Cheap SEO hosting. A good choice?

I know I am late in the game on this thread but I feel compelled to jump in. I tried C Class Ip hosting and they are the worst piece of crap hosting I have ever seen. They were hosting my blog network with pr.

Never failed every morning all of my sites were down. I had to submit a ticket every day. They never fixed the problem and I started to lose my pr when Goolge crawled my sites and they were down.

Skynet hosting has been great and as of yet my sites have never went down.

Damn that sucks man.. Sorry to hear that.

I have been lucky since I switched to hostgator a few years back. But I had to do alot of research before i realized they were the best choice for me.

Originally I had godaddy and I hated them cause you needed a PHD just to get into the settings and felt like they changed the way you logged in all the time so I could never figure it out.

SEO-HOST.COM Suck all flavours of balls - ESPECIALLY when it comes to affiliate signups...

I got 3 people to sign up via my aff link and they were all deleted.

Bullshit hosting service and bullshit affiliate program. Avoid these douchebags like the plague.

Seo host is the worst hoster!!!!
Here's my Pingdom report from the sites I'm monitoring:

Uptime Downtime Outages Response time

9h 43m 52s 35 1296 ms
98.85% 8h 14m 58s 7 459 ms
98.88% 8h 01m 41s 168 882 ms
98.95% 7h 35m 18s 20 974 ms
99.03% 6h 41m 03s 14 719 ms
99.10% 6h 28m 45s 27 683 ms
99.12% 6h 21m 32s 31 636 ms
2h 48m 04s 8 890 ms
99.46% 3h 52m 48s 53 696 ms
99.83% 0h 25m 55s 14 806 ms
99.89% 0h 16m 04s 10 695 ms

The 97.77% site was on a server that had issues and I put into a white screen of death but has been good now. The sites with over 700ms response time have been in dev mode and I didn't enable W3 Total Cache + WP Minify yet. Still not the best response times on the ones with it on, but that's how this goes.

At the $20 / 20 Class C's deal that used to be there, I'd say worth it... but since I expect these sites to each make me $150/month on average within 6 months.... I might consider doing better than this on the next batch or if I have serious SERP / bounce problems.
Either one of these,

2. sucks nuts. They let their cpanel license expire and half our domains went offline for like a week. We didnt know about it until WE discovered it ourselves. also sucks nuts. They oversold their geo-ip service and literally let some asshole overwrite our domains so our domains where pointed to some other assholes site.

Avoid both. ASEOhosting is the only way to fly. Hell I wont even bust out my affiliate link. Consider it just friendly advice from someone who has actually tried 8-9 SEO hosts out there.
Anyone else on Skynet having their sites run like complete shit tonight? It's basically across the board.

I don't know if this is worth it. I don't see Google ever SERPing these pages with the way these page times are. I have WP-Minify and W3 Total Cache going too. Ugh. Got a ticket opened...
Can anybody else vouch for

Their pricing is good, just not so sure about reliability.

i will give a my review.