Case Study #2: Quality between Adwords/Yahoo/Adcenter

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New member
Nov 10, 2008
November 17 - November 26


Due to the positive responses for the first case study. I had decided to run the case study again, under the same terms, but, under a different niche.

• I advertised the same landing page on all 3 advertising platforms; Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN Adcenter
• I bid on the same keywords on all 3 advertising platforms. I also bid high enough to attain the 1st position on every platform.
• There was a total budget of $1,000 in clicks for every platform. So in total, $3,000 was used in this case study. Once the budget was reached in that campaign, the campaign was paused until all other platforms reached their budget.


# Days took to reach $1,000 in Clicks
• Google Adwords : 3.5 Days
• Yahoo Search Marketing : 5 Days
• MSN Adcenter : 9 Days

Average CPC paid for 1st Position
• Google Adwords : $0.70
• Yahoo Search Marketing : $0.40
• MSN Adcenter : $0.30

Amount Of Clicks Received
• Google Adwords : 1430
• Yahoo Search Marketing : 2500
• MSN Adcenter : 3330

CTR % on the Landing Page

• Google Adwords : 46%
• Yahoo Search Marketing : 32%
• MSN Adcenter : 54%

Conversation Rate
• Google Adwords : 20%
• Yahoo Search Marketing : 11%
• MSN Adcenter : 26%

Amount Of Leads
• Google Adwords : 132
• Yahoo Search Marketing : 88
• MSN Adcenter : 468

Gross Profit ($18 Payout)
• Google Adwords : $2,380
• Yahoo Search Marketing : $1,580
• MSN Adcenter : $8420

Net Profit
• Google Adwords : $1,380
• Yahoo Search Marketing : $580
• MSN Adcenter : $7,420

Again, Adcenter seemed to have done the best in this case study again. This time I received a positive ROI from all three platforms, and making a bit more then the first study.


P.S. I did round digits to the nearest whole number and tens for $ values.
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Wolf, I don't need you following me around. If you don't have something productive to say, then stop responding to everything I post. Grow the fuck already. I had several people on the first case study ask me to do a second, which I did. So what is the reason of coming here and posting nonsense. If the case study does not interest, then just leave, no need to post paddle. It is as simple as that.

And to the others with a dildo up their ass, if I annoy you, then that's fine. I'm not going to regain your respect or interest, just don't keep coming to me looking for an argument. I don't go around looking for arguments.
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Just in case you don't get it...


I'm curious, what type offer where you promoting? Was it a product that is charged at a normal price ($49.99 or whatever), a trial product at something like $2.99, or was it a lead type of offer?
ROIshare, why are you trying so hard to prove yourself? I checked your sig, it leads to a landing page. When we are ageing (BRITISH WRITING!) our domains, we throw up keywords on them, not "sharing the truth" pics. Splogs are even better.
And I agree that bbwolfe is sometimes being an asshole, that is the reason I like him.

But seriously, what are you trying to accomplish? I assume you want to gain e-trust so that you can launch an affiliate network or something. Put the time and effort on making your offer better, whatever that is. Not on case studies and tricks.
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