Bro do you even HGH ?

i've a mate who uses it and he says it's unreal. only downside is its price, according to him. and can be hard to get. the gains he made speak for themself
gotta combine with roids if you want to see all kinds of gains.

otherwise you can get pretty cut (just make sure to inject in different parts of the body )

You could just, I don't know, actually put in the work to see results...

Dude trust me. I lift. It's just that I have lean muscle mass and am more endurance gifted than mass. Not too interested in roids per se for alotta reasons. Dick being one of them.
Knew a chick who worked at a clinic that did 'real' enlargements and 99% of clientele were ex/current weightlifters who lost their junk due to roids.

No thanks-
Nah bro, I don't even lift.

I have a daily regiment of yoga, tai chi and qi gong followed by meditation. I do this for health.

I did take some steroids for a very short time when I was younger and gained about 30lbs., but it didn't feel healthy. Lost the gains when I stopped taking them. IMHO, I'd rather be thin, healthy and happy than putting tons of shit chemicals in my body with who knows what side effects 20 years down the line.

Besides, most of the people that gain a lot turn into fatasses when they age.
Dude trust me. I lift. It's just that I have lean muscle mass and am more endurance gifted than mass. Not too interested in roids per se for alotta reasons. Dick being one of them.
Knew a chick who worked at a clinic that did 'real' enlargements and 99% of clientele were ex/current weightlifters who lost their junk due to roids.

No thanks-
steroids only affects the testicles
Dude trust me. I lift. It's just that I have lean muscle mass and am more endurance gifted than mass. Not too interested in roids per se for alotta reasons. Dick being one of them.
Knew a chick who worked at a clinic that did 'real' enlargements and 99% of clientele were ex/current weightlifters who lost their junk due to roids.

No thanks-

you have to take mega doses of roids for your dick/balls to malfunction
Dude trust me. I lift. It's just that I have lean muscle mass and am more endurance gifted than mass. Not too interested in roids per se for alotta reasons. Dick being one of them.
Knew a chick who worked at a clinic that did 'real' enlargements and 99% of clientele were ex/current weightlifters who lost their junk due to roids.

No thanks-

Who was PCT?
Dude trust me. I lift. It's just that I have lean muscle mass and am more endurance gifted than mass. Not too interested in roids per se for alotta reasons. Dick being one of them.
Knew a chick who worked at a clinic that did 'real' enlargements and 99% of clientele were ex/current weightlifters who lost their junk due to roids.

No thanks-

If you don't come off a cycle properly you can lose your natural ability to create testosterone and also become infertile.

You are not ready to inject anything into your body, you have lots to learn. Start reading.
Dude trust me. I lift. It's just that I have lean muscle mass and am more endurance gifted than mass. Not too interested in roids per se for alotta reasons. Dick being one of them.
Knew a chick who worked at a clinic that did 'real' enlargements and 99% of clientele were ex/current weightlifters who lost their junk due to roids.

No thanks-

Please don't speak about subjects you know nothing about.
Roids have no effect on your dick size.

I've seen testical shrinkage happen to some guys who don't consider PCT
in between cycles. But even shrinkage is very minimal.

It's so amazing the people who don't even know anything about a subject
and sit here and knock on it for no reason. All because they heard something
from someone else who heard it from there friend.

Get real.

I've been a user of test/deca/eq/tren for the past 3 years. If I had ever
started seeing my dick get smaller I would stop. My uncle who is almost 55 has been using juice for 25 years now and he is completely normal with a banging ass 35 year old girlfriend.

@Affiliatearmy: You are a complete moron. Take your false information somewhere else.
You could just, I don't know, actually put in the work to see results...

do you even lift bro?

i can't believe i'm using that as an actual question but if you lift, you realise how slow it is no matter how hard you train. the body can only create so much muscle per week. i've no problems people doing roids but i definitely won't be doing them myself.

and lol at people who think all you have to do is shoot a syringe in your butt 3 times a week and then just sit around and misc
and lol at people who think all you have to do is shoot a syringe in your butt 3 times a week and then just sit around and misc

That is actually all you need to do on roids. There have been studies showing that non lifting roiding males gained more muscle than lifting non roiding males.

Roid if you will, but don't be proud for your gains.
yada yada

The thing with negative side effects is that they dont happen to everyone. Buy some HGH from some shady dealer that may or may not be HGH and run awesome risks of fucking up your body for life.

Some idiot I know is old and has a slightly less old but still old girlfriend. Scientifically proven beyond a doubt that all drugs are fine for everyone. Because he gets old pussy.

Buy illegal shit. You wont get it medical grade. You wont have a doctor running tests for you about contraindications. You dont know shit about your bodies various minor flaws that turn it into a rotting mess when coming in contact with idiotic flavour of the month drug #15.

Another tip. Doctors dont do 15 years of training because medicine is "if you take drug x you gain some water in your biceps lolz". Its complex. You dont know what those drugs do. Especially hormones.

Your routine blows. You most likely dont even squat. If you squat, you most likely dont squat 2.5 times your body weight. You dont eat 4000 calories a day. Youve never done a smolov cycle. If youre doing split routines with 8 reps of whatever amount of sets is en vogue right now, all youre really doing is increasing the amount of sarcoplasm. One Drug that is actually proven to help with that is creatine, which just so happens to be relatively well researched and doesnt run the immediate risk of turning your kidneys into biohazard. Or your liver.

Listen to all those guys whove seen "amazing gains" with drug X. Chances are, for every one of those, theres another miserable bitch whos got himself into life long body fuck ups. Survivorship bias anyone?

Casually talk about injecting shit you know nothing about into body parts you know so little about that you actually believe youre an expert on the topic. I hope youre at least sterilizing your needles. Try baking soda, it seems to be good for your body.

People freak out when they read anal leakage as a possible side effect on prescripted drugs. Those same guys happily inject stuff they bought in some dark alley right into where they think their muscles might be. Because it apparently means the world to them to show off disproportionate biceps in club. Not sad at all.
I believe that's what caused Saku Koivu's cancer.

You're skinny and need to pack on some muscle? How about protein + creatine pre and post workout? How about trying natural amino acids like L-Glutamine, Beta Alanine and L-Arginine?

There are so many safer options out there if you really need to bulk up...