Case Study #2: Quality between Adwords/Yahoo/Adcenter

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Wolf, I don't need you following me around. If you don't have something productive to say, then stop responding to everything I post. Grow the fuck already. I had several people on the first case study ask me to do a second, which I did. So what is the reason of coming here and posting nonsense. If the case study does not interest, then just leave, no need to post paddle. It is as simple as that.

And to the others with a dildo up their ass, if I annoy you, then that's fine. I'm not going to regain your respect or interest, just don't keep coming to me looking for an argument. I don't go around looking for arguments.
Stfu.. Negged. Don't go around like superman fool.
good case study, fuk the haters, I think its very interesting you made that much more on Adcenter, than Adwords!

No shit? Adcenter converts better and has cheaper clicks? Really? Then I can give you another awesome secret. Go to the ebooks section, it will be a treasure trove for you.
ROIshare, why are you trying so hard to prove yourself? I checked your sig, it leads to a landing page. When we are ageing (BRITISH WRITING!) our domains, we throw up keywords on them, not "sharing the truth" pics. Splogs are even better.
And I agree that bbwolfe is sometimes being an asshole, that is the reason I like him.

But seriously, what are you trying to accomplish? I assume you want to gain e-trust so that you can launch an affiliate network or something. Put the time and effort on making your offer better, whatever that is. Not on case studies and tricks.

Glowleaf, I don't have any intention of proving myself, but when I have 2 homosexual guys following my EVERY post, bashing me, trashing me, when they themselves have problems; that gets me angry.

I posted the first case study of this, and all went well, I had members pm me and post that they want a part 2, which I just did for them. I am not proving myself right now, what I am is keeping my word for them.

I don't care about gaining trust from the few members that bash me. I really don't, since it's only a handful compared to those that I've earned the trust of. I just want the bashers to get of my cock. I don't go around picking fights with them, I don't want them to do the same with me. It's that simple.

But overall, thank you for your suggestions, even though I am already implementing them.

Stfu.. Negged. Don't go around like superman fool.

I don't know what is your problem. Not really sure how I was acting like superman, but again apparently you are turning WF into DP, where the high posters have immunity to embarrassment. Not a problem with me.
No shit? Adcenter converts better and has cheaper clicks? Really? Then I can give you another awesome secret. Go to the ebooks section, it will be a treasure trove for you.
yea it's really amazing so many people haven't ventured beyond adwords. idiots. this case study belongs on DP.
yea it's really amazing so many people haven't ventured beyond adwords. idiots. this case study belongs on DP.

It's not that many haven't ventured passed Adwords, but that many haven't put in the right effort on other PPC platforms such as MSN. MANY will just put up a campaign or two, wait several day; see little clicks, and think it's a waste. But those that actually test the shit out of it reap the benefits. My case study is pretty much there to show the potential of MSN once you become comforable with it and dedicate yourself with it.
It certainly takes time getting used to it's platform, but the lack of competition is worth it. If you find the right niche, you make bank for a good while.

true, but its SOOO horrible. lol. i guess i can just set up a campaign in adwords desktop tool and then export it...that's what i've been doing.
true, but its SOOO horrible. lol. i guess i can just set up a campaign in adwords desktop tool and then export it...that's what i've been doing.

I'm not sure what's so horrible about it. I have used it quite a bit, and if you think MSN has a bad interface - stay the fuck away from Yahoos.

The only thing that I don't like about MSN's interface is seeing my stats over a time frame I want to set.
In the first case study it was talked about that the type of searcher is different between the search engines. I'm curious how much demographics & style of landing page play a role in the results.

Did you use the same landing page between all the engines?

What was the style of landing did you use? Direct, review, testimonial/social proof?

If google tends to be people researching & Msn idiots with their credit card in hand, etc ..... landing page may make a difference.
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