Best Places To Live? (Women + Money + Real Estate + Etc)

South Beach, Miami!

Yea taxes are still the same, and lots of immigrants (I love immigrants, they make the world go round here in America) but I know plenty of beautiful buildings you can own/rent for dirt cheap right on the water. Night life is amazing and the women are top notch...

And ya never know, the bang bus from bang bros could always pick you up ;)


Miami is like basically living in 5 Spanish countries mixed into one. Taxes are not nearly as bad as CA AND it is much warmer year round. Housing is currently DIRT cheap in high rises on the beach.

Plus, you don't have to deal with all of the Visa/Tourists/Citizenship bullshit.


Miami is like basically living in 5 Spanish countries mixed into one. Taxes are not nearly as bad as CA AND it is much warmer year round. Housing is currently DIRT cheap in high rises on the beach.

Plus, you don't have to deal with all of the Visa/Tourists/Citizenship bullshit.

Word, prices have dropped so much I'm shopping for a new place right now.
Barcelona, Spain. It's in top 10 on any "best place to live" list.
Take citizenship of any EU country and you can live anywhere in EU (except Malta). Most EU countries have a policy where you don't have to pay taxes in both your country and country where your income was made...
I loved New York for 17 years. However, Denver Colorado now, the cost of living is better. Additionally, supposedly the healthiest state in the nation.

I've lived in Sweden, not my cup of tea.

I'm the luckiest man int he world, here's my girl:

OP: I see from those pics you're a fan of the English ladies (Keeley Hazell/Rosie Jones). If you like crumpets, tea and shitty weather... could be the ideal move buddy.

Given the choice, I think I'd head off to the Canary Islands or mainland Spain. Everyone seems to rave about Switzerland as being the best place to live though.
I'm not sure where you guys are getting this "condos in Miami on the beach are dirt cheap" stuff. I live in South Beach now and it's great but I definitely don't consider my rent cheap. Same with buying. Prices definitely went down, but I don't think condos on Miami Beach are cheap to buy unless you get something small and away from the ocean. The condos might look cheap but you can't overlook the HOA fees and taxes down here, because they are pretty high.

But other than that, Miami and Miami Beach are awesome. I was in a similar position to move pretty much anywhere and I chose South Beach.
I am actually looking for somewhere to base myself that's not too far outside the US (I want to be able to fly in out and out fairly easily), pretty cheap and with hot girls for sexy times.

Costa Rica seems to be pretty high up on that list - will I be able to live like a true baller on pretty moderate money, get a nice place, be surrounded by honeys and just generally live the dream? Anyone on here live there? What about some other Central American countries?

Other options are Brazil (chances of getting shot by kids with guns is inevitably higher), Mexico, Argentina or anywhere else that's fucking cool. The last two are a bit far from the USA though...

All I can say is that living in 3rd world countries is not all it's cracked up to be. Definitely spend A LOT of time wherever you think you like before making any commitments.
Stay away from countries in transition, especially those in Europe. Corruption is pretty high, people are pretty conservative, churches have massive role in daily life and public goods are shitty...

All those countries were communist before so most of the people want free social stuff, as they had before, which results in higher and extremely progressive taxes, deficit and rising public debt. Each and every one of those countries wants to be like Sweden...

Of course, now when Greece is collapsing, governments are drastically changing their policies from social-democrat to libertarian...

Meanwhile, I've been to all countries from Croatia to Czech Republic and chicks are good looking and fit, or is it because I'm fat-blind?