Best Places To Live? (Women + Money + Real Estate + Etc)

If you're single, consider going to an Asian country to teach English. You would have to work 20-30 hours a week, but that would give you your visa, and the ability to bounce around.

I'm heading to Thailand next February to do the same.
If it's America: Miami. If it's anywhere: Monaco. The only people who live in New York are the ones who can't afford to make their money elsewhere.
Take the perpetual traveler route. Leave the US and stay where you want but make sure not to stay long enough in any country to become a resident for tax purposes, which is usually 6 months. Maybe 5 months in Milan, 5 months in Barcelona, and the balance elsewhere. That way you can escape US federal income tax on $90k or so.
Take the perpetual traveler route. Leave the US and stay where you want but make sure not to stay long enough in any country to become a resident for tax purposes, which is usually 6 months. Maybe 5 months in Milan, 5 months in Barcelona, and the balance elsewhere. That way you can escape US federal income tax on $90k or so.

without any student visa and as an american I think that you can stay 3 months in an european country without being considered a resident. But thats not a big problem when looking at the amount of countries in europe alone...
If you're single, consider going to an Asian country to teach English. You would have to work 20-30 hours a week, but that would give you your visa, and the ability to bounce around.

I'm heading to Thailand next February to do the same.

If you are going asia, buy a work permit. Should be quite cheap.
Average income 1.2k USD a month
Food = Excellent
Public transportation = Excellent
Technology = Excellent, you get whatever comes out of Japan/Korea in a month or two.

Most people speak Engrish, a bit harder to understand than English, but you'll get used to it.

Here is a picture
move about, anywhere can get boring, plus the world is pretty big, might aswell see some of it :D

personally I like Australia, would love to go back. second to that I like northern Italy, stunning place.

Cant believe someone mentioned Amsterdam lol
vegas is starting to sound more and more appealing... especially the tax part.
No state taxes in Texas either. There are business taxes though but they're pretty low especially for affiliates
Too bad the weather in texas sucks BAD.

To the OP - here's some serious advice. You are just starting out, don't make any rash decisions. If I were you, I'd focus on just making more money and staying where you are. SoCal is hard to beat if you have the money. Who cares about taxes, just make more money.

Trust me, living in Vegas or Texas over SoCal just to save 10% ain't worth it. Just work smarter, scale shit up and make more money. SoCal is easily worth 10% over Vegas or Texas.
Too bad the weather in texas sucks BAD.

To the OP - here's some serious advice. You are just starting out, don't make any rash decisions. If I were you, I'd focus on just making more money and staying where you are. SoCal is hard to beat if you have the money. Who cares about taxes, just make more money.

Trust me, living in Vegas or Texas over SoCal just to save 10% ain't worth it. Just work smarter, scale shit up and make more money. SoCal is easily worth 10% over Vegas or Texas.

Yea im definitely not looking to move any time soon, i was going to save as much as possible for 2-4 years and then move once things have gotten even shittier and I have enough to invest, buy a house, condo or whatever. Im curious though, why are you so set on socal? Any specifics?
i live in marin county in northern california and i absolutely love it here. i plan on getting a home in LA later too though. i think california in general is the shit.
The correct answer is to stay in Coastal CA and instead of spending the effort trying to figure out how to skirt the taxes and move elsewhere just work harder and make more money.

you're welcome
The correct answer is to stay in Coastal CA and instead of spending the effort trying to figure out how to skirt the taxes and move elsewhere just work harder and make more money.

you're welcome

Your 100% right. with the amount of time id spend on learning the area, moving all my shit, etc i could just be in socal making more money
South Beach, Miami!

Yea taxes are still the same, and lots of immigrants (I love immigrants, they make the world go round here in America) but I know plenty of beautiful buildings you can own/rent for dirt cheap right on the water. Night life is amazing and the women are top notch...

And ya never know, the bang bus from bang bros could always pick you up ;)