Bro do you even HGH ?

do you even lift bro?

i can't believe i'm using that as an actual question but if you lift, you realise how slow it is no matter how hard you train. the body can only create so much muscle per week. i've no problems people doing roids but i definitely won't be doing them myself.

and lol at people who think all you have to do is shoot a syringe in your butt 3 times a week and then just sit around and misc

The body can produce as much muscle as you give it reason to produce. You dont need to make your pee expensive. Your body has actually developed the ability to produce as much somatropin as it needs. A couple billion years of evolution are just a tiny little bit smarter than what you heard on the street.

There are so many safer options out there if you really need to bulk up...

Dat ripptoe diet

"4000 calories a day is a minimum. 6000 works better. Lots of protein, vegetables, fruits, and clean carbs. No effort should be made to lower dietary fat whatsoever, but watch the crappy carbs and sugar."

it's so brutal I lasted 2 weeks and went back to being a gay webmaster. That and I just didn't have the time, I was literally spending more time trying to eat than doing anything else.
no disrespect but..

Fuck off. I'm not selling bullshit. I can't tell you how many guys
I've seen in said cosmetic office for repairs/enlargments w/e..and caused by roids. Maybe you had a professional trainer and your doses/prescriptions or whatever were different, but don't paint a fucking wide brush and say the world is just like your experience bro.
Your fucking wrong. Dick, balls, etc..the whole package can shrink.
Maybe you're spouting off due to some personal issues, and for that I feel a tiny bit bad for you bro. I myself have never touched
any roids and swing a mighty bat and don't intend to go the roid route.

The OP was about HGH btw..

Please don't speak about subjects you know nothing about.
Roids have no effect on your dick size.

I've seen testical shrinkage happen to some guys who don't consider PCT
in between cycles. But even shrinkage is very minimal.

It's so amazing the people who don't even know anything about a subject
and sit here and knock on it for no reason. All because they heard something
from someone else who heard it from there friend.

Get real.

I've been a user of test/deca/eq/tren for the past 3 years. If I had ever
started seeing my dick get smaller I would stop. My uncle who is almost 55 has been using juice for 25 years now and he is completely normal with a banging ass 35 year old girlfriend.

@Affiliatearmy: You are a complete moron. Take your false information somewhere else.
The body can produce as much muscle as you give it reason to produce. You dont need to make your pee expensive. Your body has actually developed the ability to produce as much somatropin as it needs. A couple billion years of evolution are just a tiny little bit smarter than what you heard on the street.

sure it can produce it if you give it enough time.

so how much lean muscle do you think a 25 year old natty male can add with optimal training and diet? there's physiological limits that no amount of extra protein, training or supps (lol) are gonna overcome
sure it can produce it if you give it enough time.

so how much lean muscle do you think a 25 year old natty male can add with optimal training and diet? there's physiological limits that no amount of extra protein, training or supps (lol) are gonna overcome

For someone who hasnt ever done significant training before, Ill put 15kg on him within 10 weeks unless he suffers from some freak medical condition (in which case, he might actually need one of those idiotic drugs people drop casually all day). Shits not as tough as you think it is. The only physical limitation to your mass gains is the amount of mass you shove down your pie hole. And he wont be spending every waking minute on the gym. Smart beats hard any day.

(I dont know what natty means)
Fuck off. I'm not selling bullshit. I can't tell you how many guys
I've seen in said cosmetic office for repairs/enlargments w/e..and caused by roids. Maybe you had a professional trainer and your doses/prescriptions or whatever were different, but don't paint a fucking wide brush and say the world is just like your experience bro.
Your fucking wrong. Dick, balls, etc..the whole package can shrink.
Maybe you're spouting off due to some personal issues, and for that I feel a tiny bit bad for you bro. I myself have never touched
any roids and swing a mighty bat and don't intend to go the roid route.

The OP was about HGH btw..

Steroids don't make your dick smaller or damage it, they can make your balls shrink because of the decrease in natural testosterone production.
I'm looking forward to seeing the source on this.

Link please?


The Results

So… guess what happened?

  • Group 1 (no exercise, natural) experienced no significant changes. No surprise there.
  • Group 2 (no exercise, drug use) was able to build about 7 pounds of muscle. That’s not a typo. The group receiving testosterone injections and NOT working out at all gained 7 pounds of muscle.
  • Group 3 (exercise, natural) was able to build about 4 pounds of muscle.
  • Group 4 (exercise, drug use) was able to build about 13 pounds of muscle.
Steroids vs Natural: The Muscle Building Effects Of Steroid Use

The study: MMS: Error

So yeah, steroids DOES do the work for you in terms of muscle mass. It is not even close.
Steroids don't make your dick smaller or damage it, they can make your balls shrink because of the decrease in natural testosterone production.

Saying "steroids" is kind of like saying "cancer". Steroids can cause all kinds of stuff.

Your reasoning doesnt make any sense anyway. You mix steroids and testosterone up like theyre the same thing. testosterone is one steroid. ingesting testosterone, like hgh, is just making your piss more expensive, because your body can produce as much of it as it wants to. Youll never have "not enough testosterone". You can substitute testosterone for proper training, but thats just being stupid.

Again: Testosterone IS an anabolic steroid. There are lots of others and when you eat a pill you bought from some dealer, you dont know what kind of toxic shit you do to your body.

Steroids can, like anything you put into your body, mess with every body function youve got available. Theyll obviously not make your dick shrink, but between muscles, nerves, arteries and hormones that are all important for proper erectyle function, youd have your doctors license revoked instantaneously if you just wandered around claiming that "roids are safe for dick".
Saying "steroids" is kind of like saying "cancer". Steroids can cause all kinds of stuff.

Your reasoning doesnt make any sense anyway. You mix steroids and testosterone up like theyre the same thing. testosterone is one steroid. ingesting testosterone, like hgh, is just making your piss more expensive, because your body can produce as much of it as it wants to. Youll never have "not enough testosterone". You can substitute testosterone for proper training, but thats just being stupid.

Again: Testosterone IS an anabolic steroid. There are lots of others and when you eat a pill you bought from some dealer, you dont know what kind of toxic shit you do to your body.

Steroids can, like anything you put into your body, mess with every body function youve got available. Theyll obviously not make your dick shrink, but between muscles, nerves, arteries and hormones that are all important for proper erectyle function, youd have your doctors license revoked instantaneously if you just wandered around claiming that "roids are safe for dick".

Do you really think anyone on here would understand the difference between test and steroids?
Saying "steroids" is kind of like saying "cancer". Steroids can cause all kinds of stuff.

Your reasoning doesnt make any sense anyway. You mix steroids and testosterone up like theyre the same thing. testosterone is one steroid. ingesting testosterone, like hgh, is just making your piss more expensive, because your body can produce as much of it as it wants to. Youll never have "not enough testosterone". You can substitute testosterone for proper training, but thats just being stupid.

Your body can certainly not produce anywhere close to bodybuilding levels of test injections.
Absolutely sure...?

Steroids don't make your dick smaller or damage it, they can make your balls shrink because of the decrease in natural testosterone production.

Dunno if we have any doc's up in here, but let's consult a pro and find out for sure. No reason why a beverly hills cosmetic clinic would say otherwise. But I have seen stranger shit and people lie, I know.. Something I just don't want to risk personally.
Dunno if we have any doc's up in here, but let's consult a pro and find out for sure. No reason why a beverly hills cosmetic clinic would say otherwise. But I have seen stranger shit and people lie, I know.. Something I just don't want to risk personally.

If anything it would make it grow. Testosterone makes a dick grow, you know like in puberty and also why women can't take testosterone or their clit begins to grow too (clit = underdeveloped penis if you didn't know).

As for why would the Beverly Hills doc say so? To make money from insecure homosexuals on roids most likely.
Why do you need to be big?

I am similar way, hard to gain weight, super lean, etc. Used to care about this, but I dunno whats the point? Do we all have to be super huge? Are you trying to compensate for some insecurities you might have?

If you really want it, you can get to any size you want, but you need to really want it. If you don't want it enough, do you really need it then?