Everyone beware of affilaitewise, I joined about half year ago and started running offer for them 2.5 months ago!
I made 3k$ commission for one of the offer from this network. Funny thing begin. First, they said advertisers want to know how do I drive the traffic and want to investigate my traffic. I think it is very normal process, so I co-operated with them to provide information they need and be patient for the investigation.
what's funny .they Told me "whether or not you were incentivizing the offer. We are on your side in this matter and would really like to be able to receive these commissions as well."
haha.do they want to ask me to cheat the advertisers with them ? lol
Six days ago ,i get a respond from them, they said the Advertiser have agree to pay the commission. They have already get money from advertiser,and ask more traffic from me .
Thing continue happens. I get an email from my AC called Aaron Harper, this is the details.
PIC 1.
PIC 2.
After i talk with him .He tell me he need my one phone id to verify in order to send the check out. So i send my health card to him. Funniest thing is he says sometimes i use Chinese IP to login my account. So he cannot pay me even when i give them my id.
1- is my traffic bad ? no
2- have the Advertiser pay them ? yes
3- but they still do not want to pay me .
I am here to partner with this bull shit network not an employee for this sh*ty network. I felt completely disappoint and see no respects.
1- Affilaitewise use publishers to max-income/commission and false accusation publisher for any possible reasons to looking for an excuse not to pay publishers~ 2- Affilaitewise more likely to be a scam ask people for ID then not paying to me 3- Discrimination appearing during the conversation on the phone
I made 3k$ commission for one of the offer from this network. Funny thing begin. First, they said advertisers want to know how do I drive the traffic and want to investigate my traffic. I think it is very normal process, so I co-operated with them to provide information they need and be patient for the investigation.
what's funny .they Told me "whether or not you were incentivizing the offer. We are on your side in this matter and would really like to be able to receive these commissions as well."
haha.do they want to ask me to cheat the advertisers with them ? lol
Six days ago ,i get a respond from them, they said the Advertiser have agree to pay the commission. They have already get money from advertiser,and ask more traffic from me .
Thing continue happens. I get an email from my AC called Aaron Harper, this is the details.
PIC 1.
PIC 2.
After i talk with him .He tell me he need my one phone id to verify in order to send the check out. So i send my health card to him. Funniest thing is he says sometimes i use Chinese IP to login my account. So he cannot pay me even when i give them my id.
1- is my traffic bad ? no
2- have the Advertiser pay them ? yes
3- but they still do not want to pay me .
I am here to partner with this bull shit network not an employee for this sh*ty network. I felt completely disappoint and see no respects.
1- Affilaitewise use publishers to max-income/commission and false accusation publisher for any possible reasons to looking for an excuse not to pay publishers~ 2- Affilaitewise more likely to be a scam ask people for ID then not paying to me 3- Discrimination appearing during the conversation on the phone