CHANGE: I finally figured out what that means

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
From America Serves |

The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.
Change not only means higher taxes, it means forced slavery as well. This 'change' thing is going to be fantastic.

FWIW, I'm not against voluntary community service, one of the greatest things about America is our charitable spirit. Just as voluntarily serving in the armed forces is one of the most honorable things we can do as citizens. When the government starts mandating these things, it's a slippery slope I don't think we want to go down.

agreed... this kind of thing is only a hop and a skip away from forced labor camps and re-education camps... erm, I mean 'community service camps' and 'skill development camps'...
that especially sucks for the college students... I know a number of broke college students... if the government forces them to give up an extra 100 hours a year, that's 100 hours less that they have to work a job and pay for college or other bills...
Same shit was done in Russia for the younger generation communists. I was an Oktebrunok, then there was another level called Pionery, and the final was Consomolets. Someone will have to fund this shit. Welcome to change people.
Fanfuckingtastic. I wonder what the punishment for opting out of these 'corps' will be? Jail time? Denial of public resources?
Yeah, this is all very stupid.

Give Obama his 4 years and it will show the country what happens when we turn a political election into an American Idol contest.
It would be interesting to see how the media is going to cover this. Maybe I get a chance to see PRAVDA is action again.
I hope the ACLU gets involved. This would technically violate the 13th amendment (involuntary servitude).
This is a good comment in digg:

Back on topic, though: Here is the statement from "Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year." If you'll notice, this does not differentiate between public or private middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Without further information, it is not unreasonable to say that Obama plans to make this compulsory for ALL students, regardless of where they go to school. On top of that, EVEN IF he was referring only to public schools, he would still be referring to public schools that the *federal* government has no legitimate Constitutional authority or jurisdiction over. No matter which way you slice it, this proposal is unconstitutional. Furthermore, it's extremely dangerous. Sure, 50 to 100 hours doesn't sound like much, and we could all use a little experience helping our fellow man, right? Of course, after we become comfortable with this and accept the basic principle that the government should be able to force people into community service, who's to say the program won't be expanded to require 50-100 hours of service a year from everyone aged 14-60? After that, why not bump up the service hours to 200? After that, maybe we can REALLY promote national unity by requiring 500 or 1000 hours of work a year. Hell, to really go all out for national unity, let's just reinstate the draft! After all, we are stronger working together than we are working apart. A bundle of rods is much stronger than a collection of separate and individual rods...but oh, wait...isn't that part of the metaphorical underpinnings of the collectivist ideology called "fascism?" (That's not to neglect socialism or Communism either, which both rely on the same basic collectivist ideals and the use of totalitarian state power to enforce them on people). The point is this: Governments expand their power over people gradually. By boiling the frog slowly, governments can get people comfortable with small, gradual increases of state authority over their lives. This is also called "creeping normalcy." Did you know that for over one hundred years, our federal government was easily run on tariffs alone...and that it still made so much money that political cartoons depicted it as fat and greedy? When the income tax was originally proposed, the people were promised that only the very richest would ever need to be taxed, and tax levels would never exceed 1%. Obviously, that has changed...we now pay a significant portion of our income to the federal government (in addition to state governments), and that's in addition to other taxes like inheritance, capital gains, etc. Because of property taxes, we no longer own land anymore, because we are eternal serfs paying rent to the government. One by one, we have lost habeas corpus, the 4th Amendment, and the Posse Comitatus Act. People are held without trials in Guantanamo Bay. We see more and more instances of police brutality every week from cops in riot gear. The CIA tortures people for information (and actually, British citizen Binyam Mohamed has alleged that the CIA used a razor blade to repeatedly cut his penis - that's one hell of an "alternative" interrogation technique, in the words of Dick Cheney, isn't it?). The Patriot Act first led to small abuses of the 4th Amendment, but then we heard about the NSA wiretapping...and doesn't it seem like every month, more information comes out indicating that the full scope of the wiretapping is much broader and more invasive than we previously thought? NONE OF THIS HAPPENED OVERNIGHT! Instead, we have slowly become desensitized to these things as they have gradually happened with greater frequency and gradually become more abusive.

No matter how "good of a cause" it seems to be for or how small of a sacrifice it seems at first, I oppose involuntary servitude on principle, because the government is NOT our boss - it is meant to be our servant for the purpose of protecting our rights, and nothing more. The point I make is simply this: If we as US citizens do not outright reject the principle that government has the authority to tell us what to do, we will only invite them to become more and more bold and controlling as time goes on...until eventually, we are slaves to the government in all but name. While it may seem like a minor or trifling issue, allowing the government to force us to work (no matter how little or for what cause) will set a horrible precedent that I guarantee you we will regret for generations.
Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Obama and Biden will establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.

^its only a requirement if you want tax credit for college, in which case I'd be making $40/hr. I think I might take it....
Same shit was done in Russia for the younger generation communists. I was an Oktebrunok, then there was another level called Pionery, and the final was Consomolets. Someone will have to fund this shit. Welcome to change people.

Around here you have to do I think 25 hrs in middle school, but that's over three years. Pretty easy.
Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Obama and Biden will establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.

^its only a requirement if you want tax credit for college, in which case I'd be making $40/hr. I think I might take it....

Obama should make the people on welfare. Do the same voluntary community services in exchange; even at $40 an hour its a deal for the tax payers.
Deserving it is better then getting it for free.
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