Best Places To Live? (Women + Money + Real Estate + Etc)

Meanwhile, I've been to all countries from Croatia to Czech Republic and chicks are good looking and fit, or is it because I'm fat-blind?

eastern european girls have the best genes in the whole world. nope you're not blind.
nice, used to live there but went away to college soon. Really is a nice place all around.

Oh you mean jew village?

(i actually only know one jew from there, i just figure they all spawn from the same location)

i grew up in kenilworth, we had maybe 10 jew families out of 2000 people total. all the jews you speak of come from glencoe, thats why they call it jew trier

= Rosie Jones.

Topless and Naked | Rosie Jones | Cover Girls |

AND SHE'S BRITISH TOO? thank you for making my day, sir.
no sales tax in oregon and we have one of the/ if not the highest minimum wage out there. $8.40 hr. not sure what this thread was about but that seemed like the right thing to say. :)
no sales tax in oregon and we have one of the/ if not the highest minimum wage out there. $8.40 hr. not sure what this thread was about but that seemed like the right thing to say. :)

Good info in case OP loses all his money and pursues the cashier/bagger route. A+ would read again
I'd never live in NY again, but that's me. After 8 years in Chicago, I'm getting bored as well. Hence the plan is to move across the pond in September....not sure of destination yet.
Why don't you travel a bit and then can decide whether it is worth to stay or go.

Store your shit and take a year of traveling...

Exactly, im gonna stay put and pile my money up and just travel. If i find somewhere I love then who knows but im staying put for now. Just wanted to see if anyone was having a blast somewhere random like amsterdam or even ohio ;)
i grew up in kenilworth, we had maybe 10 jew families out of 2000 people total. all the jews you speak of come from glencoe, thats why they call it jew trier
For some reason people in Kenilworth refuse to sell their homes to Jews (maybe it has to do with some Kennedy shit going on, who knows). As for Glencoe being jewtown, it's more like Skokie. You can't drive through Skokie on the Sabbath without seeing at least 10 gandalf looking motherfuckers sporting black outfits. Oh, and the neighborhoods of Kenilworth/Wilmette/Winnetka/Glencoe are pretty sweet, but only if you're stacked and looking to raise kids. Otherwise you might as well move to the city.
I really like living in the North Georgia mountains. The cost of living is lower than in other places and you have a lot of outdoors stuff to do. Granted, you're usually 45 minutes to an hour away from any major shopping, so if that's what you like to do then you'll probably want to move to the Atlanta area from Marietta onwards.

Now, I'm not saying I don't want to travel, alot, but I like quite and being surrounded by lots of trees streams when I'm at home.

I've been reading this thread over and jotting some notes down on places to visit when I go backpacking Europe next summer after I get my graduate degree.
For some reason people in Kenilworth refuse to sell their homes to Jews (maybe it has to do with some Kennedy shit going on, who knows). As for Glencoe being jewtown, it's more like Skokie. You can't drive through Skokie on the Sabbath without seeing at least 10 gandalf looking motherfuckers sporting black outfits. Oh, and the neighborhoods of Kenilworth/Wilmette/Winnetka/Glencoe are pretty sweet, but only if you're stacked and looking to raise kids. Otherwise you might as well move to the city.

You want to experience culture shock?

Drive from Devon St to Skokie along California.

You'll think you're in the West Bank.
Wow I had no idea the North Shore was so well represented on WF. Skokie really is jew town, that's where all my jew friends live.

All of those suburbs may be nice for raising a family, but they're boring as hell (I grew up in Glenview). I can't imagine why anyone other than old retirees would want to live there.