Cheap Organic Traffic with Web 2.0, RSS, Articles Directories and Videos

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Tariq Ghazi

New member
May 2, 2009
Rating - 100%
27   0   1
Successful sites have a huge amount of links referring to them, but those links don't just magically come along. If you want to be successful with your web site in the search engines, you'll need to concentrate on one way link building, something that can supercharge your placement in the search results if done correctly and naturally. A few examples:

Web 2.0 Landing Pages
RSS Feed Directories
Video Directories
Article Directories

Dear WickedFire Members,
My name is Tariq Ghazi and I'm 20 years old.
It's feels fantastic to own a website, but no visitors makes you feel worse.
Some people don't know how to promote their website or give it a high position in search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. and some webmasters have the knowlegde but not the time. Many internet-marketers don't like writing unique articles and outsourcing is way to expensive. Creating a video about your topic is to diffucult or then again, way to expensive.
It seems that many webmasters, internet-marketers are dealing with these issues but still want to have a huge amount of visitors/potential buyers on the website every single day..

Let me show you what i can do..

Web 2.0 Blogs with a unique article, a video and photos!
(articles are Copyscape passed, unique, includes your keywords, links to your main site)

- Wordpress (Pagerank 9, Alexa 12)
- Vox (Pagerank 9, Alexa 1,724)
- Blogger (Pagerank 8, Alexa 8)
- Live.Journal (Pagerank 8, Alexa 89)
- Xanga (Pagerank 7, Alexa 435)
- Jimdo (Pagerank 7, Alexa 3382)
- Scribd (Pagerank 7, Alexa 165)
- Multiply (Pagerank 7, Alexa 167)
- Wetpaint (Pagerank 7, Alexa 2041)
- Tumblr (Pagerank 7, Alexa 477)
- Squidoo (Pagerank 6, Alexa 523)
- Hubpages (Pagerank 6, Alexa 504)
- Zimbio (Pagerank 6, Alexa 528)
- Blinkweb (Pagerank 4, Alexa 41159)
Extra Posts on:
- Google Sites (Pagerank 8, Alexa 1)
- Live Spaces (Pagerank 7, Alexa 4)
- Gather (Pagerank 6, Alexa 8742)
- Clearblogs (Pagerank 5, Alexa 40614)
I will rewrite the unique article 18 times. Every Web 2.0 pages will have a different article. There will be 3 links in each article.
1. Link to your main site
2. Link to one of the Web 2.0 pages
3. Another link to one of the Web 2.0 pages
By linking the Web 2.0 pages, you're creating a network of small sites all referring to each other and to your main site. The impact on the search engines will be more powerful!


RSS Feed Directories
(Every single Web 2.0 blog has a RSS Feed)

Bloglines NewsGator Technorati
MyYahoo FeedBurner Boing Boing
MoreOver BlogPulse
Cocolog-Nifty BlogRolling Feedagg
Weblogs IceRocket BlogCatalog
BlogTopList Pingomatic BlogCritics
Thingamablog Weblogalot Weblogs
BlogPeople Blogdex BlogDigger
BlogBot CoreBlog
PubSub Syndic8 Newisfree
RootBlog SnipSnap Yenra
BlogRoots BlogSnow CataPings
Complete RSS Feedplex Feeds4All
FeedsFarm NewsIsFree Blogorama
Pressradar Bitacoles
Amagle Blogoole Feed24
NewzFire BlogBuzzMachine PopDex
ImBlogs MyBlog LaserMemory

There will be 57 RSS Feed URL’s (including your main site) to submit. Take a look at the list of the Web 2.0 Directories from until Blinkweb, these are blogs/landing pages with a RSS Feed.


Such URL’s will be manually submitted to every single RSS Directory.
That means, for EVERY SINGLE Web 2.0 RSS Feed --> 57 Submissions to very powerful RSS Directories!!
(Check out the attachement for Pageranks and Alexa ranks)

Video Directories

1. Youtube (Pagerank 9, Alexa 3)
2. FaceBook (Pagerank 9, Alexa 5)
3. Vimeo (Pagerank 8, Alexa 543)
4. Photobucket (Pagerank 8, Alexa 38)
5. Dailymotion (Pagerank 7, Alexa 68)
6. Blip (Pagerank 7, Alexa 2650)
7. Yahoo (Pagerank 7, Alexa 2)
8. Veoh (Pagerank 7, Alexa 145)
9. Viddler (Pagerank 6, Alexa 3192)
10. Revver (Pagerank 6, Alexa 2415)
11. Sclipo (Pagerank 5, Alexa 61636)
12. Vsocial (Pagerank 5, Alexa 104449)
13. Howcast (Pagerank 4, Alexa 13171)

I'll create a short video of 30 sec.
In the description of the video, i'll add the link to your main site.
This is just for a backlink..

(The video will also be posted on the Web 2.0 pages to make it look more attractive)
Article Directories
A fresh new unique article will be used on the following article directories:

- (Pagerank 6, Alexa 203)
- GoArticles (Pagerank 5, Alexa 5294)
- ArticlesBase (Pagerank 6, Alexa 938)
- Searchwarp (Pagerank 5, Alexa 6719)
- Article City (Pagerank 5, Alexa 19664)
- Article Alley(Pagerank 4, Alexa 33745)
- Article Snatch (Pagerank 3, Alexa 33745)
I will rewrite an unique article 7 times about your topic. Every single article directory will have a unique article. Please have patient with the article directories when you order my service.. It could take a while before the articles are approved..

I believe that this project will drive in short time massive traffic to your site. If your niche has a very high competition in any search engine, please don’t expect miracles within a few minutes, hours or days. Its good to choose less competitive keywords as there are companies that spend thousands of dollars to get a good rank on keywords like "rent a car, mortgage etc." So please be careful when selecting your keywords and tags.

After you decided to take advantage of my service, I will inform you about a deadline. I guarantee that it won’t take longer than 5 days.
- All the Web 2.0 pages will contain nice topic related photos and videos
- Per client, 2 unique article will be written. One of the articles is for the Web 2.0 pages and the other one for the article directories. Both of them will be rewritten serveral times
- The reports will be send in a excel sheet, including all the url of the Web 2.0, RSS urls and Video Url's. The url's of the article directories will be send through email. Article directories takes a lot of time to review articles before they are approved an online.
- Totally Organic and Google Friendly
- I can email you some reports of clients if you want to. Pm me your email


  • $78 (Full Package)

  • $ 45 (18 Web 2.0 Landing Pages + RSS Submissions)

Extra Service:

  • If you don't know how to find the best keywords, let me checkout it out for your website. Pay $10 dollars extra, and i'll hook you with the best keywords with low competion and many visitor per month! Keep in mind, this is apart from the full package..
Some competitors charge from $100 to $300 for single web2.0 blogs like Wordpress, Squidoo etc.I want to make it easy for internet marketers, especially for newcomers and Wicked Fire members who don’t have such a huge budget. I understand it’s difficult to find a cheap and good link service. I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Contact me on or send the payment to paypal addy:

Please mention in the payment description:

  • Your Name
  • Email
  • Website URL
  • 1 Keyword
  • 2 Additonal Keywords
Kind regards,
Tariq Ghazi


Digital Point Reviews (All-in- One Way Link Building Pack)

Susmita at Digital Point:
Tariq did a review work for my site.I am lucky that he enlisted me as free client here . I have a site [age 1 month ]And I am not giving review, because he has done it free for me. I am giving my honest review that how much effort he did on the key words,he submitted my site to several Web 2.0 directories, RSS Feed Directories,video directories, and article directories all having PR4-9.and they are to many, I became tired to follow the report, I don't know how has he done these huge and tedious work solely. He used some unique ideas, to link my site to other sites with the help of different articles , and he linked my page to the unique content of the article in a tricky way,that google understand the importance of your page.

I want to add that after Tariq's effort my 1 month old site is on the second page in google with certain key word.And even with in these short time [ 2 and half day], where directories take time to allow my site, and I know what he has done , I will be getting it's result day by day, my site will get so many back links after being approved and also acquire a page rank. And after giving money I was cheated here, but only for a trial Tariq did what effort is really surprising and impressive.I will continue promoting my sitewith Tariq. I can assure you that he did a really quality job in a very short time, and the fees he is asking is not much than his effort, and you will be satisfied 100%,and will continue with him.

At first seeing this 78$ ,you might think it is very high,but after getting the result you will be happy selecting the right person for your dream project.

Freezilla at Digital Point:
First I would like to thank Tariq Ghazi for giving me this Review opportunity. I am a Webmaster and I am running 12 websites. In the past i will be using manual directory submissions services in DP for my web promotion. But I did nt fetch any results (i am not blaming anyone) May be the submission will be automated.

But here I must say I'm impressed with this service given by Tariq Ghazi. Excellent, Awesome and timely submission. He is not providing any normal manual Directory submission. He submitted my website around 20 web 2.0 directories which has pageranks from PR9 - PR6. When i saw his report after submission i am surprised, because it costs much time or money for anyone if they recruit some people for doing this job.
Further he submitted to RSS Directory which gave my website extra boost in SERP's. His service is excellent when he submitted my website to 20 video sites where video were created by him and posted accordingly having my backlinks.

Wait! his service not ends here, further he created articles and submitted into Nice article directories. You people aware articles plays an vital role in backlinks and serps.
When i googled my website i am surprised when i saw it indexed in first page for certain keywords along with articles, videos and with web 2.0 directories.

In Nutshell: Awesome, Excellent, Brilliant and Dedicated person. His service is worth about thousand dollars. I dont know what will be the price he is going to fix for this service, But whatever be the price i can say, his service matches. After working with him you will never turn again with any people, because you will love to see your website has indexed in many high Page Rank websites.

So Serious Webmasters and Money makers, If you serious about your business dont play around, stick with this guy.
My Rating 100/100. Five Star!

Talker at Digital Point:
I'd like to thank Tariq for giving me the free review. Here is my review...
First of all - i rate this service 10/10 !!
About Tariq:
I being so much busy with my work could not even post a review for the work he did. And to tell you all the truth - he never even pushed me for a review. So hes a very good and patient guy who understands his customers very well.

What he gives:
1. He created a brand new email address and gave me the password.
2. He sumbitted the site into 18 web2.0 landing pages.. he made them all customzied based on my keywords.
3. He made a custom video based on the site i gave him.
4. He submitted the video into 13 video sites.
5. He wrote a good article and submited to 8 article dirs.
6. He also submited my info on numerous RSS feeds.

Whats the benefit:
With his excellent service i am listed on page 2 on google.. now thats called WORK!

Today after a weeks time i found time to check the reports and the results.. and i must say that i am ordering the FULL package for another site.

The packageis expensive...BUT if compared to what you get... i must say its really worth the money you spend. All the work involved is time consuming and doing this manually takes evem more time.
Should you put your money here or not:
If you are a webmaster and looking for a package that would ease your work load... i must ask you to try this service.. its well worth what you spend.

After working with him you will never turn to anyone else, because you will love to see your website has indexed in many high Page Rank websites.

Jumstart at Digital Point:
I too have to agree with everything Talker said, Tariq is very good at this stuff!!! I sent him the money, he started working on it right away, He did a great job on the video, I am starting to see some links now,I know myself that I have been burnt many time on dp, but this guy will deliver what he has promised and for that he get 10 out 10 from me.BTW Talker has a great rep to,I have done business with him and he is very honest so if you don't believe me at least believe talker.I look forward to working with you again Tariq I have a few more site that i would like you to work on, so as soon as i can I will be in touch. Thanks again Tariq.....So come people give him a try you won't be disappointed I promise.

DaveHill7 at Digital Point:
Tariq delivered the work about 2 days ago. I haven't found time to post a review up until now.

He completed the work in about 4 - 5 days. All that he promised in his first post were duly fulfilled. You can trust him. Talker's review is honest and I will not repeat it here.

I'll also add that he is a clever worker. I can tell that he tried to understand the website I was trying to promote and he used all available resources when making the video and the articles write-up.

His service is efficient and effective and I will entrust him future projects. See that hand in the avatar? You'll want to shake that after he's done your work. I know I do. Thanks Tariq.

Spreety at Digital Point:
I too would like to reiterate the positive feedback on Tariq's service.

Warrior Forum Reviews (Webmaster Cheap Organic Traffic with Web 2.0, RSS, Articles Directories and Videos)

Matthew Connors:
Hi All
I dont know Tariq and have no affilliation and earn no commissions or anything like that from him.
I put a challange to Tariq to promote one of my sites using the above methods so that i could evaluate his service and also i wanted to see if it was worth the moeny as i have a heap of other sites I will potentially get him to do....

I must say so far i am very impressed with his manner, work ethick, skills and service....

He finished working on my stuff this morning and sent me the reports of what he has done, and ive got to say for $78 it seems rediculously cheap.....

It will take me a few more days to a week to really evaluate it all fully as there are still a lot of articles that are awaiting approval and sites to be indexed by the Se's...

I will post back here very soon, but so far, WOW this guy rocks.......
Tariq you will be hearing from me very shortly for a lot more work.
Ps his turnaround time was about 3 days for me....which given what he did is astoundingly fast.

JigsawGuy at Warrior Forum:

Tariq just completed one project for me and I have to agree with the other reviewers - WOW! Great value for money. The project was done quickly and the process was painless. To early to see the results, but to be honest its imposible that this will NOT work unless you choose the wrong keywords. Tariq provides one of those services that everyone with a website should use. For the price, it really is a no brain decision.
Watch out Tariq, I'll be back soon with another few projects for you.

Tom 2009 at Warrior Forum:
I ve received the reports today , and i must say i am 110% happy with my investment. I highly recommend him to anyone!

Wincex at Warrior Forum:
I second all the good reviews above.
Tariq is 100% reliable, he sent me the report yesterday (Sunday)!!!
I wasn't expecting to receive anything before today.
Uclaboyz at Warrior Forum:
The best $78 you could spend for website promotion! I'm very pleased with the service.

Splitter at Warrior Forum:
Tariq has 100% over delivered. What a value this package is. You can not find this value anywhere. Some people charge just this amount to build a Squidoo page. Thanks Tariq, keep me on your list and let me know about your future services. I will definately be useing this service again in the future to keep it fresh.
No one's interested?

You better get with the program boy! you need to offer at least one or two FREE review copies round here to even gain a shred of trust in your work, this aint DP, so that being said I'll take a FREE review copy and I'll post my review here when you are done, what say you?
I'm giving Tariq a chance here. I just ordered his package. I'll report back when it's done.
Tariq completed the work exactly as he stated. The videos are a nice touch, and well-made. The articles read pretty well, and some of the articles have already been accepted into article directories.

It's too early for me to tell yet how this package has affected rankings/traffic.

Overall, I'd recommend Tariq's service. He maintained good communication throughout the process, and the price is very reasonable.
My overall impression of Tariq and his work is positive. He set up the Web 2.0 sites as indicated and created a pretty decent Animoto video that he submitted to the 15 video sites as promised.

He communicated issues he was having that resulted in a slight delay, but no harm no foul.

He also sent nice and simple hyperlinked reports that made checking his work easy.

As for the article submissions I have yet to see a report for them, but considering his careful work on everything else I trust it will be on it's way soon.

I will definitely use Tariq's service again.
Hey everyone,
Just to let you guys know, tariq did an awesome job with this service. He delivered it exactly as he said he would and everything looks great. All of the links check out and i am looking forward to seeing the effect this will have on traffic.
Thanks for a job well done Tariq. I have left u positive itrader :)
Hi Guys..
I was a bit busy last days and I'm ready to take in new orders.
Also the review copies are available and the turn around time is 6-7 days instead of 4-5.
This is better because Google won't notice that I'm spamming and it will be absorded by the spiders on a organic way. Review copies are 50 dollars and you will get a detailed report in the end.

I want the review copy to be as professional as possible Please try to review every separate module and an overall rating.

I prefer an email me on info@cheapwebsitepromotion or PM me.

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