Best Xrumer Service on WF - 5k-20k link packages

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Well, no news is bad news and sadly I have no news.
Nothing really to report other than the fact that we're still waiting on the xrumer folks to get the licensing server back online. I'll let ya'll know as soon as I hear anything/they get the server online. Sorry for the continued delays but they are outside my control.
Ready for a Jedi blast! Let me know when your up again buddy.

Haha - will do man.

For those waiting here's an update straight from the xrumer folks.

Sorry for this delay, but we've meet some tech issues with some new software on new server.. thats why site [and licensing server] is still not working, but we a working hard on it, and doing our best to solve this problem!
Please have patience, soon all will work
The servers are back live and we're cranking through our backlog as quickly as possible. I'll make another post here when we're all caught up :)
Thanks for your orders ya'll :)
For those waiting on the site I keep hinting about we're (still) working on a couple bugs that need fixed before I can take the site live, we'll have it up as soon as possible! :)
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