's a job that you genuinely like to do, enough so that even when you wake up for it on a Monday morning (which I hate Mondays and hate everything that has to do with it) that thinking about your job will not give you the Monday morning annoying feeling that you used to get as a kid on Sunday night before school the next morning. That's when you truly know that you've found what you love to do and your career. It doesn't even have to pay all that well, just matters about how you feel about it and the effect that it will have on keeping your stress levels down to a minimum for years to come. It's the feeling I get now and everyday before I sit down and get started on work. I am able to get sleep and not dream about it either, and I've gotten to the point already where I am in love with what I do and never want to do anything else ever again!
Do I do anything right now that I needed a college degree for? Maybe. Am I doing somethign that was even based on one of my majors? Nope. Do I hate my job? Yup.

Would I ever give up going to college? Hell no. It was seriously the best time of my life - and not only do I have an amazing group of friends and a fiancee now, the networking I have at my fingers via our alumni network is amazing.

The experience alone was worth it - you will never have that kind of time at that age any time in your life to do what you want to do. Sitting behind a computer screen on a forum or WOW does not give you real world experience. Want to make money doing aff? I had hours of free time a day!

You change a shit load from when you are in High School - college gives you time to grow up. You might think you are smart, mature, etc now. - but seriously you will be a different person in 4 or 5 years. I guess its hard to think too far into the future when you are that young...

I know I will make it in whatever I end up doing for myself - there's not a doubt in my mind. But luck also plays a role in everything you do - and I also know that regardless of what happens to my business ventures I at least will have a nice paying job to fall back on. I would not even get a job in the mail room in my company without a degree!
I dissagree but we can agree to dissagree.

I don't have a problem with disagreeing, but your statement is still ludicrous. What about the owner of whatever company you work for? Isn't he/she an entrepreneur? How about the guy that owns the McDonalds down the street? What about the millions of people that are making their living working for themselves? Aren't they entrepreneurs?

Personally, I'm glad that you feel that you should work for someone else. If it weren't for the sheep (people with that mentality) the shepherds (entrepreneurs) would have nobody to work for them.
I don't have a problem with disagreeing, but your statement is still ludicrous. What about the owner of whatever company you work for? Isn't he/she an entrepreneur? How about the guy that owns the McDonalds down the street? What about the millions of people that are making their living working for themselves? Aren't they entrepreneurs?

Personally, I'm glad that you feel that you should work for someone else. If it weren't for the sheep (people with that mentality) the shepherds (entrepreneurs) would have nobody to work for them.


don't scare the sheep......they are the clickers
I don't have a problem with disagreeing, but your statement is still ludicrous. What about the owner of whatever company you work for? Isn't he/she an entrepreneur? How about the guy that owns the McDonalds down the street? What about the millions of people that are making their living working for themselves? Aren't they entrepreneurs?

Personally, I'm glad that you feel that you should work for someone else. If it weren't for the sheep (people with that mentality) the shepherds (entrepreneurs) would have nobody to work for them.

Some people enjoy working for someone else because of the security, not because they are so called sheeple. Remember when your home business fails there is NO support what so ever unlike being fired where you do have some options. Unions and workers rights provide stability so many middle & lower class Americans need to help ensure a stable income to for bills and other expenses. For them the risks of entreprenurialism isn't an option.

Also why work at home if they pay isnt much better than a 9-5 job but much more risk? So many people get into the freelance business. What a waste of time. 2x the work with half the pay.

SEO mike, you should try to lay off the rich dad poor dad coolaid and open your eyes to other perspecitves.
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Some people enjoy working for someone else because of the security, not because they are so called sheeple. Remember when your home business fails there is NO support what so ever unlike being fired where you do have some options. Unions and workers rights provide stability so many middle & lower class Americans need to help ensure a stable income to for bills and other expenses. For them the risks of entreprenurialism isn't an option.

Also why work at home if they pay isnt much better than a 9-5 job but much more risk? So many people get into the freelance business. What a waste of time. 2x the work with half the pay.

SEO mike, you should try to lay off the rich dad poor dad coolaid and open your eyes to other perspecitves.


Listen bitch, because I'm only going to say this once!

I've been in the real world, with all of it's fabulous "security". It's sucks pal. I've been laid off, and fucked over by people better than you. So, don't give me that shit punk.

The best thing about working for yourself is YOU make your destiny. If you fail, you only have yourself to blame. If you succeed, you can toot your horn all day long.

YOU will NEVER succeed at business because you have already brainwashed yourself that you can't do it.


In case you haven't noticed, this place is full of entrepreneurs and dreamers.

If you're working at home for $10 a hour and enjoying what you do, that a fuck's sake better than working at [Your Employer Here] and hating it. Also, I think a lot of people here would disagree with your assessment that it doesn't pay better. In the last 2.5 days, I've spent about 6 - 8 hours working on the campaign that I reference in another thread. Check the stats:

Take $754 - $200 in expenses divided by 8 is $69.25 per hour. Not to fuckin' bad and a hell of a lot more than I make at my job.

So, don't try and preach to me child. When you wake up in debt up to your eyes, and your vacation time is all used up, and you pissed because your employer changed medical plans - again - think about me on laying out on a beach with my laptop back in the hotel room, and guess what I'll be making money the whole time.


Just curious here, I worked as a freelancer for a while before joining a startup company. Now as a freelancer, I had a bit of freedom and enjoyed having a 1-1 relation with my clients working in my field of choice and having the freedom to work from home or visit clients as I pleased.

Now, the important part of my freelancing was that I had to arrange to pay my own superannuation and also insured myself in case something happened to me (ie, I get injured and cant work, I would get payed the same amount I earned as a freelancer). I did not fake and keep premiums down by saying I only earned $40/hour but kept it realistic at about $80/hour.

Do you guys also take out insurance? You may have an income coming in from your websites but this may become much lower due to changes somewhere in the advertising/arbitage chain. If you are unable to work, have you catered for income protection?

(sheesh, I sound like an insurance saleman but I hope you get the gist of what I am getting across)
While I personally come from a family of entrepreneurs, namely in the legal field, I do see why someone could choose the life of working for someone else. Personal responsibility is minimized and time is more structured. There is a built in social environment and there's a carrot to chase.

The problems are obvious: Slow personal growth, compensation is not directly correlated with performance, and playing to weaknesses instead of strengths.

I work for myself, and can't imagine doing anything else. I make more than most people, and work my arse off exactly how I want to. I can structure my day how I wish to and associate only with the people that are worth my time. There is always something to do, and twenty goals in sight.

As for college, I considered dropping out but decided it's a fine use of time and forced growth in areas I need to develop but do not have the will or interest to.
Some people enjoy working for someone else because of the security, not because they are so called sheeple. Remember when your home business fails there is NO support what so ever unlike being fired where you do have some options. Unions and workers rights provide stability so many middle & lower class Americans need to help ensure a stable income to for bills and other expenses. For them the risks of entreprenurialism isn't an option.

Also why work at home if they pay isnt much better than a 9-5 job but much more risk? So many people get into the freelance business. What a waste of time. 2x the work with half the pay.

SEO mike, you should try to lay off the rich dad poor dad coolaid and open your eyes to other perspecitves.
you fucking pussy.

oh and..
nice START seo_mike :)
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