
wowwww hhahahahha

This is so true. I watched almost the whole First 48 series on Netflix. 95% of the cases were minorities and involved drugs/blackmarket type transactions and/or robbery and were the typical gun or knife type shit. But that 5% with white people are the most fucked up weird ass cases on the series. The weirdest was the white dude that chopped up his niece and her husband and hid them in the attack, then blew his and his dad's brains out while fleeing the scene.

white people problems
One attorney's (humble) legal analysis..
Do I think CA did something, through action or inaction, that resulted in the death of her child?: Yes
Do I think the jury made the right decision in acquitting her?: Yes

Those 2 Yes's may sound opposite, but they are not. Right to jury trial by our peers is one of the most cherished rights in America. When not just 1 or 2 jurors, but ALL 12 people (none of whom have any incentive to find her innocent) all vote acquittal (if any of them had thought differently, it would have been a hung jury, not an acquittal) then you have to realize that there is no possible way her guilt could be as obvious as all of you screaming "give her the chair" seem to think, there is more to this story than the media tidbits you see. Do you really think the case against her was iron-tight, and they just somehow randomly managed to find the only 12 complete strangers in the country who would think differently?!?

The standard of "reasonable doubt" is a very high standard, and for good reasons. If we could convict someone of a capital crime based on "more likely than not" or "I think she did it, but I'm not sure" or any other easier standard to reach, then our system of law and justice would mean nothing. I think the street kid I walked by with the needle tracks on his arm, and F#ck da police" tattooed on his face this morning has probably committed an unpunished crime or two in his life, but that doesn't mean we lock him up just based on what I or any other person "think". Likewise, the creepy loner guy in the gray panel van with the moustache, mullet, and criminal record cruising by the junior high is probably up to no good, but we don't get to just execute him road-side based on our reasonable assumptions.

The "out partying, acting strangely, etc" all paints CA in a bad light as a person/mother, but being a bad person/skank/shitty parent, etc does not make you guilty of a capital crime. It makes you guilty of bad judgment and a poor public perception, nothing more.

The standard for conviction is very high for very good reasons; combine that with a lack of physical evidence, lack of testimonial evidence, lack of obvious motive, and a obvious failure by the prosecution to meet their burden of proof (the defense has no such burden, only the prosecution in criminal cases) and I have no doubt that the verdict would have been the same if we'd replaced those 12 jurors with any other 12 unbiased people picked from a hat who saw the same evidence and heard the same courtroom testimony.

Finally somebody chimed in with some common sense. I saw another good post, but I didn't wanna read everybody's dumbass responses.

The basis of our legal system is BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. The prosecution must have been desperate to bring this case to trial. They had absolutely no case. Everything was circumstantial. If you didn't see this coming, you need to keep it moving and quit trying to make legal opinions.

I'd bang her though.
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Would any of the jurors hire her as a baby sitter?

Of course not, just like they wouldn't hire the "the creepy loner guy in the gray panel van with the moustache, mullet, and criminal record cruising by the junior high."

And how in the world did she make enough money a couple years ago to owe 68k in taxes?

ABC reportedly paid her $200,000 for family photos and video.
I knew she would get away with this, there was no solid evidence, not sure what the prosecutors were smoking when they thought they had a case, wasting tax payors money with this bullshit
lawyer #2 chimes in: the prosecution flat out overcharged. I know a lot of lawyers and citizens who are outraged, but the fact of the matter is the prosecution was overzealous. Whats even more interesting is the story behind Jose Baez, her attorney. Apparently he was disbarred for awhile because of his financial instability, and hadn't been practicing that long. Anthony was referred to him by another inmate in jail. This is by far the biggest case of his life. While he did fuck up on a few things, his #1 greatest asset was how he worked the jury. He would greet all 12 of them every morning. This played well into the minds of the jury, especially when during the closing the prosecutors were snickering and smiling and laughing and making general idiots of themselves. This, did not bode well for them.

So in the end, the american judicial system stays intact. The jury took the prosecutions burden literally...that they couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she committed FIRST degree murder. If they would have charged her with negligent homicide, or manslaughter they'd probably have won...but they didn' they fail.
I'm sure the DA started licking his chops on this case as soon as it became clear that the public and media were providing momentum. "Sweet! A career-building slam dunk. Why not go for the death penalty?"


A similar (though different) thing happened in the Dominique Strauss-Kahn episode. The DA likely thought he'd build his career by taking the IMF chief down. So, he got excited and overplayed his hand.

Arrest Strauss-Kahn before he could hop to Paris? Good idea.

Push for indictment 5 days later without investigation? Bad idea. lol

Result? Tuck your tail between your legs, and let the defense know your case sucks.

High-profile cases are a springboard for careers. Just ask Giuliani. But if you're gonna overreach, you better win.
Common sense of anyone in their right mind says she did it. Of course a lawyers common sense doesn't work within the same framework as ours as they only see the system and never the truth. The Jury didn't fail on this one, the system did, just the same as the OJ trial. Truth and Justice doesn't matter any more, only THE LAW.

She killed her child and got away with it. Disgusting.
Common sense of anyone in their right mind says she did it. Of course a lawyers common sense doesn't work within the same framework as ours as they only see the system and never the truth. The Jury didn't fail on this one, the system did, just the same as the OJ trial. Truth and Justice doesn't matter any more, only THE LAW.

She killed her child and got away with it. Disgusting.

1. Body decomposing in her car
2. Everyone admitted knowledge of the kid's death & the disposing of the body at some point
3. Duct tape found all over corpse's face

Guilty or crazy are the only logical options.
Common sense of anyone in their right mind says she did it. Of course a lawyers common sense doesn't work within the same framework as ours as they only see the system and never the truth. The Jury didn't fail on this one, the system did, just the same as the OJ trial. Truth and Justice doesn't matter any more, only THE LAW.

She killed her child and got away with it. Disgusting.

Common sense can trick you, not to mention that common sense is not really all too common. That is why we have the law. To exact precision into judgement.

OJ - they framed a guilty man. they screwed with the evidence and lost the trial.

CA - better to let the guilty go free than a single innocent person be convicted.

People can act high and mighty and moral on this forum but if it were your butt in the defendants seat you would be really happy that you are protected by the law and that they needed more than circumstantial evidence to put you away for life.
In the OJ trial no one framed anyone. A team of highly competent high cost lawyers won the case with bullshit and misdirection. A total manipulation of the law to get a scumbag off. System failed.

Also don't forget that in your great legal system a person who is 100% innocent can be put behind bars for years without trial. I am not talking about a holiday camp jail, I am talking about a full-on rape-you-in-the-ass county jail.

A teenage boy was recently jailed for almost a week and faces a possible 8 year sentence. For what?.............For a high school prank where he left a blow up sex doll in a highschool bathroom stall for an end of year prank. They thought he could be a terrorist planting a bomb!

The system is built on fear, manipulation and money, nothing more.
Some of the jurors have been giving interviews and one of them said that for a while six members of the jury were insisting on a guilty verdict and the people on the other side were yelling and badgering them until all six backed down.

Yeah, justice is served all right.
In the OJ trial no one framed anyone. A team of highly competent high cost lawyers won the case with bullshit and misdirection. A total manipulation of the law to get a scumbag off. System failed.

Also don't forget that in your great legal system a person who is 100% innocent can be put behind bars for years without trial. I am not talking about a holiday camp jail, I am talking about a full-on rape-you-in-the-ass county jail.

A teenage boy was recently jailed for almost a week and faces a possible 8 year sentence. For what?.............For a high school prank where he left a blow up sex doll in a highschool bathroom stall for an end of year prank. They thought he could be a terrorist planting a bomb!

The system is built on fear, manipulation and money, nothing more.

1. Maybe they did use the Chewbacca defense, I agree he probably was guilty, but they could have been killed by someone else that had motive. Nicole was selling cocaine and friends of Ron's were machine gunned down around the same time for a bad drug deal - all revolved around the restaurant where Ron worked.
2. They did frame him, extra blood on the fence from one picture to the next, bad chain of custody by taking the blood samples home overnight - why?, I forget the rest of the inconsistencies in the prosecutions case - too many years ago.

The teenager case is tragic and a real problem when we are faced with over reaction and prosecutorial abuse. Hopefully the system will fix itself in trial. Do not judge the system by the fact the kid has a trial.

I will grant you, the system has a lot of problems, but can you design a better one? A lot of poorer people go to jail due to bad cops and bad prosecutors and bad defense attorneys. But I could argue that without the current system a lot more would be imprisoned.