And you too. The chair for your disagreeing ass.

I post a succinct recap of the prosecutor's shit job; you post a whiney, ranting, Warrior Forum caliber post flailing your arms and legs declaring based on your whines she should get executed. And I'm the idiot?
Here's my opinion:

The wife told me about this when I got home today. Damn sad day indeed. I can't understand how being a party slut is more important than your own child.

Then again I'm not a party slut. Though I kinda wish I was. :)
I post a succinct recap of the prosecutor's shit job; you post a whiney, ranting, Warrior Forum caliber post flailing your arms and legs declaring based on your whines she should get executed. And I'm the idiot?

I think the prosecution did the best they could with what they had to work with. If the police don't bring them decent evidence then their hands are pretty much tied.

Correct me if I'm wrong but she can still be charged with lesser offenses.
very interesting thread; my issue is how much sympathy do we show for someone like this; obviously she is mentally ill... idk i could definitely go off on a tangent about this issue, but i'm not sure what purpose that would serve.
can someone please link to a cliffnotes or timeline on what the fuck this whole thing is about?

  • bitch kills her kid
  • said bitch goes out partying and getting fucked up while her kid is "missing"
  • pictures leaked of her buying cases of beer and doing sexual shit with other dirty bitches at frat partys WHILE her kid is "missing"
  • bitch is finally arrested for killing her child
  • everyone knows she did it
  • bitch gets off scott-free
  • uproar from public and WF members, much like the OJ verdict, cept she's white female so it will pass over quicker than OJ did
  • the end
Are you sure beyond a reasonable doubt that the child couldn't have accidentally drowned and then Casey tried to cover it up? If it's possible that is what happened then she would be not guilty of the charges.

They should have charged her with reckless homicide or something like that. This wasn't like the OJ trials where it was obvious that the victims were killed by knife attack.

So how long before she does porn?

This girl is so screwed up that no one can be certain of anything except that she should not be allowed to care for a child.

Shitty evidence = no conviction.

Good, it is better that this guilty person go free than someone who is innocent is convicted with the same flimsy evidence. No one can be certain beyond a reasonable doubt in this case. Thank God we have that standard.

By the way - OJ got off because the Cops screwed with the evidence to make a better case. Basically - they framed a guilty man.
I post a succinct recap of the prosecutor's shit job; you post a whiney, ranting, Warrior Forum caliber post flailing your arms and legs declaring based on your whines she should get executed. And I'm the idiot?
I didn't have anything against your 'succinct recap,' I never mentioned it.

I only posted my opinion that she did enough evil that she deserves the chair even without the court seeing it as intentional.

So I'm a meanie. Fuck you. Let's see someone on WaFo say the same.
Good, it is better that this guilty person go free than someone who is innocent is convicted with the same flimsy evidence. No one can be certain beyond a reasonable doubt in this case. Thank God we have that standard.
If it was just about not enough evidence I'd agree... But there was plenty of evidence of her doing really, really shitty things.

If I fell asleep at the wheel of a train and it killed 700 passengers, damn right I'd deserve the chair. She should too, no matter how unintentional.
arlight. who is gonna break out the real fucking analysis; enough with the nonsense. i know we have some college students or college educated members here; i wish i were the one to do it, but i am not.

all i can say is "principle of utility," that bitch.
I do not respond to people whose account is about to be completely deleted after being permabanned.

ooo shitt... permabanned. quite a creation if a might add. i don't see why one we even concern themselves with the removal of my account; i appreciate the thought, however.

how does it feel that you consumed some of your finite time on earth with thoughts about a random digital screenname? your time currency must not be very valuable to you.
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