You are right that the system has a lot of problems, and I for one could not come up with a better one. But that doesn't change the fact that another guilty person is walking free with lawyers with smug looks on their face saying that justice was done properly. It's bullshit and you know it and I know it.

1. Body decomposing in her car

They came nowhere close to proving that.

2. Everyone admitted knowledge of the kid's death & the disposing of the body at some point

Casey was never on the stand, but admitting knowledge of an accidental death is completely different than admitting knowledge of a murder.

3. Duct tape found all over corpse's face

No it wasn't and was never even touching skin according to an expert :
Casey Anthony trial: Witness refutes duct tape as murder weapon -

Some of the jurors have been giving interviews and one of them said that for a while six members of the jury were insisting on a guilty verdict and the people on the other side were yelling and badgering them until all six backed down.

Source? That sounds illegal. It would only have taken one of the six to complain, or one of them to insist on guilt for there to be a hung jury.

Common sense of anyone in their right mind says she did it.

Common sense says that if you had 100 cases just like this every year, that quite possibly in at least 1 out of the 100, the "she drowned by accident in a pool" story would be true.

"It is better 100 guilty persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer" - Benjamin Franklin
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Common sense says that if you had 100 cases just like this every year, that quite possibly in at least 1 out of the 100, the "she drowned by accident in a pool" story would be true.

You can say the same about almost every type of case so why convict anyone. Doubt can always be shown, but whether it is reasonable or not is the issue. She did it and she was caught. But lets just wait for "how I would have done it" book to see what the prosecution missed.
^You're right, but the law is unfair b/c the universe itself is unfair. Not much we can do about it, brah.

I agree, but it doesn't stop me from calling lawyers cocksuckers when they say that the verdict was right and justice was served.
As of Tuesday the jury was voted 6 jurors against 6 for a manslaughter verdict. Then things got heated, both sides were yelling over one another, the jury foreman had to get everybody to shut the fuck up and start talking in a calmer voice. But the 6 who were against the manslaughter vote were pretty intimidating, loud, and angry, and basically acted like bullies against the six jurors who wanted to convict.

Juror number two, a guy, is coming out with this info. I'm not going to do your due diligence for you because I've already wasted more than enough fucking time thinking about this cunt who killed her kid and her fucked up family who helped get her off. Google is your friend, man.
"It is better 100 guilty persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer" - Benjamin Franklin

From what I understand Ben Franklin was kind of a scumbag and probably said that in hopes of it saving his own ass one day.

Just what Florida needs is yet another crazy mofo on the streets. I live in Tampa and feel increasing uneasy everyday.
unfortunately in the world we live in women are not only not punished for bad behavior i.e. lying, being irresponsible , cheating. they are rewarded for it. in this case Casey got offered a porn job.

women got the media, government, family courts etc.

We men made the mistake of letting women having the right to vote.

they took that right and starting thinking they could have all the rights as men with out any of the responsibility.

and the result of all that is shit like this.
You can say the same about almost every type of case so why convict anyone.

step 1 : prove a murder occurred
step 2 : prove someone committed the murder

In most murder cases, especially ones where people get convicted, they have little trouble in proving step 1. They didn't get past step 1 here.

As of Tuesday the jury was voted 6 jurors against 6 for a manslaughter verdict. Then things got heated, both sides were yelling over one another, the jury foreman had to get everybody to shut the fuck up and start talking in a calmer voice. But the 6 who were against the manslaughter vote were pretty intimidating, loud, and angry, and basically acted like bullies against the six jurors who wanted to convict.

Juror number two, a guy, is coming out with this info. I'm not going to do your due diligence for you because I've already wasted more than enough fucking time thinking about this cunt who killed her kid and her fucked up family who helped get her off. Google is your friend, man.

All I can find is articles where juror number 2 says he wishes there had been more evidence. Intimidation of jurors is highly serious and I would imagine that the prosecution would be all over this if it was going on at the level you are saying.
all that shit and a link

Alright, I stand corrected

unfortunately in the world we live in women are not only not punished for bad behavior i.e. lying, being irresponsible , cheating. they are rewarded for it. in this case Casey got offered a porn job.

women got the media, government, family courts etc.

We men made the mistake of letting women having the right to vote.

they took that right and starting thinking they could have all the rights as men with out any of the responsibility.

and the result of all that is shit like this.

You got it dude. Fucking women and their rights.



unfortunately in the world we live in women are not only not punished for bad behavior i.e. lying, being irresponsible , cheating. they are rewarded for it. in this case Casey got offered a porn job.

Not certain what you are saying here. At first you are bemoaning the world we live in and then you turn the world upside down saying she is being rewarded with a porn job. In what world is a porn job considered a reward? Porn actresses are hookers.

If you are a chick and want a job in a porn it is very easy. They will even pay you a commission for referring the girl. Trust me I have been offered the cash. Price goes up depending on what the girl is willing to do.

Now that would be a great offer from a network.
User Happy Warrior from warriorforum thinks that it is now "absolutely necessary" and of the "utmost necessity" for the Federal government to now get involved, to somehow bring about justice for Caylee.

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